[ACCEPTED] Hunter Stile

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Hunter Stile
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LSEMS Awards

[ACCEPTED] Hunter Stile

Post by Hunter Stile »

Personal Information
Title (Mr/Miss/Mrs): Mr
First Name: Hunter
Last Name: Stile
    Date of Birth: 18/10/1999
    Place of Birth: Manchester, United Kingdom
      Contact Number: 3822307
      Email Address: [email protected]
      Residential Address: Eclipse Tower, 126
        Height: N/A (haven't measured myself)
        Weight: N/A (haven't weighed myself)
        Reason for Resignation
        End of Employment Reason: RESIGNED | HONORABLY DISCHARGED
        End of Employment Date: 06/10/2020
        Badge Number: #504
        Position Held: Correctional Officer I
        Division: N/A
        Divisional Leader?: N
        Direct Supervisor: Not Sure
        Contact Number: N/A
        Desired Position: Correctional Officer I

        Why should we accept you for that position?: You should accept me for that position because I feel like I could probably get the hang of the ropes pretty quickly and learn the new ways again.

        Why did your employment with the San Andreas Department of Corrections end? I Resigned from SADOC because I had to take a break from the city for a while and obviously didn't have the same for any LOAs nor getting hours on the job (since LOAs dont last 6months)... I did the same with LSEMS and resigned from there last year for the same reason but soon came back to that.

        Have you had any felony charges against you in the time that you were gone? I Have Not.

        What have you done since your resignation or termination? I took a large break from the city and when I came back, I had reinstated into LSEMS and worked there for the whole of the time being.
          I, Hunter Stile, hereby declare: That the information contained within this application form, the curriculum vitae, and in the enclosed documents to my knowledge is true, and I undertake to provide documentary evidence if required. I furthermore declare that all copies enclosed are true to the original documents. I declare that I am aware that any lack of veracity of the information or the distortion of the documents will entail the invalidity of the merits affected and that I may be liable for legal responsibility.
            I declare that the foregoing is true and correct.
            Signing date 14/JUL/2021
              (( OOC Section ))
              Forum name: Hunter Stile
              Discord ID: Hunter. #0420
              IRL age: 18
              Timezone: GMT+1
              Geographical location: United Kingdom
              List of characters’ names: Hunter Stile, Hunter Pryce
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                    Sarah Williams
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                    Re: SADOC Reinstatement - Hunter Stile

                    Post by Sarah Williams »

                        Dear Applicant,
                          We have decided to put your reinstatement on hold while the San Andreas Department of Corrections looks into your reinstatement request further. Your application has been read over and is pending HR Command Approval.

                          Sarah Williams
                          Correctional Officer II, Human Resources
                          San Andreas Department of Corrections

                          Solomon Cobb
                          San Andreas Department of Corrections

                          [email protected]
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                            Kourtney LaFleur
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                            Re: [OFFER OF EMPLOYMENT] Hunter Stile

                            Post by Kourtney LaFleur »

                                Dear Applicant,
                                  We are glad to inform you that we extend the offer of Correctional Officer I in General Field Operations.

                                  The terms for your reinstatement are as follows:
                                  • You must go through all training procedures to become a Correctional Officer Trainee.
                                  • You will then complete all the training necessary to advance from a Correctional Officer Trainee to be given your offered rank.
                                  If you wish to accept these terms, reply to this email in the next 48 hours. If you wish to dispute your rank given, send a government email to the person who proposed this offer of employment.

                                  Kourtney Lafleur
                                  Captain, Human Resources
                                  San Andreas Department of Corrections

                                  Solomon Cobb
                                  San Andreas Department of Corrections

                                  [email protected]
                                    User avatar
                                    Hunter Stile
                                    Posts: 1214
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                                    LSEMS Awards

                                    Re: [OFFER OF EMPLOYMENT] Hunter Stile

                                    Post by Hunter Stile »

                                    [align=center]Dear Kourtney,
                                    I greatly appreciate this offer and of course ACCEPT it.

                                    User avatar
                                    Kourtney LaFleur
                                    Posts: 5388
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                                    Re: [ACCEPTED] Hunter Stile

                                    Post by Kourtney LaFleur »

                                        Dear Applicant,
                                          We are pleased to inform you that your reinstatement request has been accepted.

                                          We are glad to accept you into the Department of Corrections as Correctional Officer I of General Field Operations.

                                          Make sure to introduce yourself to other officers when you're on duty!

                                          Kourtney Lafleur
                                          Captain, Human Resources
                                          San Andreas Department of Corrections

                                          Solomon Cobb
                                          San Andreas Department of Corrections

                                          [email protected]

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