[ACCEPTED REINSTATEMENT] [SADOC Reinstatement - Astra Amistoso]

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Astra Amistoso
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[ACCEPTED REINSTATEMENT] [SADOC Reinstatement - Astra Amistoso]

Post by Astra Amistoso »

1. Personal Information
1.1 Title (Mr/Miss/Mrs): Miss
1.2 First Name: Astra
1.3 Last Name: Amistoso
    1.4 Date of Birth: 14/06/2002
    1.5 Place of Birth: Philippines
      1.6 Contact Number: 398-7372
      1.7 Email Address: [email protected]
      1.8 Residential Address: Eclipse Towers
        1.9 Height: 155 cm
        1.10 Weight: 62 kg
          1.11 Proof of Identification and licence ((/licence))
            2 Reason for Resignation
            2.1 End of Employment Reason: RESIGNED
            2.2 End of Employment Date: 04/03/2023
            2.3 Badge Number: #908
            2.4 Position Held: Correction Officer 3
            2.5 Division: Correctional Medical Team and Groundskeeping Division
            2.6 Divisional Leader?: Yuki and Rock
            2.7 Direct Supervisor: Not sure but i think it was Jimmithy
            2.8 Contact Number: n/a
            2.9 Desired Position: Correction Officer 3

            2.10 Why should we accept you for that position?: During my time at SADOC I made sure to follow the handbook and the general conduct (CDRILS). Whenever I was given a task or order I made sure to do them with the best of my ability and asked for assistance when I needed it. I helped my fellow upcoming officers during their training period. I've been on duties several times alone at DOC and believe I am capable of handling difficult situations. I don't think I should get my previous position back, but it would be nice to come back where I left off.

            2.11 Why did your employment with the San Andreas Department of Corrections end? I was not in the right headspace at the time and had to focus on my family, I didn't feel like I was capable of fulfilling my duties as a CO3 and a CMT/Psych student to my fullest. ((i got really busy with work and had to focus on my studies since it was my final year. I wasn't playing a lot of rp)).

            2.12 Have you had any felony charges against you in the time that you were gone? none

            2.13 What have you done since your resignation or termination? I've been in and out of the city, mostly traveling.
            3 Declaration
              I, Astra Amistoso, hereby declare: That the information contained within this application form, the curriculum vitae, and in the enclosed documents to my knowledge is true, and I undertake to provide documentary evidence if required. I furthermore declare that all copies enclosed are true to the original documents. I declare that I am aware that any lack of veracity of the information or the distortion of the documents will entail the invalidity of the merits affected and that I may be liable for legal responsibility.
                I declare that the foregoing is true and correct.
                Signing date 24/07/2023
                  ((4 OOC Section ))
                  4.1 Forum name: AmiCathValeey
                  4.2 Discord ID: AmiCath or amicath (i haven't tried searching my name since the name update)
                  4.3 IRL age: 21
                  4.4 Timezone: GMT+2
                  4.5 Geographical location: Norway
                  4.6 List of characters’ names: Cosette Jinxter, Astra Amistoso, Harmony Piper.
                    4.7 Please provide an unedited picture of your full admin logs:
                    https ://imgur.com/ubT4b5T
                      Last edited by Astra Amistoso on Mon Jul 24, 2023 8:48 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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                      Galileo Czapiewski
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                      Re:[Received][SADOC Reinstatement - Astra Amistoso]

                      Post by Galileo Czapiewski »


                      Human Resources Division

                      Reinstatement Received

                      • Dear Astra,

                        The San Andreas Department of Corrections has RECEIVED and acknowledged your reinstatement request. This will now be pending review and deliberation by a member of the Human Resources Division. We will be reviewing and examining your previous service with this Department. While certain circumstances may preclude a fixed timeframe, you should expect a response to your request within 24 hours.

                        If you have any questions pertaining to your reinstatement request, please contact a member of the Human Resources Division.

                      • Kind regards,

                        Galileo Czapiewski
                        Lieutenant, Human Resources Supervisor
                        San Andreas Department of Corrections

                        [email protected]
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                      Jimmithy Jemima
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                      Re: [ON HOLD] [SADOC Reinstatement - Astra Amistoso]

                      Post by Jimmithy Jemima »


                      Human Resources Division

                      Reinstatement Pending

                      • Dear Miss. Amistoso,

                        Thank you for your reinstatement request to the San Andreas Department of Corrections. I have read through your request and it is now PENDING. Please correct the following error(s):
                        • You have put down that your employment ended on the 14th of June, 2002, as I suspect that you have put down the wrong date, would you be able to amend it please.
                        Due to the concerns outlined above, we are giving you 48 hours from now to revise these issues. Failure to do so may result in the immediate denial of your reinstatement. If you require assistance or have any questions, feel free to email one of our officers with the Human Resources division at any time using the government website (( forum PM the HR officer who sent this reply )).
                        Please reply to this topic below to notify us that the errors above have been corrected.

                      • Kind regards,

                        Jimmithy Jemima
                        Lieutenant, Assistant Head of Human Resources
                        San Andreas Department of Corrections

                        [email protected]
                        Image Captain - Jimmithy Jemima
                        Captain of Departmental Operations
                        Commanding Officer of Correctional Services
                        Correctional Field Training | Assistant Head Instructor
                        Human Resources | Deputy Head of Human Resources
                        Correctional Emergency Response Team | CERT Command [1-BRAVO]
                        Correctional Investigations Division | Internal Affairs Officer
                        Public Relations | Coordinator
                        San Andreas Department of Corrections — "Courage, Discipline,
                        Respect, Integrity, Loyalty, Selfless Commitment"
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                        Astra Amistoso
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                        Re: [ON HOLD] [SADOC Reinstatement - Astra Amistoso]

                        Post by Astra Amistoso »

                        Dear Sir, Jemima.

                        I've put in the correct date now.

                        Kind regards,
                        Astra Amistoso
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                        Jimmithy Jemima
                        Posts: 6520
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                        Re: [OFFER OF EMPLOYMENT] [SADOC Reinstatement - Astra Amistoso]

                        Post by Jimmithy Jemima »


                        Human Resources Division

                        Offer of employment

                        • Dear Miss. Amistoso,

                          We are glad to inform you that we extend the preliminary offer of Correctional Officer III.

                          The terms for your reinstatement are as follows:
                          • You will need to complete all the training necessary to advance from a Correctional Trainee to be given your offered rank.
                          • The preliminary offer you get for reinstatement will still be performance dependant, a discussion will be had by supervisors+ at the end of your trainee period to discuss what actual rank you will get promoted to.
                          • In order to progress from Correctional Officer III to Senior Correctional Officer, you MUST successfully join either; Human Resources, Correctional Field Training or the Correctional Emergency Response Team and have become a fully fledged member of the division(s) that you join. Along with the other requirements for the rank progression.
                          If you wish to accept these terms, reply to this email in the next 48 hours. If you wish to dispute your rank given, send a government email to the person who proposed this offer of employment.

                        • Kind regards,

                          Jimmithy Jemima
                          Lieutenant, Assistant Head of Human Resources
                          San Andreas Department of Corrections

                          [email protected]
                          Image Captain - Jimmithy Jemima
                          Captain of Departmental Operations
                          Commanding Officer of Correctional Services
                          Correctional Field Training | Assistant Head Instructor
                          Human Resources | Deputy Head of Human Resources
                          Correctional Emergency Response Team | CERT Command [1-BRAVO]
                          Correctional Investigations Division | Internal Affairs Officer
                          Public Relations | Coordinator
                          San Andreas Department of Corrections — "Courage, Discipline,
                          Respect, Integrity, Loyalty, Selfless Commitment"
                          User avatar
                          Astra Amistoso
                          Police Cadet
                          Posts: 53
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                          ECRP Forum Name: Amicath Valeey

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                          Re: [OFFER OF EMPLOYMENT] [SADOC Reinstatement - Astra Amistoso]

                          Post by Astra Amistoso »

                          Dear Sir, Jemima.

                          I gladly accept the terms that you have given and look forward to coming back. :)

                          Kind regards,
                          Astra Amistoso
                          User avatar
                          Jimmithy Jemima
                          Posts: 6520
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                          Re: [ACCEPTED REINSTATEMENT] [SADOC Reinstatement - Astra Amistoso]

                          Post by Jimmithy Jemima »


                          Human Resources Division

                          Reinstatement Accepted

                          • Dear Miss. Amistoso,

                            We are pleased to inform you that your reinstatement request has been accepted.

                            We are glad to accept you into the Department of Corrections as Correctional Officer III.

                            Make sure to come back to Bolingbroke Penitentiary and ask for a member of Human Resources to finish your reinstatement process.

                          • Kind regards,

                            Jimmithy Jemima
                            Lieutenant, Assistant Head of Human Resources
                            San Andreas Department of Corrections

                            [email protected]
                            Image Captain - Jimmithy Jemima
                            Captain of Departmental Operations
                            Commanding Officer of Correctional Services
                            Correctional Field Training | Assistant Head Instructor
                            Human Resources | Deputy Head of Human Resources
                            Correctional Emergency Response Team | CERT Command [1-BRAVO]
                            Correctional Investigations Division | Internal Affairs Officer
                            Public Relations | Coordinator
                            San Andreas Department of Corrections — "Courage, Discipline,
                            Respect, Integrity, Loyalty, Selfless Commitment"

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