Law Student Application - Brenden Burrows

Brenden Burrows
Posts: 133
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Law Student Application - Brenden Burrows

Post by Brenden Burrows »

  • 1.1) Name
    • First Name: Brenden
      Middle Name: Corbin
      Last Name: Burrows
  • 1.2) Date & Place of Birth
    • Date: 25/DEC/2000
      Place: Los Santos
  • 1.3) Contact Information
    • Address Line: Eclipse Towers Apt. 124
      Phone Number: 2933555
  • 1.4) Are you a United States Citizen?
    • [✘] Yes
      [] No
  • 1.5) Can you speak and write to others in English proficiently?
    • [✘] Yes
      [] No
  • 1.6) Have you ever been convicted of a crime? If so, explain.
    • Never
  • 1.7) Please provide proof of your identification and license (Driver's license required).
  • 2.1) Employment History
    • Company Name: Los Santos Customs
      Length of Employment: Unknown
      Title: Trainee
      Reason for Leaving: Terminated for not enough hours

      Company Name: LSEMS
      Length of Employment: 15/03/2023
      Title: EMR Trainee
      Reason for Leaving: Wont leave
  • 3.1) Why are you seeking employment with the San Andreas Judicial Branch? (200 word minimum.):
    • While in my time of homelessness I came across many instances where I have seen people get arrested. After about a couple months they arrive back to our homeless site complaining about how they got charged with false charges and how they need someone to fight for them to contest their charges. I felt horrible knowing that I couldn't do anything. Thankfully now I have the opportunity to help out felons who did not commit their crimes have the chance at life again. Also working at SADOC I have came across instances where inmates have said that they did not do anything and their charges were falsely put upon them. I want to make a change, help people get their life back in order and make sure that they are compensated for the time spent in prison. I have the determination knowledge, and skill set needed for this position. I have witnessed many court trials happen (specifically the one with the bathsheba's) and I have been amazed at how the prosecution and defense can be so formal yet so powerful. Especially since after the fact there is no hard feelings from both sides and they both know it's just business. This is exactly why I want to join the Judicial Branch, knowing that I will uplift the branch upon my employment.
  • 3.2) Please provide a short biography about yourself that highlights why you should be selected from other candidates. (150 word minimum.):
    • Hello Im Brenden Corbin Burrows! I am 22 Years of Age, born in Los Santos. Grew up in Vinewood Hills, and was a spoiled little brat who didn't care anything about the real world. I was in private schooling all 13 years of school. I never knew the real world, drugs, sex, and prostitution, and was completely blindsided after I graduated high school. My parents were very wealthy and anything I wanted, I got. This was setting me up for disaster whether they know it or not. At the age of 16, my parents were arrested. All the money they had was fake and printed from a counterfeit money factory. They were deemed the biggest scam artists in the State of San Andreas. All my money was gone and I had not even completed high school. Coping with the stress of having no money, no parents, and no house really took a toll on me mentally. I decided to prioritize my mental health for a while then returned to high school to complete the remainder of my education. Finally, when I graduated high school I was homeless with a job that pays minimum wage. I was able to find a home under I-2 and found old dumbbells and weight equipment. I took this as an opportunity to work out and build up my physique. Around the age of 19, I was in the best build of my life. I found my way to the Los Santos Country Club and they employed me as a Lifeguard. I was employed there for 3 years and have been able to find myself an apartment and get on my feet. I stand out from other applicants because I’ve been to rock bottom, having to manage being homeless, school, and my parent's death I have been able to overturn and climb my way out of a massive hole. Being able to turn my negative thoughts into positivity, slowly making a name for myself, and being determined to finally live the life I’ve wanted.
  • 3.3) Describe yourself in one word and explain why that word describes you best. (75 word minimum.):
    • I am a very capable leader. I can take charge and make sure my point gets across. As stated I also can take criticism of my work and work ethic to make sure I am doing my job to the best of my abilities. I am also a very friendly and kind-hearted person and that naturally allows people to see a sense of comfort whenever they come to me with questions or concerns. This also builds a sense of trust around me and the people i’m working with as well as my co-workers. While being employed at Tequila-las I have encountered many drunken individuals while having other civilians around. I have had to step up and take care of the situations making sure they don't hurt anyone while they are in a drunken state. I have always been the one to de-escalate situations and this proves very useful for the department most situations have confrontation from the person or other people around in the situation. I am also very organized person, if hired I will be able to help everyone be a little more organized. I will make sure all my reports are arraigned in a neat and fashionable way. This eliminates any chances of giving wrong information for court cases, mixing up peoples information and paperwork. Not only will I be helping eliminate confusion but I will also benefit the work environment with my good attitude, uplifting spirits, and professional humor.
  • 3.4) How did you hear about this position?
    • Ms. Lisa Winter told me about it.
  • 4.2) Do you have at least 5,000 experience points on one of your characters? Provide a screenshot of your /stats on that character.
  • 4.3) Are you a member of any factions? If so, which faction and character.
    • LSEMS - brenden burrows
  • 4.4) Have you ever had an admin punishment with this, or any character on Eclipse? If yes, please explain:
    • never
  • 4.5) Please provide an unedited screenshot(s) of the Eclipse game panel with your 'Admin Logs' and 'My Character' sections.
  • 4.6) Please provide your Discord name.
    • easy#6685
  • 5.1) Player Information
    • Age: 19
      Country: USA
      Timezone: CST
  • 5.2) Do you have a working microphone?
    • [✘] Yes
      [] No
  • 5.3) Do you currently play on any other GTA-RP servers and are you in any faction positions there?
    • [] Yes
      [✘] No
  • 5.4) Do you have additional Information about yourself that you consider beneficial to the branch?:
    • No
Last edited by Brenden Burrows on Mon Mar 27, 2023 2:20 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Roderick Marchisio
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Re: Law Student Application - Brenden Burrows

Post by Roderick Marchisio »


Dear Brenden Burrows,

The San Andreas Judicial Branch Employment team has RECEIVED your employment application. We thank you for your interest in joining our branch. We will review the application, evaluate your qualifications and conduct a thorough background check. After this we will get back to you with an answer. Please be patient as this could take some time to complete. Thank you.


Attorney General
Director of Public Notary
San Andreas Judicial Branch
(909) 372-7719 — [email protected]
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Shaun Harper
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Re: Law Student Application - Brenden Burrows

Post by Shaun Harper »


Mr./Ms. Burrows,

The San Andreas Judicial Branch Recruitment team has reviewed your application, qualifications, and performed a background check. We regret to inform you that your application has been DENIED, see below for reason(s). Please feel free to reapply in 30 days.

The reason(s) for your denial are as followed;
  • Concerning recent disciplinary history with previous employment
If you are unsure of our Employment Requirements & Recruitment Information, you can read about them here.

Director of Training & Hiring
Senior Defense Attorney
San Andreas Judicial Branch
(909) 308-7889 — [email protected]

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