Jim Speed
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Post by Jim Speed »

Personal Information
Title (Mr/Miss/Mrs): Mr
First Name: Jim
Last Name: Voight
    Date of Birth: 21/09/2000
    Place of Birth: England
      Contact Number: 4991465
      Email Address: [email protected]
      Residential Address: NA
        Height: 191 cm
        Weight: 73 kg
          Proof of Identification and licence ((/licence))
          Attached digital copy
            Reason for Resignation
            End of Employment Reason: RESIGNED/QUIT
            End of Employment Date: 28/02/2023
            Badge Number: #841
            Position Held: Corporal
            Division: HR FRD PR GK CFT
            Divisional Leader?: Y
            Direct Supervisor: Max speed
            Contact Number: 4991465
            b] Your answer here
            Desired Position: Corporal

            Why should we accept you for that position?: because when i left I wasnt in the right state of mind but now i am

            Why did your employment with the San Andreas Department of Corrections end? head wasnt in the right place

            Have you had any felony charges against you in the time that you were gone? No

            What have you done since your resignation or termination? I took a break and lived

              I, Jim Voight , hereby declare: That the information contained within this application form, the curriculum vitae, and in the enclosed documents to my knowledge is true, and I undertake to provide documentary evidence if required. I furthermore declare that all copies enclosed are true to the original documents. I declare that I am aware that any lack of veracity of the information or the distortion of the documents will entail the invalidity of the merits affected and that I may be liable for legal responsibility.
                I declare that the foregoing is true and correct.
                Signing date 6/03/2023
                  (( OOC Section ))
                  Forum name: Tooties
                  Discord ID: N o ONE#8375
                  IRL age: 17
                  Timezone: GMT
                  Geographical location: UK
                  List of characters’ names: Tooties Valentine Ally Benson Mike Mackey
                    Please provide an unedited picture of your full admin logs:
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                      Issei Schneider
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                      Re: [SADOC Reinstatement - Jim Voight]

                      Post by Issei Schneider »


                      Human Resources Division

                      Application Received

                      • Dear Jim Voight,

                        Thank you for applying to the San Andreas Department of Corrections. We have RECEIVED and acknowledged your application. This will now be pending review and deliberation by a member of the Human Resources Division. We will be reviewing and examining your previous employment and the details enclosed within the application.

                        While certain circumstances may preclude a fixed timeframe, you should expect a response to your application within 24 hours.

                      • Kind regards,
                        Issei Schneider
                        Commander, Human Resources Command
                        San Andreas Department of Corrections

                        [email protected]
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                      Issei Schneider
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                      Re: [SADOC Reinstatement - Jim Voight]

                      Post by Issei Schneider »


                      Human Resources Division

                      Reinstatement On Hold

                      • Dear Jim Voight,

                        Thank you for your reinstatement request to the San Andreas Department of Corrections. We have decided to put your reinstatement on hold while the San Andreas Department of Corrections looks into your reinstatement request further.

                      • Kind regards,
                        Issei Schneider
                        Commander, Human Resources Command
                        San Andreas Department of Corrections

                        [email protected]
                      Adam Payne
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                      Re: [REINSTATEMENT ON HOLD] Jim Voight

                      Post by Adam Payne »


                      Human Resources Division

                      Reinstatement Pending

                      • Dear Mr. Voight,

                        Thank you for your reinstatement request to the San Andreas Department of Corrections. I have read through your request and it is now PENDING. Please correct the following error(s):
                        • Your answer for the "Why should we accept you for that position?" question is very vague and does not provide any meaning what so ever to the reinstatement form. I would also like for you to really stress your point as to why we should accept you back as a Corporal based on the fact you resigned twice in the past in that position. How can we ensure this would not be repeat of the other times?
                        • Could you please add more information/detail to your answer to the "What have you done since your resignation or termination?" question?
                        • You have stated you were not in the right state of mind, what steps did you take to get yourself back in the right mindset?
                        Due to the concerns outlined above, we are giving you 48 hours from now to revise these issues. Failure to do so may result in the immediate denial of your reinstatement. If you require assistance or have any questions, feel free to email one of our officers with the Human Resources division at any time using the government website (( forum PM the HR officer who sent this reply )).

                      • Kind regards,

                        Adam Payne
                        Commander, Human Resources Supervisor
                        San Andreas Department of Corrections

                        [email protected]
                      Image ASSISTANT WARDEN Adam Payne (Ret.)
                      San Andreas Department of Corrections — "Courage, Discipline,
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                      Jim Speed
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                      Re: [REINSTATEMENT ON HOLD] Jim Voight

                      Post by Jim Speed »

                      You should accept me because at that point when I resigned my stress was at a high level and I didnt know what to do so I just left and didnt think twice I should of really but in an LOA. You should also give me the rank corporal because during my time off I had a hard long thought about what I want and need in life.

                      During my time away I went on holiday in the mountains so it was just me and brain. During that time at the mountains I sat there thinking about what I have done What I could of Done and What I want to Do.

                      The steps I took what thinking about what I could do better in life how I can do better as well. I will also be contacting MD by reducing my stress levels.

                      (( Most of my resignation is because I had really important test coming up and at some points it was too stressful but now the tests have gone I am not as stressed as I use to be))
                      Adam Payne
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                      Re: [REINSTATEMENT] [OFFER SENT] Jim Voight

                      Post by Adam Payne »


                      Human Resources Division

                      Offer of employment

                      • Dear Mr. Voight

                        We are glad to inform you that we extend the preliminary offer of Senior Correctional Officer (no SiT).

                        If you wish to accept these terms, reply to this email in the next 48 hours. If you wish to dispute your rank given, send a government email to the person who proposed this offer of employment.

                      • Kind regards,

                        Adam Payne
                        Commander, Human Resources Supervisor
                        San Andreas Department of Corrections

                        [email protected]
                      Image ASSISTANT WARDEN Adam Payne (Ret.)
                      San Andreas Department of Corrections — "Courage, Discipline,
                      Respect, Integrity, Loyalty, Selfless Commitment"
                      Jim Speed
                      Posts: 276
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                      Re: [REINSTATEMENT] [OFFER SENT] Jim Voight

                      Post by Jim Speed »

                      I will accept this rank
                      Adam Payne
                      Posts: 1484
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                      Re: [REINSTATEMENT] [ACCEPTED] Jim Voight

                      Post by Adam Payne »


                      Human Resources Division

                      Reinstatement Accepted

                      • Dear Mr. Voight,

                        We are pleased to inform you that your reinstatement request has been accepted.

                        We are glad to accept you into the Department of Corrections as Senior Correctional Officer.

                        Make sure to come back to Bolingbroke Penitentiary and ask for a member of Human Resources to finish your reinstatement process.

                      • Kind regards,

                        Adam Payne
                        Commander, Human Resources Supervisor
                        San Andreas Department of Corrections

                        [email protected]
                      Image ASSISTANT WARDEN Adam Payne (Ret.)
                      San Andreas Department of Corrections — "Courage, Discipline,
                      Respect, Integrity, Loyalty, Selfless Commitment"

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