Press Release January 2022

Press releases made by the Department of Corrections on updates, employee adjustments, and stories from within the prison.
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Kourtney LaFleur
Posts: 5350
Joined: Mon Oct 05, 2020 11:40 pm
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Press Release January 2022

Post by Kourtney LaFleur »

Opening Message
Welcome to the January 2022 Press Release. It's the start of a brand new year at the Department of Corrections!

A lot has changed the last month and most of the big changes will be covered in this press releases. This press releases covers events from Warden resignations to Warden appointments and the usual Employee of the Month and Inmate of the Month interviews.

Employee of the Month
Each month here at the San Andreas Department of Corrections we like to bestow an honor on this month's best performing officer who has shown time and time again that they put maximum effort and commitment into their work. The officer selected for this prestigious award has proved themselves as a representation of how each officer working for our department should strive to be.

Employee of the Month January 2022
Questions for the Employee of the Month
We like to ask the employee of the month a few questions to get their perspective on the job and what makes a great officer, below are a few answers to common questions by our Employee of the Month:

Looking back, what are memorable achievements from your service so far?
Some memorable achievements I would say that I have accomplished being a part of this team so far is I was able to get a lot of hours and process a lot of 10-15's but my main accomplishment so far was I managed to make a build friendship with many different officer's and inmates who I've tried convincing to stop having a criminal lifestyle although it would barley work, I at least tried, and I am thankful for everybody who is a part of SADOC you guys are truly my second family.

Moving forward what are the next goals as a SADOC officer?
My next goals as a SADOC officer are to keep going above and beyond in the CMT division and help other Correction's Officer's understand the fundamentals of being a corrections officer and how to rehabilitate inmate's and make interactive for everyone in SADOC. I plan on joining the Human Resource's division or Correctional Field Training division just to experience other thing's in DOC.

Any advice they would give to future prospects who might think about joining the SADOC?
Some advice I would give to future prospects who would like to join SADOC is to be consistent and make as many friends as you can because not only are you performing your duties as an officer you are also making a family with a lot of them, PS be sure not to go inside the cell block alone. :)

New Warden Appointment
  • Image
    Like hey!

    Less than a week ago now I was appointed as the new Warden of Bolingbroke Penitentiary and since then I have been hard at work implementing lots of minor quality of life changes for the Correctional Officers.
    After Warden Solomon Cobb slayed the moose of the DOC, currently hung above the door to intake, we decided to get rid of the 10-10: Moose on the Loose radio code as the moose was no longer on the loose.

    Going forward, my plans remain the same as the old Warden's. I intend to focus on the rehabilitation side of work by pushing out Felon Reformation Division to Reform as many Felons as possible. Since taking over as Interim Warden I have had several meetings with other departments and establishing better connections to aid all felons in the program.
    There are exciting new updates for the program that should be revealed shortly!

    In regards to the security of the SADOC, we have had quite a few situations recently so we're working hard on protecting our inmates and our officers from getting harmed, on top of this we're also pushing our Medical Division to helped these injured individuals too.

    Lastly, we have been working closely with the Judicial Branch recently with our Bailiff Duties. Over the coming weeks we should have a program in place to internally hire and train Bailiffs to ensure that they are capable of managing any situations at the Court House during the appeal cases that are brought up. So far we have performed bailiff duties on two separate occasions at the Court House and both have gone well without many issues.

    These monthly press releases will continue to be released so please keep reading them if you're interested in hearing about the work we do at the San Andreas Department of Corrections.

    ((If you're interested, check out the recent update to the Faction Thread and the Prison Roleplay Guide.))

Ex Warden Interview
This month, Warden Solomon Cobb resigned after serving over 6 months as the Warden of Bolingbroke Penitentiary. We hope he has moved on to more relaxing things with less inmates needing to be beaten.
We took some time to interview him about his time as the Warden of Bolingbroke Penitentiary.


  • What are your fondest memories from your time at DOC?
    • There's absolutely too many to count! Notables ones have been creating my own divisions and watching them flourish (Public relations, and the Felon Reformation Division) the former of which I was head of for a long while and the latter of which I handed over leadership. Another was that time I (and wife and children) was very literally manhunted by a deranged red-headed psychopath, she broke into our home and killed our babysitter one time which was very much not cool, not a good memory but notable nonetheless.
      And finally, there's meeting my wife! Of course, I had to create my own paperwork (relationship disclosure agreement) for the department which was a pain in the ass but all part of the job.
  • What are you going to miss the most?
    • It's cringe but the people, I have seen the coming and going of many officers over the last 2 years and even when long time friends have left, there's always been people at the DOC I can rely on and call friends.
      That and doing the patented "Cobb-Cleave" with the baton to incapacitate multiple non-compliant inmates.
  • Is there anything you'd go back and change if you had a chance?
    • I'd set up the Felon Reformation Division much earlier than when I became Warden. I believe there's a perfect spot where Parole and FRD can work together to do something really good. Corrections is very literally in the department name and I think this division will move on and grow to be integral to the department.
  • Who was your favourite inmate?
    • There have been many favourite inmates...Originally it was Alberto (That bald Russian one) but he stopped visiting. Then there was Black Jesus but then he now apparently is threatening my wife so, screw him.
      In terms of ones that have made a long-lasting impact, I would say Tyler Peterson. Consistently through my time at the DOC Mr Peterson has come to do Psych sessions with me and I believe he has great potential once he stops surrounding himself with people he thinks are 'family'.
      There's no question for the least favourite inmate but that probably goes to Doug.
  • Is it true you slayed the moose?
    • This is 100% true and honest, yes. That's why we had to remodel the prison, we had a disgusting Moose problem and one day I said enough is enough so I evacuated everyone from the facility and had a one-on-one battle with it and my god was it devastating. The whole place was totalled and had to be rebuilt, hence the refurb last year. You can see the head of said moose in the front desk lobby.
  • Do you have any words of advice for people interested in working at SADOC?
    • Don't be a loner. Most people get jobs for the money or other things but at the end of the day you have to work with all the other people around you and making enemies has caused nothing but trouble for anyone who's been hostile in the past at the DOC. Take some time to learn more about and get close to your colleagues.
      Secondly, the inmates aren't as bad as people say. You treat them like humans and 9/10 of the time they will treat you back with an adequate amount of respect.
Has your wife, brother, husband, sister, mother, uncle, friend, or enemy ever been arrested and brought to SADOC? Well, you can visit them!
Two Irish meeting with a Chinese
Visitation at DOC is open 24 hours a day and 7 days a week, including holidays!
There is a requirement for at least two Correctional Officers to be free to assist in visitation so if some aren't immediately available then feel free to come back later.

The visitation rules are as follows:
  • No physical contact
  • No whispering
  • No passing of items. Items that wish to be exchanged will be checked beforehand for contraband.
  • Maximum time is 1 hour ((15 minutes OOCLY))
For those that like to exploit visitation, we have a blacklist in place that restricts certain individuals, such as our MSIs, from being able to be visited or visit. Visitation is a benefit and can be declined for any number of reasons.
Inmate of the Month

Ryac Dex

Ryac Dex was born in Vice City! His mother, a paramedic, was married to his father, a mechanic who owned his own shop. Ryac worked in the shop, until difference of opinion with his father sent him here to start his own life. He became a mechanic, with aspirations of opening his own shop someday! But things took a turn when he was introduced to Salvation, and entered a life of criminal vigilantism. After that, he joined another group, but now finds himself on his own, as he and his wife recently broke up.


  • Note: In the interest of transparency, and being able to allow inmates to represent themselves this interview is direct quotes from the interviewed inmate and their quotes do not represent the SADOC's views and beliefs.
  • Why do you do illegal things?
    • I do it for the friends! I really enjoy having people around me who I can count on. The city is not a nice place, full of robbers and scammers, and its great to just know people that have your back. There's also the financial aspect, of course. Legal jobs are not great. I could make more money robbing a bank or chopping cars in less time. I am so down bad on money that I am in a constant cycle of breaking the law, having money, and then being down bad.

  • What's your favorite thing about DOC?
    • The people, particularly the guards! They're always friendly, willing to help provide advice and emotional support, funny, they organize events or get speakers out for you. They always support you!

  • What's your least favorite thing?
    • The amount of opportunities in what you can do while you're here. Apart from going outside and mining or interacting with other prisoners. When its quiet, you're kind of doing nothing.

  • If you could change one thing about DOC, what would it be?
    • Improvement would be prisoner activities on a daily basis- cooking or cleaning, stuff like that .

  • What would you do if you were Warden for a day?
    • I would implement more measures to make people safe and happy. I hate seeing people fight and I hate seeing people get bullied. I would provide psychological help and therapy for people. I would implement more rehabilitation.

  • Is there someone or something you miss while being in jail?
    • I miss being able to make money or socialize. I miss being able to interact with my friends or with people I know. I chat with the DOC guards but there's nothing like being with friends.

  • Why do you think you're in here so often?
    • Reckless operations and speeding tickets are the biggest thing. I never pay my tickets on time and I drive recklessly.
      Once or twice a month I do criminal things like bank robberies.

  • Is there anything you'd like to tell people?
    • I think a lot of people who come in here are very violent to the DOC officers. I would say to make sure that when you're here you try your hardest to behave, be friendly and respectful, open and honest to the guards. Try not to be an asshole. Guards have lots of opportunities

  • What is your favorite animal?
    • Dogs! Dogs and cats are amazing. They are protective, supportive, emotionally aware and always there to be your best friend. Especially Staffordshire bull terriers!
Notable Promotions

ImageCorrectional Officer IImage

#466 Ronnie Silver
#743 Stefan Dobrev
#747 John McArthur
#748 Barry James
#752 Jack Sokolov

ImageCorrectional Officer IIImage
#727 Leonardo Latre
#737 Noel Blossom
#739 Danny Mason

ImageCorrectional Officer IIIImage
#720 Jim Verchotta
#729 Rod Rodriguez
#738 Maximillian Speed

#701 Leonardo Harris

#629 Caroline Mathew
    Bailiff Duties: The trial of Kopi Crozen Vs PD
    The Department of Corrections continues to grow and work closely with other departments. With the courthouse taking on more trials, JB and DOC thought it would be the perfect opportunity to work together. DOC have set up a small program of people called 'Bailiffs', which will protect and support JB on every trial in the future.

    The main purpose of the Bailiff program is to ensure that all trials are conducted in a respectful and safe environment. This is completed by ensuring each individual is patted down, and they are told, no radios are to be in their ears with their phones on silent and to remain quiet while the trial takes place. This keeps the trail running smoothly and our JB partners feel safe when they take the stands to defend their client.


    There has been two trials so far and each time our bailiffs, led by Lieutenant Audrey Martin, keep the place secure and running on track. The High Command team is proud of our program and all the officers who took part. The first trail Kopi VS PD, was a complete success for the DOC Bailiffs, and we want to say a special congratulation to Kopi and his success with the trial.


    We look forward to more successful trails protected by the bailiff program, and we want to say a special thanks to Chief Justice Colt Daniels for the opportunity to work closely with them.
    SADOC Physical Test
    To work at the DOC, we need to be strong! We need mental strength to remain calm in stressful situations and to outwit difficult inmates. We need emotional strength to overcome the rude comments and unfounded hatred of cranky inmates, but we also need physical strength and prowess! Not to the point of being acrobats or professional wrestlers, but pretty close!

    While all three strengths are tested during the application process, the most poignant of all is the physical test!
    Our lovely HR representative will drive our potential new hire to the middle of nowhere, a little forest we know of, where a state-of-the-art obstacle course awaits!
    There's a litany of obstacles our hiring staff may ask of our new hires! The log crossing, the hurdles, the weaving pylons, the log hurdles, the pull-up bar, the push-up bar, the hay stack, the balance beam, the monkey bars, the log pile, the tire run and the jogging path!
    The most notorious is the one with the silliest name: the dreaded monkey bars. They may seem easy in concept- walk across the top of the bars to the other side- but do not be fooled!
    More often than not, potential hires and seasoned officers alike are met with a twisted surprise as they fall to the ground over and over off the slippery surface of the bars. It has claimed many clean shirts as the patch beneath it is very muddy!
    So before applying to DOC, make sure those muscles are toned and leg day is not skipped!
    Felon Reformation Program
    Phone Calls
        When an inmate arrives with a brand new iFruit 69 they will have it quickly confiscated from them. However, if they wish to retain their phone till they enter the cellblock to make a phone call then they can request it.

        The 10-15 can use the phone call for any number of reasons such as letting their mom know they're going to be in prison for a few years, telling their significant other to come to visit them, or getting a friend to feed their pet while they're incarcerated.

        Phone calls are a privilege, not a right. Any Correctional Officer has the right to decline you for a phone call for any reason they see fit.
        Recruitment Status
         ! Message from: Human Resources Command
        Recruitment for the San Andreas Department of Corrections is OPEN as of 21/06/2021. Please see below on how to apply.
        • Age: Must be over the age of 18 and no older than 55.
          • (( Must have an Out of Character age of 16 years old ))
        • Citizenship/Residency: Must be an American Citizen at the time of applying, and have been a resident of San Andreas for no less than 12 months.
          • (( Must have over 5,000 XP on the character you're applying on ))
        • Criminal History: You must not have any serious crimes on your record (will be dealt with on a case to case basis)
        • Multiple Employments: You may not be a member of LSPD or LSSD at the time of hiring, as these are full-time positions. You may have a part-time position while working at the SADOC.
        • Mental/Physical Fitness: As a Corrections Officer, you must be able to maintain good mental and physical fitness. You will be tested on this during our hiring process.
          • (( As a faction, we hold a high RP standard, we will help you of course, if you're new. But you must want to learn and grow ))
        • Additional Requirements:
          • You are required to fill out an application online, you must have access to a computer and be able to use it.
          • You are required to pass an extensive background check, where your criminal record, previous employment, traffic violations, and any affiliation you may have had in the past will be checked.
          • (( Must be able to dedicate at least 5 on-duty hours a week ))
          • (( Must have a clean admin record for the past 30 days, this is also handled on a case by case basis ))
        Closing Message from the Warden
        This is the end of of January 2022 Press Release! I hope you had fun reading it and learnt a lot. It has been a busy month and I feel that our press release reflects this with lots of new changes!
        As always, if you have any questions, comments, or anything you can find my contact info just below here.

        Kourtney Lafleur
        San Andreas Department of Corrections

        [email protected]

        Other Contact Information

        Yuki Nakamura
        Deputy Warden
        San Andreas Department of Corrections

        [email protected]

        Trixie Bankshot
        Correctional Officer III
        San Andreas Department of Corrections

        [email protected]

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