[Press Release] Deputy Charged and Terminated

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Amelia Clark
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[Press Release] Deputy Charged and Terminated

Post by Amelia Clark »


Los Santos County Sheriff's Department
News Release
April 17th, 2024
Sheriff Bobby Kirk


On the 11th of April, 2024, Sergeant Jimmy Solicetto was dishonorably discharged from the Los Santos County Sheriff's Department for multiple breaches of department policy and the Los Santos Penal Code. Sergeant Solicetto ultimately breached the oath to protect and serve that he swore when he first was employed with the Sheriff's Department in December 2021.

The investigation began when a complaint was brought forward regarding his on-duty conduct, specifically a situation where Solicetto had taken a suspect to a disclosed area and removed the cruiser tracking system from his vehicle to intimidate and harass a suspect.

Upon receiving the complaint, the Internal Affairs Division officially launched an investigation, and Sergeant Solicetto was placed on immediate administrative leave. When Solicetto was reached out to for the initial interview regarding the investigation, the case took a turn for the worse.

Sergeant Solicetto wielded an assault rifle, more specifically an AK-47, with body armor and resided at a farmhouse located within Grapeseed. When deputies arrived at the location to bring him back to the station, Solicetto ambushed the deputies, attempting to harm them. Deputies of the Los Santos Sheriff's Department swarmed the farmhouse and quickly neutralized him. Considering Solicetto's experience in the field, especially as a SED operator, we are glad that the scene was secured swiftly.

Sergeant Solicetto was charged and dishonorably discharged from the department. He was charged with the following;
  • WM03 - Criminal Use of Weapon Modifications
  • WM04 - Possession of Illegal Body Armor
  • WF03 - Possession of a Class 2 Firearm
  • Attempted SF02 - Murder of a Gov. Employee
  • WM02 - Possession of a Class 1 Firearm

The Los Santos Sheriff's Department takes its mission to serve the county with the utmost seriousness and is disappointed with the actions that occurred. Our deputies will continue to be held to the highest standards, both now and in the future. The department always welcomes feedback, positive or negative, from the community so that the department can continue its tradition of excellence.

  • For Information, Contact:

    Lieutenant Amelia Clark
    Commanding Officer, Sheriff's Information Division
    (909) 474-8130 — [email protected]

    Corporal Sayaka Yukimura
    Probationary Writer, Sheriff's Information Division
    (909) 304-2935 — [email protected]

    Captain Oscar Balck
    Commanding Officer, Internal Affairs
    [email protected]

    Sheriff's Information Division
    Los Santos County Sheriff's Department
    Procopio Promenade 1, Paleto Bay
    Los Santos, SA, 909
Image Lieutenant Amelia Clark
Patrol Commander, North Patrol Division
Commanding Officer, Sheriff's Information Division
Commanding Officer, Field Training Division
Commanding Officer, Advanced Training Division

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