[LEASE] 20 Strawberry Ave

Properties for Lease
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Marc Ericsson
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[LEASE] 20 Strawberry Ave

Post by Marc Ericsson »

  • The Property and Housing Bureau is providing the opportunity for individuals to lease a Tavern and run their very own business. This Facility is fully furnished and ready for operation with Business Licenses Included
    • 20 Strawberry Ave
    • $25,000 per month
    • Six (6) months
    • GRBL:05 - Liquor will be provided by the San Andreas State Government free of charge as a part of this lease
    • GRBL:03 - Food & Drink Service will be provided by the San Andreas State Government free of charge as a part of this lease



    As part of the lease request process, all individual's criminal records will be checked. By completing a lease request, applicants agree that all information provided is truthful and that they consent to a full legal background check Below you can find a list of charges and for how long you must be free from them in order to request a Lease or Purchase
    Permanent Disqualification
    SF01 - Domestic Terrorism
    6-Month Disqualifying Charges
    Serious Felonies
    SF02 - Murder
    SF03 - Involuntary or Vehicular Manslaughter
    SF04 - Kidnapping
    SF05 - Torture
    SF06 - Possessing Destructive Devices or Explosives
    SF07 - Bank Robbery
    SF08 - Human Trafficking
    SF09 - False Imprisonment of a Hostage
    General Felonies
    GF23 - Grand Sales Tax Evasion
    GF12 - Forgery or Counterfeiting
    GF09 - Embezzlement
    GF07 - Felony Fraud
    GF05 - Extortion
    3-Month Disqualifying Charges
    General Felonies
    GF01 - Child Endangerment
    GF02 - Robbery
    GF03 - Armed Robbery
    GF04 - Sexual Assault
    GF06 - Blackmail
    GF08 - Illegal Gambling
    GF10 - Grand Theft
    GF11 - Grand Theft Auto
    GF13 - Arson
    GF14 - False Impersonation
    GF15 - Burglary
    GF16 - Tampering with Evidence
    GF17 - Rape
    GF18 - Racketeering
    GF19 - Abuse or Desecration of Dead Human Body
    GF20 - Possession of Human Body Tissue
    GF21 - Prison Break
    GF24 - Perjury
    GF25 - Felony Contempt of Court
    Aviation Felonies
    AF01 - Reckless Operation of an Aircraft
    AF02 - Committing a Crime Aboard an Aircraft in Flight
    AF03 - Operating an Aircraft without an Active License
    AF04 - Failure to Obey Intercepting Military or Law Enforcement Aircraft/ATC Orders
    AF05 - Violating a Prohibited Airspace Order
    AF06 - Transporting Dangerous Cargo
    AF07 - Drunk, Impaired, or Distracted Flying
    AF08 - Aircraft Piracy
    AF09 - Destruction of an Aircraft or Aircraft Facilities
    Drug Felonies
    DF01 - Possession of a Controlled Substance with Intent of Sales
    DF02 - Sale of a Controlled Substance
    DF03 - Sale of Drug Paraphernalia
    DF04 - Trafficking a Controlled Substance
    DF05 - Manufacturing a Controlled Substance
    Weapon Felonies
    WF01 - Assault with a Deadly Weapon
    WF02 - Shooting from a Vehicle (Drive-By)
    WF03 - Possession of a Class 2 Firearm
    WF04 - Possession of a Class 3 Firearm
    WF05 - Possession of a Class 4 Firearm
    WF06 - Unlicensed transfer of firearms, ammunition and body armor
    WF07 - Firearms Trafficking
    Vehicular Felonies
    VF01 - Evading an Officer
    VF02 - Felony Hit and Run
    VF03 - Operating a Chop Shop
    1-Month Disqualifying Charges
    General Misdemeanors
    GM02 - Battery
    GM04 - Resisting Arrest
    GM05 - Receiving Stolen Property
    GM06 - Petty Theft
    GM07 - Criminal Fraud
    GM11 - Predatory Lending
    GM13 - Criminal Threats
    GM17 - Bribery
    GM20 - Minor Sales Tax Evasion
    Nuisance Misdemeanors
    NM01 - Inciting a Riot
    NM03 - Unlawful Assembly
    NM04 - Stalking
    NM06 - Trespassing
    NM07 - Prostitution, Pimping or Pandering
    Vehicular Misdemeanors
    VM06 - Street Competition
    Drug Misdemeanors
    DM01 - Possession of a Schedule I Controlled Substance
    DM02 - Possession of a Schedule II Controlled Substance
    DM03 - Possession of a Schedule III Controlled Substance
    DM05 - Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
    DM06 - Cultivation of a Controlled Substance
    Weapon Misdemeanors
    WM02 - Possession of a Class 1 Firearm
    WM03 - Possession of Weapon Modifications
    WM04 - Possession of Illegal Body Armor
    WM05 - Possession of Body Armor as a Felon
    Aviation Misdemeanors
    AM02 - Operating an Unregistered Aircraft
    AM07 - Operating an Aircraft in Controlled Airspace without Clearance
    AM08 - Violating a Restricted Airspace Order or Temporary Flight Restriction
    A full record check will be made by the San Andreas State Government, looking into any involvement of crimes or criminal organisations. Any employee part of the business will also go through the same record checks. If any record checks are breached then the application and/or lease will be terminated.

    The applicant may own or be involved with other actively operating businesses or parent companies; however, preference will be given to applicants who do not have existing business involvements. It is important to note that individuals with other business interests are still encouraged to apply and will receive fair consideration.

    The applicant is required to provide a full business plan which outlines its intended services, financial information (payments, prices, expenditures etc), and how the facility will benefit under the management of the applicant.

    As stated above the lease term is Six (6) months, after the lease has ended the facility will be returned back to the Property & Housing Bureau where it will be leased out again. The lease term will not be extended. If lease payments are missed then the facility will be seized and the lease contract terminated with no refunds or stock reimbursed.

    If successful, the applicant is responsible and liable for all license laws, making sure all regulations are adhered to. The licenses are held by the Government provided free of charge.
  • To express your interest in leasing this Tavern please follow the steps below to submit a lease application.
    1. Submit an application by clicking HERE.
    2. In the Subject section, please use the format "[TAVERN LEASE REQUEST] First Lastname".
    3. Use the application form below and complete all the information required:
      Application Form

      Code: Select all

      [divbox=#0077bb][b][color=white]1. GENERAL INFORMATION[/color][/b][/divbox]
      [b]First and Lastname:[/b] Your answer here
      [b]Phone Number:[/b] Your answer here
      [b]Email:[/b] Your answer here
      [b]Home Address:[/b] Your answer here
      [divbox=#0077bb][b][color=white]2. BUSINESS PLAN INFORMATION[/color][/b][/divbox]
      [b]What are your plans for the business?[/b] [i](Minimum 200 words)[/i]
      Your answer here
      [b]Why should you be selected to lease the business?[/b] [i](Minimum 75 words)[/i]
      Your answer here
      [b]Organization and management[/b] [i](List all your employees and their positions)[/i]
      Your answer here
      [b]Business Documentation[/b] [i](Please provide business documentation; leaflets, flyers, menus etc)[/i]
      Your answer here
      [divbox=#0077bb][b][color=white]3. AGREEMENT[/color][/b][/divbox]
      By submitting this request you hereby agree that all information provided is truthful. If your request is approved, you agree to a continuous effort to adhere to laws and regulations laid out by the San Andreas State Government. You also agree to a full legal background check of your person.
      [b]Signature:[/b] Signature here.
      [b]Date:[/b] DD/MM/YYYY
    4. Preview the application form and ensure that all sections that require information are completed. Once the application form has been completed, proceed by clicking "Submit".
    5. A member of the Property & Housing Bureau will then review the application and respond. Applications will not be dealt with first come first serve, members of the Property & Housing will review all applications and choose the strongest one.
  • The Property & Housing Bureau, as part of the San Andreas State Government, reserves the right to conduct random inspections and/or record checks on the facillity and individuals to ensure all requirements are maintained and no violations are being committed, during the lease period or if any illegitimate activity is suspected. If found to breach these terms the facillity will be permanently seized, and the individual will be banned from making any future lease requests. Additionally, any law enforcement agency can forward evidence of any violations found during law enforcement operations to the Property & Housing Bureau for recording purposes.

    The Property & Housing Bureau has the right to modify or cancel this lease listing at any time.
  • We are looking for players who will interact and fully roleplay with a Tavern. Players will be encouraged to run and manage this business differently from the already existing ones available providing that unique and enjoyable interaction. This should be displayed within the answers of the application.
Government Director | Marc Ericsson
Department of Economic Development, Executive Branch
Delegate - Law Review Committee, Legislative Branch
San Andreas State Government

Business Registration Desk | Licensing Desk | Business Complaints Desk
Property Request Desk | Property & Housing Listings Desk | Property Inquiry Desk

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