June Press Release

Press releases made by the Department of Corrections on updates, employee adjustments, and stories from within the prison.
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Department of Corrections
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June Press Release

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Opening Message
Welcome to the June 2023 Press Release!
June is one of best months at SADOC as we fully endorse Pride Month and we hosted the bi-yearly Awards Ceremony. We have two sections in the press release this month to highlight both of these as well as the standard inmate of the month, employee of the month and statistics articles.
Be sure to congratulate the winners in the Kourtnies award ceremony article, everyone did a great job this year!
We hope you enjoy reading this month's press release!
Pride Month At DOC

Pride Month

Look how fabulous we are!
Junes departure not only means we are over halfway through the year, but also marks the end of another pride month. Pride month marks a time in which we can celebrate the LGBTQ+ community whilst also reflecting and commemorating on their history and progress.

The Department of Corrections holds a special place in its heart for pride month, as it's an important time for many of our inmates and officers. The Department of Corrections strives to welcome individuals from all walks of life and from all backgrounds, without prejudice or judgement, so it's important to us that we provide as much visibility to the LGBTQ+ community as much as possible during pride month.

Whilst pride month is a celebration, it is also about highlighting the difficulties still faced by the LGBTQ+ community. Struggles for acceptance and societal freedoms still exist throughout our state, and together we can be the beacons of light that cast out the shadows of isolation and bigotry.

Courage, Discipline, Respect, Integrity, Loyaly, Selfess Commitment ... and, Equality

Love is Love

Sergeant Randy Lee and Correctional Officer III Herrman Wolff, endorsed by the San Andrea's Department of Corrections, set up an initiative to cover the cost of marriage licenses for ALL couples for the majority of June, and we are pleased to say that several couples were helped.

Pride month is intrinsically linked with love and the ability to freely express love, and it's this concept that the Public Relations Department for the Department of Corrections wanted to highlight. Actions that a single department take can benefit citizens across the whole state and much like love which knows no bounds, the good we can do often can far surpass the boundaries of our roles, or our "juro".

Words from our Officers

Pride has such a deep meeting to many of our officers and staff that we thought we should share across the state in the vain of ensuring all voices are heard this month and beyond:
Sergeant Gina Willow wrote: It's the one month of the year that I can be unapologetically myself. I don't have to hide behind anything. Pride is the one month that people come together, to love each other through the darkest and brightest times; to remember that life always gets better. Even when we can't see it.
Senior Correctional Officer II Aaliyah Jones wrote: Everyone kinda comes together regardless of their preferences or regardless if they are straight or not. I think it's just a month to appreciate everyone for being them.
Correctional Officer I Robert Pacer wrote: We take pride in accepting everybody. Being accepting and supporting each other as a family and as a team. I think that's important.
Correctional Officer III Herrman Wolff wrote: Pride to me is about visibility and celebration of the LGBTQ+ community. It's important for all members of our community to felt seen and valued, and reminded that we can unabashedly be ourselves. DOC pride means the world to me because at its heart, the Department of Corrections is all about people, and it's welcoming of everyone.
Commander Maximillian Speed wrote: Treating all people, guards and inmates alike, the same and reminding ourselves when we clock on that we are all brothers and sisters. It does not matter who we love or where we come from. We all just have each other's backs.
Correctional Officer I Bella Williams wrote: I think pride is about acceptance and being yourself. It's a chance to be who you are without judgement, whilst also celebrating the community as a whole.
Employee of the Month
Each month here at the San Andreas Department of Corrections we like to bestow an honor on this month's best performing officer who has shown time and time again that they put maximum effort and commitment into their work. The officer selected for this prestigious award has proved themselves as a representation of how each officer working for our department should strive to be.

Employee of the Month June 2023
Questions for the Employee of the Month
We like to ask the employee of the month a few questions to get their perspective on the job and what makes a great officer, below are a few answers to common questions by our Employee of the Month:

Looking back, what are memorable achievements from your service so far?
During my time here at SADOC one of the most notable achievements I have gathered is my rank as a supervisor which means I can help out lower ranking officers in situations and offer advice if they are unsure on things.

Moving forward what are the next goals as a SADOC officer?
Moving forward I hope to help train up the next generation of SADOC officers up to a high standard and to a point where they can look back on their work and be proud of what they have accomplished.

Any advice they would give to future prospects who might think about joining the SADOC?
To any future people considering a career at the SADOC, one word of advice I would give would be to be confident in the actions that you do make and if you are unsure to ask people with more experience for advice.

Has your wife, brother, husband, sister, mother, uncle, friend, or enemy ever been arrested and brought to SADOC? Well, you can visit them!
Two people meeting with a friend
Visitation at DOC is open 24 hours a day and 7 days a week, including holidays!
There is a requirement for at least two Correctional Officers to be free to assist in visitation so if some aren't immediately available then feel free to come back later.

The visitation rules are as follows:
  • No physical contact
  • No whispering
  • No passing of items. Items that wish to be exchanged will be checked beforehand for contraband.
  • Maximum time is 1 hour ((15 minutes OOCLY))
For those that like to exploit visitation, we have a blacklist in place that restricts certain individuals, such as our MSIs, from being able to be visited or visit. Visitation is a benefit and can be declined for any number of reasons.
Inmate of the Month

Claire Allen


  • Note: In the interest of transparency, and being able to allow inmates to represent themselves this interview is direct quotes from the interviewed inmate and their quotes do not represent the SADOC's views and beliefs.
  • Why do you do illegal things?
    • I do illegal things because I am an advocate against corruption in any way, shape, or form, and it's super fun!

  • What's your favorite thing about DOC?
    • I love the atmosphere here, and so me of the guards are really nice!

  • What's your least favorite thing?
    • I hate sitting in cells and I hate when guards are super mean and take my stuff.

  • If you could change one thing about DOC, what would it be?
    • I would let all inmates have a radio and let them wear their hats and jewellery, and I would give out free stamps to inmates!

  • What would you do if you were Warden for a day?
    • The first thing I would do would be to add a zone for inmates to play with animals!

  • Is there someone or something you miss while in jail?
    • I miss hanging out with friends and having fun, it gets super isolating and lonely in here sometimes.

  • Why do you think you're in here so often?
    • I think I'm in here so often, because officers are corrupt and will look for any reason to put me in prison.

  • Is there anything you'd like to tell people?
    • What I would tell people is to never let others break your stride, and to keep on doing what you enjoy doing!

Public Tours

Tour DOC!

If you are an employee of another government agency or are a member of the public, then you have the opportunity to take a tour of the San Andreas Department of Corrections and learn more about what goes on in the prison!
Glorious SADOC!
A tour can be a great way to find out some more information if you are considering applying to the Department of Corrections, or even if you are one of our interdepartmental colleagues who wish to find out more about our department. We even allow groups to participate in a tour of the facility, provided each member of the group has signed the application form, and they meet the requirements.

Once your application has been accepted, then you can head over to the Department of Corrections, where one of the members of our Public Relations Division will guide you on your tour around the facility.

A full list of requirements and restrictions, as well as how to sign up, can be found *HERE*.
The Kourtnies 2023
Every 6 months at SADOC we hold an awards ceremony where we can reflect on members of the department that have gone above and beyond in the past 6 months.
This year was no different! Each winner was awarded a Kourtnies trophy as well as $10,000 per award.

Kourtnies Awards Winners:

Best Ginger: Issei Schneider
Mr DOC: Alex Pedolski
Mrs DOC: Remmi Raccoon
Silver Lining: Jack Goodnight, Remmi Raccoon, Katie Schneider & Aayliah Jones
Good Samaritan: Jack Goodnight & Nathaniel Ford
The Megaphone: AALIYAH JONES
Quietest: Adam Payne
Best Division Office: Groundskeeping (special mention to Randy Lee)
Latecomer: Katie Schneider & Steve Blata
Best Driver: Mia Adams
Paperwork: Katie Schneider
Scariest: Audrey Martin
Best Trainer: Maximillian Speed
Office Recluse: Katie Schneider
Comeback King/Queen: Jack Goodnight
Best Hair: Jack Goodnight
The clapped award: Randy Lee
The forgettable: Iraklis Lepidas, Stefan Dobrev & Jemma Smith
Politest Officer: Rock Paz
Most likely to be IA reported: Randy Lee
No Lifer: Remmi Raccoon
Best Inmate: Thomas Wallington
Worst Inmate: Oscar Islington
Most Accident Prone: Randy Lee
Mostly likely to get fired: Randy Lee
Most likely to become a Warden: Katie Schneider
Officer of the Year: Gina Willow
(( Best RPer: Frank Haswell))
(( Best NA Employee: Randy Lee ))
(( Best EU Employee: Kourtney LaFleur ))
(( Best other place employee: Adam Payne & Ava Sullivan ))
(( Worst microphone: Oliver Dutch ))
(( Best Streamer: Gina Willow ))

Click here to see the voting results!

The video from a surprise guest can be found here.
Correctional Custodian Officers
Love SADOC but don't want to work with inmates? We are now hiring staff to assist around the prison in custodial work! These are jobs such as groundskeeping, medical work, working the front desk or any other miscellaneous tasks around the prison! You can also join various divsions such as Public Relations or the Felon Reformation Division with no hour requirement.
The program has been in place around 4 months now but we have recently reopened after a temporary suspension.
You can find CCO applications here!
Employee Ajustments
  • ImageSergeantImage Lieutenant
    • #838 Jimmithy Jemima
    • #835 Galileo Czapiewski
    • #888 Julia Chedhamenou
  • ImageCorporalImageSergeant
    • #871 Randy Lee
    • #925 Gina Willow
    • #914 Oliver Dutch
  • ImageSenior Correctional OfficerImageCorporal
    • #930 Alex Pedolski
    • #907 Leo Alexander
  • ImageCorrectional Officer IIImageCorrectional Officer III
    • #961 Remmi Raccoon
    • #962 Kopi Raccoon
    • #949 Herrman Wolff
    • #976 Rose Mikasa
  • ImageCorrectional Officer IImageCorrectional Officer II
    • #950 Ben Silverstein
    • #970 Alex Boost
    • #963 Mylo Robinson
  • ImageCorrectional TraineeImageCorrectional Officer I
    • #973 Travis Hills
    • #971 Wyatt Miller
    • #974 Brodie Goodnight
    • #979 Robert Pacer
    • #975 Bradley Coot
    • #980 Bella Williams
    • #981 Miles Hansen
    • #978 Matteo Ellis
    • #977 Joselynn Trejos
    • #966 Harbanz Chadda
    • #984 Hank Skillen
    • #258 Joe Millions
    • #982 Nicole Goodnight

    This month we welcomed some familiar faces back to the San Andreas Department of Corrections.
  • ImageCorrectional Officer II
    • #924 Daisy Kaymar

    This month we welcomed some Transfers from the Los Santos Police Department, Los Santos County Sheriffs Department and other Prisons Far and wide!
  • ImageSergeant
    • #983 Owen Jones
  • ImageCorrectional Officer III
    • #676 Brayton Williams
  • ImageCorrectional Officer II
    • #976 Rose Mikasa

  • Employee Adjustments

    Total Applications
    Number of Academies
    New Trainees

    Correctional Field Training
    Total Trainings completed
    Total Instructors Shadowed

    Public Tour Request
    Total Requests
    Tours Conducted
  • Duty Reports
    Code 1s
    Force 6
    Duty Reports
Recruitment Status
 ! Message from: Human Resources Command
Recruitment for the San Andreas Department of Corrections is OPEN as of 21/06/2021. Please see below on how to apply.
  • Age: Must be over the age of 18 and no older than 55.
    • (( Must have an Out of Character age of 16 years old ))
  • Citizenship/Residency: Must be an American Citizen at the time of applying, and have been a resident of San Andreas for no less than 12 months.
    • (( Must have over 5,000 XP on any of your characters ))
  • Criminal History: You must not have any serious crimes on your record (will be dealt with on a case to case basis)
  • Multiple Employments: You may not be a member of LSPD or LSSD at the time of hiring, as these are full-time positions. You may have a part-time position while working at the SADOC.
  • Mental/Physical Fitness: As a Corrections Officer, you must be able to maintain good mental and physical fitness. You will be tested on this during our hiring process.
    • (( As a faction, we hold a high RP standard, we will help you of course, if you're new. But you must want to learn and grow ))
  • Additional Requirements:
    • You are required to fill out an application online, you must have access to a computer and be able to use it.
    • You are required to pass an extensive background check, where your criminal record, previous employment, traffic violations, and any affiliation you may have had in the past will be checked.
    • (( Must be able to dedicate at least 5 on-duty hours a week ))
    • (( Must have a clean admin record for the past 30 days, this is also handled on a case by case basis ))
Closing Message from the Warden
And that ends our June Press release. As always, if you have any questions, comments, or anything you can find my contact info just below here.
I am super proud of all SADOC that attended the Pride Event and lead the parade.
There will be a special press release hopefully out this month or next month when we finally hit badge number #1000 so stayed tune for that!
We hope you had a great Pride Month!

Kourtney Lafleur
San Andreas Department of Corrections

[email protected]

Other Contact Information

Oliver Dutch
Sergeant, Head of Public Relations
San Andreas Department of Corrections
[email protected]

    Remmi Raccoon
    Correctional Officer III, Assistant Head of Public Relations
    San Andreas Department of Corrections
    [email protected]

      Jimmithy Jemima
      San Andreas Department of Corrections

      [email protected]

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