Sheriff’s Newsletter - May 2023

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Amelia Clark
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Sheriff’s Newsletter - May 2023

Post by Amelia Clark »


Los Santos County Sheriff's Department

Monthly Newsletter

Sheriff Bobby Kirk

  • Image
    Sheriff Bobby Kirk
    Hello and welcome to the Sheriff's Department's Newsletter for May 2023. It is finally June, meaning that the summer is here, and we are looking at longer evenings and warmer temperatures. With these positive changes come things to keep in mind. Stay hydrated, inform your close ones if you are going on a trip, and do not push yourself to do things that are dangerous and that you are not prepared for.

    June is also the month for Pride and to celebrate diversity and equal opportunities for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning individuals. Within the Sheriff's Department, we have a high focus on acceptance and respect, and we aim for this to be a department where everyone feels safe to work and to be themselves. In June, The Sheriff's Information Division will release a pride-inspired press release focusing on the LGBTQ deputies within the department.

    Despite the quiet nature of the county, I am exceptionally proud of the work our deputies have conducted during this month. Each day, our deputies place their life on the line to protect the citizens of this great state and county; with that, I am incredibly thankful for their fieldwork and determination to committing their duties.
    Sheriff Bobby Kirk

  • Deputy Sheriff III F. Morelli
    This month's Deputy of the Month is Deputy Sheriff III Franco Morelli; becoming a member of the department on February 20th, 2023, he's been hard at work since then. You can find Deputy Morelli hard at work in the SIB lab or conducting field training sessions for new deputy sheriff trainees. His hard work doesn't go unnoticed, and he's always there to give a helping hand to those who need it.

    When did you join the Los Santos County Sheriff's Department?
    I joined the Los Santos County Sheriff's Department in early 2023, on February 20th, to be exact. Academy 68th.

    What is your favorite thing about being a deputy at the LSSD?
    The people. The Los Santos County Sheriff's Department has some of the best people I've ever worked with. They don't all know me, and I don't know them all, but we crack jokes, share meaningful conversations, and, when the time comes, we put our lives on the line to protect each other's backs.

    What is your most memorable moment while serving as a deputy for the LSSD?
    I can't say there is one of them. There are plenty of moments that stand out when I think about them. Having my rejection from the LSSD overturned, passing my evaluation as a trainee, getting promoted to Deputy Sheriff I, joining SIB, and solving my first case—it all stands out. Every day in the Los Santos County Sheriff's Department is memorable.

    Why did you become a deputy for the LSSD?
    Since 2017, I've pretty much accomplished all I could have. With my LSEMS tenure ending in 2020 as an Assistant Chief, I came back with a different kind of motive. I knew I wanted to uphold the law and serve the city. I dedicated myself to a stable and promising career that I knew I could achieve. I knew I had the mindset and dedication to excel in law enforcement. I always wanted to do that; I just wasn't ready for a change. It all changed in 2023, however. I wanted to get into law enforcement because it just reflects my personality so well. I just knew I wanted to join the Los Santos County Sheriff's Department since all I've ever heard about it over the years are good things.

    What is the greatest feeling about being a deputy?
    The ability to make a difference, to make a change in the city. In the Los Santos County Sheriff's Department, everyone's voice is heard. Everyone is treated respectfully and given the confidence of their superiors to go ahead and make a difference. Everyone respects each other, regardless of the stressful times we go through. We get through them together.

    Where do you see yourself in the LSSD two months from now?
    I joined the Sheriff's Investigation Bureau as soon as I could. This is the direction I chose before I even got into LSSD itself. I dedicate myself, or at least try every day. I plan to continue down this road indefinitely.

    What do you like doing outside of work?
    Not much. Take a trip down to the city, stay updated with what's happening, check-up with my businesses, and then I'm back in the county. There is absolutely nothing else I would rather do.


  • Advanced Training Division

    This month's division spotlight is on the Advanced Training Division (ATD). Through its exceptional training programs, the ATD equips our deputies with the necessary knowledge and skills to excel in their roles, including advanced weapon training and vehicle certifications. With a relentless focus on excellence, the ATD ensures that our personnel are proficient in utilizing weapons and specialized vehicles. ATD remains at the forefront of equipping our deputies with the necessary tools and skills to protect and serve our community more efficiently.

    What are the main goals and objectives of the Advanced Training Division?
    The main goal of ATD to teach and enable deputies with skills and training to fulfil various duties in the field.

    How many employees of the LSSD is a member of your division?
    We have a total of 24 trained instructors and 3 trainee instructors

    Are there any statistics that you would like to share from your division?
    In 2023 so far, ATD instructors have completed 138 individual training sessions and examinations combined.

    How do you ensure that training programs within the division are innovative, relevant, and responsive to the evolving needs and challenges of law enforcement?
    To keep up with a changing society and environment that we are challenged with in law enforcement, ATD command is constantly doing everything we can to evolve and change with the times to train deputies as much as possible.

    Can you share any notable training or certifications that have positively impacted performance and safety?
    Some notable training that ATD Command has in development is a close quarter and active shooter training.

    What changes, if any, would you like to see be made in ATD? New lessons, structure, variety, etc.
    Just constant development that we are already working on!

    Are there any memorable moments this month related to your division that you can share?
    A very memorable moment from this month was the appointment of Investigator Dante Archer as a new Head Instructor and member of ATD Command.


  • Deputy Sheriff II Adrian Spencer
    Deputy Adrian Spencer transferred to the LSSD from LSPD on March 21st. Since then, he has significantly impacted the Sheriff's Department. Adrian is always seen hard at work, proving himself to the department; he brightens up any patrols he is on. One day he hopes to become a member of the DBP.

    When did you join the Los Santos County Sheriff's Department?
    I transferred from the LSPD to the Los Santos Sheriff's Department on the 21st of March 2023.

    What is your favorite thing about being a deputy at the LSSD?
    I would say my favorite part of LSSD is the people; everyone here is so fun to be around and work with. It also put some distance between me and my big-headed brother Ax.

    What is your most memorable moment while serving as a deputy for the LSSD?
    It may possibly be the extensive amount of time I have put in a ditch whenever I SIERRA with Lieutenant Wiley Reno as my driver. It really gave us time to strengthen our bond and build our camaraderie. Or patrolling with The sheriff himself, Bobby kirk.

    Why did you become a deputy for the LSSD?
    I felt as though I needed a change of scenery from the LSPD, so I transferred over; I also wanted to become a member of the detention and parole bureau.

    What is the greatest feeling about being a deputy?
    Keeping the county safe and protected from evil! The hard work is worth it when I can see happy kids running around sandy shores without worrying about any dangerous criminals.

    Where do you see yourself in the LSSD two months from now?
    In a ditch with either Lieutenant Reno or Deputy Tegans as the driver. But jokes aside, I hope to see myself as a Deputy Sheriff III and a member of the detention and parole bureau. I also want to join FTD at that time so I can train new deputy sheriff trainees.

    What do you like doing outside of work?
    I like long walks on the beach, romantic comedies, and biking up mount chiliad. I also really enjoy fishing at the pier and reminiscing about the old days. However, I'm usually on duty and don't get time for all that.

  • Image Captain ► Image Commander
    • Ian Walter
    Image Staff Sergeant ►Image Lieutenant
    • Alex Schill (Transfer)
    Image Senior Agent ►Image Lieutenant
    • Trent Williams
    Image Corporal ► Image Sergeant
    • Jett Jones
    Image Agent ► Image Agent (SiT)
    • Amelia Clark
    • Bert Martin
    Image Master Deputy ► Image Investigator I
    • Sean Payne
    Image Deputy Sheriff III ► Image Master Deputy
    • Eugene Lee
    • Jeff Dayton
    • Ben Blowman
    Image Deputy Sheriff II ► Image Deputy Sheriff III
    • Leonardo Harris
    • Franco Morelli
    Image Deputy Sheriff I ► Image Deputy Sheriff II
    • Jeremy Williams (Demotion)
    • Robert Ledger (Demotion)
    • Ania Wawrzyniec
    Image Deputy Sheriff Trainee ►Image Deputy Sheriff I
    • Chucky Nookes
    • Red Timpson
    • Seojun Kim
    • Paul Haggard
    • Andy Schmidt


  • Who is your hero, and why?
  • Deputy Sheriff III Niko Reggal wrote:For me, my inspiration is my Father, it is because of him that I am the man that I am today. He thought me a lot in life and eventho' I can't really show love, I love him the most and I will do everything for him, to keep him safe and sound.
    Lieutenant Alex Schill wrote:I would have to say that one of my heroes is one of the early 20th century Presidents, Harry Truman. The man came from the most humble beginnings, a farmer in Missouri, and without clout or exaggerations, was elected Vice President. When left in the dark for most of his administration, the passing of President Roosevelt gave him sudden responsibility. This included the oversight of the Manhattan Project to the Berlin Airlift, he went from the White House back to his farm in Missouri. The man was a faithful public servant who made some of the most difficult decisions in his service, staying humble throughout it all. He is the true definition of a hero we should all strive to emulate.
    Deputy Sheriff I Red Timpson wrote:I would say during my time in the Sheriff's Department, my hero would be Jamie Snow.

    Jamie was and is very helpful when it comes to doing any training that I have required - initially, patrols before I had completed my FTS training, and since that, he has done my HED training.

    He is always one of the first to volunteer for additional responsibilities that i see, plus his efficiency when doing so is top tier. He is incredibly fast and performing his job and to a high standard which is something i aim to improve on myself.

    I have been on numerous pursuits with him as a Sierra unit and certainly witnessed more stand-out performances from him than any other unit, whether this be by spiking the units, performing successful PIT manoeuvres or maintaining sight of a fleeing vehicle whilst waiting for additional units.

    I have been on even more pursuits with him acting as 2-A-4 where his talent and aptitude in the helicopter has helped up maintain pursuits and capture additional suspects with an incredibly high success rate.

    For these reasons i name Jamie as my Hero!

  • First and foremost, we want to thank you for reading our monthly newsletter for May 2023. In May, we welcomed nine new trainees to the department, but sadly we said goodbye to a handful of deputies. Internally, the Sheriff's Department's leadership team has focused on improving already set procedures and created new ones to handle suspects and civilians properly. The Sheriff's Information Division has welcomed two new members, and we have begun developing new releases and events! On a good note, The Recruitment and Employment Division has opened recruitment and you can read more here!

  • Image
    Commanding Officer Amelia Clark
    (909) 474-8130 — [email protected]

    Sheriff's Information Division
    Los Santos County Sheriff's Department
    Procopio Promenade 1, Paleto Bay
    Los Santos, SA, 909
Image Lieutenant Amelia Clark
Patrol Commander, North Patrol Division
Commanding Officer, Sheriff's Information Division
Commanding Officer, Field Training Division
Commanding Officer, Advanced Training Division

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