Sheriff's Newsletter - October 2023

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Amelia Clark
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Sheriff's Newsletter - October 2023

Post by Amelia Clark »


Los Santos County Sheriff's Department

Monthly Newsletter

Sheriff Bobby Kirk

  • Image
    Sheriff Bobby Kirk
    October has been a solid month for us, welcoming in many new faces and welcoming back many former employees. I am incredibly pleased to see these employees who are adding to bolster our ranks and create a more safe and secure atmosphere for the fine citizens of this county. As we approach the holiday season, please know that the department is ready to respond to any issues that may arise, be it safety for these events, those traveling this season, or for the county overall.

    As I take a moment to reflect on this past month, I find a sense of pride in how our community has come together to celebrate the festivities and welcome the fall season. Watching the county residents join in celebrating Halloween through multiple county and city events responsibly and enjoyably brought the fun of this holiday home for me. The support given this month to breast cancer awareness has also been outstanding. Seeing our employees and citizens show their support by painting their vehicles, dyeing their hair pink, or donating their time to spread awareness is something we all are united in.

    As we go into November and the season of thanks, I am very grateful to see our department employees come together with the county's residents in celebration. I look forward to this continued unity as we move into November and wish everyone a safe and sound Thanksgiving.

    Sheriff Bobby Kirk

  • Deputy Sheriff II Leif Helgarson
    We would like to congratulate Deputy Sheriff II Leif Helgarson on receiving Deputy of the Month for October! Deputy Helgarson has been an outstanding asset both in his diligent paperwork and on the field since he joined the department this past June. He has risen up to Deputy Sheriff II quickly with his great demeanor, personality, and contributions to the safety of the citizens of this county. Without hesitation, Deputy Helgarson is always there as a friendly face, able to assist where needed, and distinguishes himself this month with his attention to detail and activity.

    Deputy Helgarson has continued to show his dedication and continued effort as a member of the Highway Enforcement Division and the K9 Division. He has shown excellent contributions to both of these Divisions and has a highly positive outlook for his future in the department. For all of this, he is more than deserving of this month's award for Deputy of the Month.

    When did you join the Los Santos County Sheriff's Department?
    June 13th, 2023!

    What is your favorite thing about being a deputy at the LSSD?
    The camaraderie I feel we have, no matter our positions or difference in rank. I enjoy clocking on every shift because I know my coworkers are going to be there.

    What is your most memorable moment while serving as a deputy for the LSSD?
    There are so many to choose from so I am just going to pick the one that first comes to my mind. It would have to be when I managed to chase down a fleeing BF400 racing up the side of Chiliad in our Scout and detain them. It wasn't so much the chase that I remember but more so the affirmations I got from others on shift about a job well done.

    Why did you become a deputy for the LSSD?
    Because I wanted to serve the people of the county and I genuinely enjoy helping people, I felt that the Sheriff's Department was the best way to do so.

    What is the greatest feeling about being a deputy?
    The feeling of belonging to a great group of people who genuinely enjoy what they do and are damn good at doing it.

    Where do you see yourself in the LSSD two months from now?
    Hopefully, further progress in HED, K9, and if everything happens the way I hope, a productive team member in SED.

    What do you like doing outside of work?
    There are things outside work? Kidding, I like exploring the off-the-beaten-path places in my Kamacho. I also enjoy going to events and hanging out with people I've met in the city.


  • Special Enforcement Detail

    Every division within the Sheriff's Department is vital to its smooth operation and protection of the county. This month we have chosen to nominate the Special Enforcement Detail as our Divisional Spotlight. They are highly skilled, specially trained, calculated, and heavily responsive detail operators. Certain parts of the detail must remain confidential. We had the opportunity to ask the Assistant Commanding Officer, Sergeant Cliff Derringer, of SED for their view on the following questions:

    What are the aims and main objectives of your division?
    The aim of the Detail is to train and deliver for the department the greatest warriors, peacekeepers, and defenders of justice and Blaine County, to defend our home against the terrorist, the unlawful, and the criminal. To prevent the taking of innocent lives and the burning of our homes. To protect VIPs and citizens alike, and secure their homes against the invaders foreign and domestic. They shall be the Sheriff's finest warriors, these deputies who give of themselves to him. In great armor, we shall clad them and with the mightiest weapons they will be armed. They will have such tactics, strategies, and machines that no foe can best them in battle. They are his bulwark against terror, his defenders of humanity. They are his Special Enforcement, and we do not know fear.

    What situations are best handled by your division and why?
    Anti-Terrorist and Militant Gang action and suppression, hostage situations, bomb threats, and VIP security. There are threats greater than the average petty criminal that exists in San Andreas. A breed of unlawful, cruel vagrancy that is capable of acts inhuman and heinous. The SED is specially trained to conduct the counter operations to these foul acts, to keep our general units and community front safe and secure while we charge into the valley of death to combat these unseen terrors head-on. We work while the world sleeps, painting a picture of beauty and peace for Blaine County so that our citizenry can live to worry free and safe while we carry out our great Sheriff's will, and his wrath against our county's enemies wherever they dare show their presence.

    What is your favorite part about being a member of your division?
    Being in the division and all that is associated with it are all the best. Being the ACO puts me at the front of the headlong charge, helping to grow and shape our future generations of Blaine County's greatest defenders. I have the opportunity to secure our borders and our people with the best and brightest our department has to offer, to bring an air of peace many believed and still believe is unobtainable. To be able to stand today and continue to prove the naysayers wrong? What's not to love?

    What is the best accomplishment you have earned in your division?
    Ironically, recently we've just secured the LSSD's greatest bust of criminal paraphernalia and contraband. After a joint effort with SIB and elements of METRO and LSPDs DB, we pulled over SIX MILLION dollars of illegal assets from a major criminal entity. Our department stands great and victorious against the great adversary, and though we celebrate this amazing and historical achievement, this was but the tip of the spear for our intentions to continue to combat the criminal underworld. For the Sheriff's enemies, There is nowhere to hide. There is everything to fear.


  • Deputy Sheriff II Jack Mcall
    Deputy Sheriff II Jack Mcall graduated from the academy just recently on the 25th of July, 2023, and has proved himself a great asset to the Department. He continues to show a commendable work ethic as well as a great attitude and demeanor for all of those he encounters. Deputy Mcall's work both on and off duty has been outstanding and he is showing a very bright future for himself in this department. He proves himself extremely strong, yet calm in many high-stress situations and has adapted quickly to what can be high-stress situations. Deputy Mcall has high aspirations in the department and we feel he will be able to achieve these.

    When did you join the Los Santos County Sheriff's Department?
    I joined the Los Santos Sheriff's Department on the 25th of July 2023

    What is your favorite thing about being a deputy at the LSSD?
    My favorite thing about being a deputy I would say is clocking on every day knowing that I'm going to be saving lives and protecting the streets from anything and everything that can harm or disturb the peace for the citizens of Los Santos.

    What is your most memorable moment while serving as a deputy for the LSSD?
    My most memorable moment would be saving the citizens and civilians at Bayview after I was able to talk down a person allegedly wearing a Bomb Vest. I was able to calmly and successfully get the suspect to take off the vest and turn himself in ensuring the safety of the LEOs and the Citizens of the city.

    Why did you become a deputy for the LSSD?
    I joined the Los Santos Sheriff's Department after seeing the deputies and sheriffs go around the city bravely fighting crime and ensuring that the streets are always crime-free, I always looked up to them and then one day I asked myself this one question "What's stopping me from becoming a deputy?", and indeed there was nothing in my way. The next day I went online and applied to the Los Santos Sheriff's Department.

    What is the greatest feeling about being a deputy?
    The greatest feeling is the one you get after seeing the smile on someone's face after having saved their lives, and this feeling is one of the many reasons I clock on every day!

    Where do you see yourself in the LSSD two months from now?
    In 2 months' time, I would like to see myself progress massively in the Los Santos Sheriff's Department and achieve the highest ranks possible. One of my dreams as well is to become an Investigator which requires a vast amount of work, however, nothing is going to stop in my way and I'm going to push myself to become the best Investigator this city has ever seen.

    What do you like doing outside of work?
    Outside of work I like going to the pier and the seaside, taking out my fishing rod, and enjoying a cup of tea and fish while I look into the horizon thinking about what a great day's work I achieved today.

  • Image Staff Sergeant ► Image Investigator III
    • Zero Hunter
    Image Corporal ► Image Sergeant
    • Huw Parry
    • Tom Brown
    Image Investigator I ► Image Investigator I (SiT)
    • Matthew Handley
    Image Master Deputy ► Image Investigator I
    • Toni Salatoni (Reinstatement)
    • Autumn Campbell
    Image Deputy Sheriff III ► Image Master Deputy
    • Greg Devine
    Image Deputy Sheriff II ► Image Deputy Sheriff III
    • Harvey Sutherland (Transfer)
    • Jack Mcall
    • Adam Scotts (Transfer)
    • Sayaka Yukimura (Transfer)
    • Ania Wawrzyniec
    • Dylan Chapple
    • Kian Lawless (Reinstatement)
    Image Deputy Sheriff III ► Image Deputy Sheriff II
    • Alester Carter
    Image Deputy Sheriff I ► Image Deputy Sheriff II
    • Daniel Deluca (Reinstatement)
    • Killian Lawless
    • Abbas Asad
    • Zara Murray
    • Heath Tegans (Reinstatement)
    • Blaise Lennox
    Image Deputy Sheriff Trainee ►Image Deputy Sheriff I
    • Andy Schmidt (Transfer)
    • Hunter Parker
    Image Deputy Sheriff Trainee
    • Tj Sanders (Reinstatement)
    • Gustavo Martinez (Reinstatement)
    • Billy Brittle (Reinstatement)
    • Conrad Fredrico
    • William Freeman
    • Harbanz Chadda
    • Elliot Marshal
    • Kylar Carter
    • Gavin Sands
    • Frank Peters
    • Thisura Smith
    • Juan Santoya
    • Mosche Silverstein


  • First and foremost, We want to thank you all for reading the October 2023 newsletter. October has been filled with internal success and many of our employees have reached goals and achievements. With October comes fall, yellow and orange leaves and it is getting darker out. To keep yourself and others safe, make sure that you wear reflective gear so you, your loved ones, and your pets can be seen in the dark and prevent accidents.
    At this moment in time, our recruitment is currently closed, but we are hoping this will change in the near future. We are always looking for eager and committed individuals to apply and attend our academy. If you are interested, head over to our Job Opportunities section and read more!

  • Image
    Commanding Officer Amelia Clark
    (909) 474-8130 — [email protected]

    Sheriff's Information Division
    Los Santos County Sheriff's Department
    Procopio Promenade 1, Paleto Bay
    Los Santos, SA, 909
Image Lieutenant Amelia Clark
Patrol Commander, North Patrol Division
Commanding Officer, Sheriff's Information Division
Commanding Officer, Field Training Division
Commanding Officer, Advanced Training Division

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