[LEASE] Church

Properties for Lease
Andy Tyrie
Posts: 2135
Joined: Fri Nov 11, 2022 4:00 pm
ECRP Forum Name: Temp774233

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[LEASE] Church

Post by Andy Tyrie »

  • The Property and Housing Bureau provides the opportunity to any individual lease a fully furnished Church for weddings and other events. This church is fully maintained and managed by the San Andreas State Government.
    • 16 Boulevard Del Perro
    • $10,000 per night
    • Nightly
    • EEBL:02 - Event Organizer will be provided by the San Andreas State Government free of charge as a part of this least



    As part of the lease request process, all individual's criminal records will be checked. By completing a lease request, applicants agree that all information provided is truthful and that they consent to a full legal background check Below you can find a list of charges and for how long you must be free from them in order to request a Lease.
    2 Week Disqualifying Charges
    General Misdemeanors
    GM02 - Battery
    GM04 - Resisting Arrest
    GM13 - Criminal Threats
    Nuisance Misdemeanors
    NM01 - Inciting a Riot
    NM07 - Prostitution, Pimping or Pandering
    Drug Misdemeanors
    DM01 - Possession of a Schedule I Controlled Substance
    DM02 - Possession of a Schedule II Controlled Substance
    DM03 - Possession of a Schedule III Controlled Substance
    Weapon Misdemeanors
    WM02 - Possession of a Class 1 Firearm
    WM03 - Possession of Weapon Modifications
    A full record check will be made by the San Andreas State Government, looking into any involvement of crimes or criminal organisations. Any employee part of the business will also go through the same record checks. If any record checks are breached then the application and/or lease will be terminated.

    The applicant is required to provide a full business plan which outlines its intended services, financial information (payments, prices, expenditures etc), and how the Church will benefit under the management of the applicant.

    If successful, the applicant is responsible and liable for all license laws, making sure all regulations are adhered to. The license of EEBL:02 - Event Organizer will be provided by the San Andreas State Government free of charge as a part of this lease is held by the Government provided free of charge.
  • To express your interest in leasing this storage Church please follow the steps below to submit a lease application.
    1. Submit an application by clicking HERE.
    2. In the Subject section, please use the format "[CHURCH LEASE REQUEST] First Lastname".
    3. Use the application form below and complete all the information required:
      Application Form

      Code: Select all

      [divbox=#0077bb][b][color=white]1. GENERAL INFORMATION[/color][/b][/divbox]
      [b]First and Lastname:[/b] Your answer here
      [b]Phone Number:[/b] Your answer here
      [b]Email:[/b] Your answer here
      [b]Home Address:[/b] Your answer here
      [divbox=#0077bb][b][color=white]2. LEASE REASON[/color][/b][/divbox]
      [b]Why would you like to lease this church?[/b] 
      Your answer here
      [divbox=#0077bb][b][color=white]3. AGREEMENT[/color][/b][/divbox]
      By submitting this request you hereby agree that all information provided is truthful. If your request is approved, you agree to a continuous effort to adhere to laws and regulations laid out by the San Andreas State Government.
      [b]Signature:[/b] Signature here.
      [b]Date:[/b] DD/MM/YYYY
    4. Preview the application form and ensure that all sections that require information are completed. Once the application form has been completed, proceed by clicking "Submit".
    5. A member of the Property & Housing Bureau will then review the application and respond. Applications will not be dealt with first come first serve, members of the Property & Housing will review all applications and choose the strongest one.
  • The Property & Housing Bureau, as part of the San Andreas State Government, reserves the right to conduct random inspections and/or record checks on the facillity and individuals to ensure all requirements are maintained and no violations are being committed, during the lease period or if any illegitimate activity is suspected. If found to breach these terms the facillity will be permanently seized, and the individual will be banned from making any future lease requests. Additionally, any law enforcement agency can forward evidence of any violations found during law enforcement operations to the Property & Housing Bureau for recording purposes.

    The Property & Housing Bureau has the right to modify or cancel this lease listing at any time.

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