[Divorce] Dasha Britto, Allen Britto

Dasha Belova
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[Divorce] Dasha Britto, Allen Britto

Post by Dasha Belova »


San Andreas Judicial Branch
Divorce Petition
  • Birth Name: Dasha Britto
    Occupation: Mechanic
    Date of Birth: 15/MARCH/1991
    Location of Birth: Russia
    Current Mailing Address: 5 Propserity Street
    Contact Information: 5318010
    Proof of Identification: **Attached Document**
    [Dasha Britto]
  • Birth Name: Allen Britto
    Occupation: -
    Date of Birth: 01/02/1992
    Location of Birth: Puerto Rico
    Current Mailing Address: Del Perro Heights, Apartment 212
    Contact Information: 3782132
General Information
  • Date of Marriage: 19-May-2023
    Location of Marriage: Galileo Observatory, San Andreas
    Grounds for Divorce: Irretrievable breakdown of the marriage
    Name and date of birth for any minor children born while married: No children
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Judith Mason
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Re: [Divorce] Dasha Britto, Allen Britto

Post by Judith Mason »


San Andreas Judicial Branch

Re: [Divorce] Dasha Britto, Allen Britto

  • Dasha Britto and Allen Britto,

    The Office of Marriage and Civil Partnerships has received your Divorce Petition.

    In order to appropriately handle your request, please provide responses to the following inquiries:
    1. Are there any disputed marital assets that either party is in possession of?
    2. Are you requesting any form of spousal support or alimony from your spouse?
    3. Excluding obligations with respect to cars, do you jointly owe more than $10,000 in debt?
    4. Were any minor children born or adopted during the marriage or are either of you pregnant?
    Upon receiving your responses, I will determine if a hearing is required to finalize the divorce. Notice will be sent to your spouse indicating that a divorce proceeding has begun and any disputes are required to be either noted here in a response or in-person, should a hearing be scheduled.

    Thank you - feel free to reach out if you have any questions.


    Chief Justice
    San Andreas Judicial Branch
    (909) 257-9183 — [email protected]
Dasha Belova
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Re: [Divorce] Dasha Britto, Allen Britto

Post by Dasha Belova »

Dear Judith,

In response to the following:
1. We co-own 10 Mad wayne thunder dr. House in Vinewood Hills. It cost $1,000,000 i paid 75% and he paid 25% of the money towards this house. Because i payed majority for it i intend to keep this house.
2. I am requesting no alimony from Allen or spousal support.
3. We have no joint debts or payments.
4. No children.
Kind regards, Dasha Britto
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Judith Mason
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Re: [Divorce] Dasha Britto, Allen Britto

Post by Judith Mason »


San Andreas Judicial Branch
Superior Court of San Andreas


  • To whom it may concern,

    The court will give @Allen Britto until the 6th day of August to provide any response to the court regarding any disputed marital assets.


    Chief Justice
    San Andreas Judicial Branch
    (909) 257-9183 — [email protected]
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Hope Kant
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Re: [Divorce] Dasha Britto, Allen Britto

Post by Hope Kant »


San Andreas Judicial Branch

Public Notary Notice

  • Dear Dasha Britto and Allen Britto,

    Thank your for your patience in this matter. The Chief Justice has been on an LOA for a little bit. At the moment, this Petition is pending Chief Justice @Judith Mason. We ask for your continued patience while it is being reviewed as she has just recently returned from her LOA. Thank you.

  • Respectfully,

    Senior Prosecuting Attorney
    Director of Public Notary
    San Andreas Judicial Branch
    (909) 321-2132 — [email protected]
Dasha Belova
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Re: [Divorce] Dasha Britto, Allen Britto [Pending Judge]

Post by Dasha Belova »


I been waiting log time till this divorce proceed. Allen Britto seems not care about it, but i do. Is any news is coming soon?
Hoping for fast response.

Dasha Britto
Correctional officer I
San Andreas Department of Corrections
Allen Britto
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Re: [Divorce] Dasha Britto, Allen Britto [Pending Judge]

Post by Allen Britto »

Please proceed with the divorce. I was told that this had already taken place and my life has moved on. Please take this as my notice to agree with the divorce. I ask that Dasha Please remove the use of my last name. I could dispute assets, but her lies and her cheating is not worth it. I would like my 25% of the home that we owned together.

The sum amount should be $250,000
I would also like the sum for the Truck that I bough that she has in her posession, which is $100,000 and I paid in full
I do not request any additional compensation
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Judith Mason
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Re: [Divorce] Dasha Britto, Allen Britto [Pending Judge]

Post by Judith Mason »


San Andreas Judicial Branch
Superior Court of San Andreas


  • @Allen Britto and @Dasha Britto,

    Taking into account the statements made by both parties thus far with claims being made on the 10 Mad Wayne Thunder Drive property at an estimated value of $1,000,000 and the claimed $100,000 truck in Dasha Britto's possession, are the parties agreeable to the division of assets being a single $350,000 payment being made from Dasha Britto to Allen Britto in exchance for Dasha Britto retaining full ownership of the property and truck in question?


    Chief Justice
    San Andreas Judicial Branch
    (909) 257-9183 — [email protected]
Dasha Belova
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Re: [Divorce] Dasha Britto, Allen Britto [Pending Judge]

Post by Dasha Belova »


San Andreas Department of Corrections


  • Dear Judith,

    If Allen wants request compensation for Sandking what he gifted to me, i hope for compensation for my Elegy retro custom $250,000 what i give to him in same period of ours relationship.

  • Kind regards,

    Dasha Belova
    Correctional Officer I
Allen Britto
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Re: [Divorce] Dasha Britto, Allen Britto [Pending Judge]

Post by Allen Britto »

Dear Judith,

May I respectfully remind Mrs. Dasha Belova that, the Elegy Retro Custom that she said she gifted, was purchase by money that I helped acquiring, and also, with her consent we used the Elegy as a collateral for a loan on a second property that we both agreed to purchase, but the purchase was never completed, therefor that asset was lost.

The Elegy was a vehicle we both put money towards to purchase versus, the Sandking was a vehicle that I soley purchased without the help of Mrs. Britto, and she confirmed this by clearly stating and recognizing that the Sandking was a gift.

Thank You,

Allen Britto
Allen Britto
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Re: [Divorce] Dasha Britto, Allen Britto [Pending Judge]

Post by Allen Britto »

Dear Judith,

The exact amount that I paid towards the purchase of the Elegy was $130,000. With that said, because we both put money towards the vehicle and we both agreed to use is as collateral for the purchase of secondary property and we were not able to complete the purchase, we both assume the loss of the property equally, therefor I agree that the payment of $350,000 is acceptable although there was much more given to Mrs. Britto in the duration of our relationship.

Thank You,

Allen Britto
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Re: [Divorce] Dasha Britto, Allen Britto [Pending Judge]

Post by Allen Britto »

Honorable Judith,

I would like to follow up on this to put end to the settlement so I can move on with my life. Could we please provide a status on the following.

Thank You,

Allen Britto
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Judith Mason
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Re: [Divorce] Dasha Britto, Allen Britto [Pending Judge]

Post by Judith Mason »


San Andreas Judicial Branch
Superior Court of San Andreas


  • Parties,

    To be clear, assets given from one party to the other as a gift are ineligible for the court to order compensation for and should not come into play when it comes to the fair distribution of assets. As such, it is the court's understanding that the only disputed marital asset in this case is the 10 Mad Wayne Thunder Drive property - is this assumption correct from the point of view of both parties?


    Chief Justice
    San Andreas Judicial Branch
    (909) 257-9183 — [email protected]
Allen Britto
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Re: [Divorce] Dasha Britto, Allen Britto [Pending Judge]

Post by Allen Britto »

Honorable Judy Mason,

I am ok with that, and with an effort of putting an end to this matter and moving forward with the divorce I agree with accepting the $250,000 which is equivalent to the 25% I paid towards the purchase of the aforementioned property.

Please let me know how we can arrange receiving payment of such and finalizing this divorce.


Allen Britto
Dasha Belova
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Re: [Divorce] Dasha Britto, Allen Britto [Pending Judge]

Post by Dasha Belova »


San Andreas Department of Corrections


  • Dear Judith,

    I would like to challenge that the payment of the house would be forfeit as not only did Mr. Britto not respond to court before the given date of August 6th, over a full month after the filing was made, but then took over an additional month to respond on top of that. It was clearly stated that Mr. Britto had until August 6th and failed to do so, making any request after that null and void.

  • Kind regards,

    Dasha Belova
    Correctional officer I
    San Andreas Department of Corrections
Allen Britto
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Re: [Divorce] Dasha Britto, Allen Britto [Pending Judge]

Post by Allen Britto »

I would like to dispute against that challenge because the Court was LOA as well as myself. I was on an extended vacation out of the city due to my mental state because of the divorce and Mrs. Belova repeated conduct of infidelity. The value paid is the value paid and it was recognized by Mrs. Belova herself, and it is only fair that acquired assets during the time of our marriage be divided accordingly. I am not requesting anymore than the declared value of Mrs. Belova herself, although there is a second home which I also provided money to Mrs. Belova towards tthe purchase. I am being more than fair in my request and I am willing to take a loss, because I would like this matter to be settle

I request that the court take control of this matter. I am only asking what Mrs. Belova herself declared is fair to me because of the amount paid towards the purchase of the home.


Allen Britto
Allen Britto
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Re: [Divorce] Dasha Britto, Allen Britto [Pending Judge]

Post by Allen Britto »

Honorable Judith,

By this written notification, I withdraw my request to any amount owed to me at the process of this divorce. Mrs. Belova is good to keep the full value of the assets in dispute as I will be taking an indefinite flight out of the City.

I hope that this settles as final this dispute and puts this divorce to its end. To Mrs. Belova, I wish her all the best, and a world full of hapiness as she deserves it.

Thank You!

Allen Britto
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Judith Mason
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Re: [Divorce] Dasha Britto, Allen Britto

Post by Judith Mason »


San Andreas Judicial Branch
Superior Court of San Andreas




Dasha Britto v. Allen Britto

A court order was issued in the above case on the 11th day of October, 2023.

The court, on the above date, has hereby decreed that the marriage solemnized on the 19th day of May, 2023 at the Galileo Observatory, San Andreas between Dasha Britto and Allen Britto be dissolved.

The Court finds there to be no community assets or debts able to be adjudicated by this Court nor was any child born to or adopted by Petitioner and Respondent, and no child is expected.

Petitioners are hereby granted a Divorce Decree, dissolving the marriage that took place and each is returned to the status of unmarried person. Each party shall have set aside to them, as individuals, the debts they incurred and shall hold the other party harmless therefrom. Each party shall have affirmed to them as their sole and separate property, the property they brought to the union as individuals.

It is hereby certified that the decree of divorce is made final and absolute on the 11th day of October, 2023.

Chief Justice
San Andreas Judicial Branch
(909) 257-9183 — [email protected]

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