Public Inquiry [Citizen]

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Jesse Carson
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Public Inquiry [Citizen]

Post by Jesse Carson »

  • Full Name: Jesse Carson
    Phone Number: 337-1759
    E-Mail Address: [email protected]
    Position in Institution (If Applicable): N/A
  • Detailed information of your request:
    • To Whom It May Concern,

      My name is Jesse Carson and I have recently moved to San Andreas from the great state of Texas. Y'all have a fine city and the police are doing an amazing job, however, I'm noticing something that I can't say I'm too pleased about.

      Now, I'm aware that y'all have this silly regulation in place called a "Firearms License." Now, I ain't no expert in politics and I ain't trying to make this political. However, I will say that regulation of firearms in this way and the suspension of sale of firearms to the public goes against my constitutional rights as a citizen of the United States of America. Firearms Licensing in other U.S. states only applies to vendors who sell firearms.

      As a citizen of this great nation, I find myself appalled at the lack of communication regarding this topic. I find it appalling to also learn of a rumor of legislation that intends to infringe even further on my rights as an American. I spoke to an office, though I did not get his name, and he seemed to have no idea that firearms licensing was even suspended. Y'all don't seem to have good internal communication!

      Now, before this comes across as hostile, know that I am being anything but hostile. I am simply looking for more information on the intent here. I also wish to suggest something to your Firearms licensing division. Instead of this silly "License" to own a firearm, you should do what every other state in this country does and make a database. Upon purchase of a firearm, the person is entered into this database and the firearm is immediately associated with that person forever. Should an individual want to transfer ownership of a firearm to someone else, the process is similar to what already exists.

      I look forward to your eventual responses and I am ever grateful for the service of the men and women in the LSPD.

      Jesse Carson
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Re: Public Inquiry [Citizen]

Post by Elena Flores »


Los Santos Police Department

  • Re: Public Inquiry [Citizen]

    Thank you for your inquiry.

    First and foremost, I would like to address the raised concern about the current suspension of the issuance of firearms licenses. In the last few days, the State has seen a new variety of legally ownable firearms made importable to public gun stores. Unfortunately, no line of communication between any manufacturer, import business, or any State-agency or organization was opened with the Los Santos Police Department and its Firearms Licensing Division. This has caused the Firearms Licensing Division to have to de facto play catch-up with all new firearms and information, along with other changes that they have wished to push through.

    The method through which firearm control is practiced within the State, meaning the regulation of firearm acquisition through the Firearms Licensing Division, was established as a directive of the State Government, at the time the Board of Commissioners, and the Department and its licensing division have been enforcing these licenses in the described manner for half a decade.

    While it may seem so due to the appointed responsibility of handling and regulating firearms licensing, the Department and its Firearms Licensing Division do not have the authority to alter how weapons are acquired in the manner which has been proposed. I can see that this subject is one of passion to you, so I suggest and encourage you to follow this up with the State Government, which allows for public inquiries and community suggestions through their public section.

    (( Unfortunately, both things are mostly OOC. The way these licenses are handled is due to the way that the script was developed and implemented in 2018, and this was further built upon in the most recent update in the summer of 2023. This isn't something we can change on our own accord, and with the alterations made to the script with recent development updates only furthering this method of issuance, I don't think that the developers will be working to change how firearms are obtained legally any time soon. It would be nice if these were things that could simply have a switch flipped by the LSPD or SAGOV to change this in-game in real-time, but that is just not the case.

    As for the suspension of issuances, there was little communication with the faction to allow the licensing division ample time to prepare. Beyond a list of weapons that would become importable, little was communicated, and neither the faction nor the division was aware of when the update would come out, meaning that they're currently playing catch-up. I hope it's understandable that while our members and faction want to make this available to all players as soon as possible, those in charge of catching up to everything new and making this available to others are only people, real people, too, who have many other responsibilities outside of the video game. Nevertheless, they're currently doing what they can to get this out ASAP. ))

    Assistant Chief Elena Blake
    Los Santos Police Department
Los Santos Police Department — "To Protect and to Serve"
Jesse Carson
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Re: Public Inquiry [Citizen]

Post by Jesse Carson »

Assistant Chief Blake,

Thank ya kindly for your response on this matter. As a citizen of San Andreas and the United States, I just wanted my voice to be heard and find out what might be going on with this matter. I understand and sympathize with the fact that you have a whole new set of imported weapons and the sudden appearance of them makes things difficult with licensing. Catch-up rushes are not fun and I'm certain it's harder when citizens like me get pushy for their rights.

Changes in legislature could, perhaps, make this situation different but as I stated I ain't a politician. However, perhaps I'll give a visit to the State Government's public section as you suggest. I hope that this can be resolved soon as I'm sure illegal firearms have seen a jump in profits. Ultimately I just want to be able to protect myself and my friends as we go about our business on a daily basis. Road work is dangerous for many reasons and I think I'd feel a might bit safer if I was more armed than with a knife.

Y'all's hard work on this matter is appreciated as is the information that you've given me. Once again, I am grateful for the service of the men and women on the police force. Without them this city would be a much harder place to live in than it is. Thank you.

Jesse Carson

((I totally get that things have been coded and done a certain way. It's hard to change and implement new systems into things that have been established for so long. While I'm not a developer, I do understand the sheer amount of work that goes into coding and working out those kinds of systems. It's a long process and doing so while keeping up with other server issues is a huge balance.

Ultimately, this post was more for the sake of the RP, but also to get some kind of character knowledge about what's going down with this. Jesse Carson is just a good ol' boy from Texas who cares about the people he's friends with and wants them to be safe haha. Thanks for the OOC explainer as well, though I hope you didn't feel obligated for it! Great, professional RP response too! Keep up the awesome work you're doing here!))
I support the second amendment as a right, not a privilege. There is a difference!

It is the right of the people to keep and bear arms and it shall not be infringed.

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Re: Public Inquiry [Citizen]

Post by Rija Luigi »

archived as question has been answered.
Los Santos Police Department — "To Protect and to Serve"
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