[Law Student Application] Arn Sullivan

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ECRP Forum Name: Canadakingz

[Law Student Application] Arn Sullivan

Post by Canadakingz »

  • 1.1) Name
    • First Name: Arn
      Middle Name: Wright
      Last Name: Sullivan
  • 1.2) Date & Place of Birth
    • Date: 04/27/1997
      Place: NYC, NY
  • 1.3) Contact Information
    • Address Line: N/A
      Phone Number: 2398498
  • 1.4) Are you a United States Citizen?
    • [✘] Yes
      [] No
  • 1.5) Can you speak and write to others in English proficiently?
    • [✘] Yes
      [] No
  • 1.6) Have you ever been convicted of a crime? If so, explain.
    • No
  • 1.7) Please provide proof of your identification and license (Driver's license required).
  • 2.1) Employment History
    • Company Name: Big Goods General
      Length of Employment: 3 Days
      Title: Trucker
      Reason for Leaving: I needed money for schooling and to get my life on track in the city. I'm now going to school so don't want any outside obligations.

      Company Name:
      Length of Employment:
      Reason for Leaving:
  • 3.1) Why are you seeking employment with the San Andreas Judicial Branch? (200 word minimum.):
    • I'm seeking employment because I've always wanted to be a lawyer. It's been a dream of mine since a kid to be the one in court defending the innocent against the guilty. I've had a strong pull towards debate and public speaking since a child, that mixed with the divorce of my parents led me into the legal war as I was in court rooms a lot being the subject of discussion. The only man who seemed to understand the situation and give the facts were the lawyers. I want to be like them. Calm, Calculated, and above all else defend those I believe to be innocent. I also hear there is a lot of money in the industry to be completely honest. I want to be able to live comfortably and put food on the table for myself and those I care about. I want to live out what some might call "The American Dream" while having a good conscious. I want the opportunity to work as part of this society in a serious way. I no longer want to just drive trucks around all day, I want to make a difference in a city where there is not enough representation for it's people.
  • 3.2) Please provide a short biography about yourself that highlights why you should be selected from other candidates. (150 word minimum.):
    • I would be a good fit compared to other candidates because I have a strong background in public speaking from high school. Having always been on the debate team and always delivering speeches to fellow sports teams I feel I work very well on my feet in very pressurized situations. I'm also very resilient minded, and stubborn. I will not give up on anyone, or anything I believe to be true or innocent. I have a very basic knowledge of law, and the justice system as I took a few law credits in high-school, I feel with those introductory classes I would be able to catch on fast since I already have a proven passion for the subject. I have done mock trials before in high school, and I can feel this is right for me, this is what I want to do with my life and I'm willing to do anything to reach my peak.
  • 3.3) Describe yourself in one word and explain why that word describes you best. (75 word minimum.):
    • Tactful. I find the best tactic to use in every situation and push for it. I'm good at pinpointing weaknesses in people, and arguments. I'd like to think that I go into every situation with a plan, and a background plan. I like to be prepared and ready for every situation, and have a solution ready for said problems. I find this is the best way to accomplish not only my goals but also a win in any situation.
  • 3.4) How did you hear about this position?
    • I was talking to a police officer in the station about how to get into the legal system and he kindly navigated me to this section of the government page.
  • 4.2) Do you have at least 5,000 experience points on one of your characters? Provide a screenshot of your /stats on that character.
  • 4.3) Are you a member of any factions? If so, which faction and character.
    • No
  • 4.4) Have you ever had an admin punishment with this, or any character on Eclipse? If yes, please explain:
    • Yes I have, on my other character Chris Lisquez. Both were while i was acting out criminal activity on said character and I broke FearRP rules. I understand the rules very clearly now and have since reformed.
  • 4.5) Please provide an unedited screenshot(s) of the Eclipse game panel with your 'Admin Logs' and 'My Character' sections.
  • 4.6) Please provide your Discord name.
    • Canadakingz#8755
  • 5.1) Player Information
    • Age: 21
      Country: Canada
      Timezone: EST
  • 5.2) Do you have a working microphone?
    • [✘] Yes
      [] No
  • 5.3) Do you currently play on any other GTA-RP servers and are you in any faction positions there?
    • [] Yes
      [✘] No
  • 5.4) Do you have additional Information about yourself that you consider beneficial to the branch?:
    • I really did take high school law classes back when I was in High School, I'm thinking that will help out. I've also always wanted to RP a Lawyer and so have done some research on the Eclipse Forums and the Government website for Eclipse.
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Roderick Marchisio
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Re: [Law Student Application] Arn Sullivan

Post by Roderick Marchisio »


Dear Arn Sullivan,

The San Andreas Judicial Branch Employment team has RECEIVED your employment application. We thank you for your interest in joining our branch. We will review the application, evaluate your qualifications and conduct a thorough background check. After this we will get back to you with an answer. Please be patient as this could take some time to complete. Thank you.


Deputy Attorney General
Director of Public Notary
San Andreas Judicial Branch
(909) 372-7719 — [email protected]
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Roderick Marchisio
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Re: [Law Student Application] Arn Sullivan

Post by Roderick Marchisio »


Arn Sullivan,

The San Andreas Judicial Branch Employment team is pleased to inform you that you have PASSED the first stage of our recruitment process. At this time we would like to formally invite you to attend an interview with our recruitment team.

This interview will take place at the Los Santos City Hall at 1 Rockford Dr. One of our recruiters will reach out to you with for scheduling purposes. Please dress in business casual or formal attire for the interview and do not bring any weapons with you into City Hall.

(( As there are IC and OOC parts to our interviews, you will be sent a invitation into the San Andreas Judicial Branch discord server. Once you have it, enter the server and change your name to your IC name. At the time of the interview please enter the "Interview Lobby" voice channel and patiently wait for a recruiter to conduct the interview. ))


Deputy Attorney General
Director of Public Notary
San Andreas Judicial Branch
(909) 372-7719 — [email protected]
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Colt Daniels
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Re: [Law Student Application] Arn Sullivan

Post by Colt Daniels »


Arn Sullivan,

The San Andreas Judicial Branch Recruitment team has reviewed your application, qualifications, and performed a background check. We regret to inform you that your application has been DENIED, see below for reason(s). Please feel free to reapply in 30 days.

The reason(s) for your denial are as followed;
  • Failed to attend interview - 47 days.
If you are unsure of our Employment Requirements & Recruitment Information, you can read about them here.


Chief Justice
San Andreas Judicial Branch
(909) 402-9713 — [email protected]

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