[Press Release] International Women's Day 2023

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Amelia Clark
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[Press Release] International Women's Day 2023

Post by Amelia Clark »


Los Santos County Sheriff's Department
News Release
March 8th, 2023
Sheriff Bobby Kirk

  • International Women's Day 2023
  • Today, Wednesday, the 8th of March 2023, is International Women's Day. In 2023, the theme for the IWD is to embrace equity and create an inclusive world. Today is a part of the women's rights movement to bring attention to issues such as gender equality, reproductive rights, and violence and abuse against women.

    I want to use this opportunity to highlight and thank the female Law Enforcement Officers that had chosen a path within Law Enforcement to protect their community and for their hard work and dedication. Our Law Enforcement Agencies are men dominated, and it is good to see the diversity and gender equality within ranks and the available opportunities through every department.

    Below, you will find a small interview with me and a statement from Sheriff Bobby Kirk about our experience, views on the topic, and what we are celebrating.

    Master Deputy Amelia Clark
    Why did you choose a career in Law Enforcement?
    For me, beginning a career in Law Enforcement was personal. Many years ago, I promised my little sister that I would live to protect and support the community in the ways I could. Being a Law Enforcement Officer is more than just driving fast and issuing punishments - it is also the possibility of helping someone through a hard time and ensuring that everyone is treated right and is safe.

    What motivates you to go on duty?
    Every day is new, and I never know what will meet me when I open the gates from my patrol vehicle and leave the station. I have been given trust by the Sheriff's Department in my tasks, and I have exciting career opportunities opening up very shortly. Also, being a female within the department gives me other perspectives in different situations that I have seen being beneficial for the active situation. I am not looked down upon when conducting my tasks, and I have been given the same level of respect as my fellow deputies.

    As a female on the force, do you ever experience unwanted attention from the public?
    Unfortunately, I experience some unwanted attention from the public when I am on shift. Still, I have learned not to attach myself to the comments, to focus on the task itself, and to use my fellow Deputies for support.

    Do you have anything that you want to say to the public of San Andreas?
    I want to send a friendly reminder to be nice to each other, even if you don't agree with the situation or the decisions made. Remember that Law Enforcement Officers are also individuals with personal lives and someone that is waiting for them to come home every night.

    Sheriff Bobby Kirk

    Today, we celebrate the achievements of women everywhere, particularly those who serve as deputies in our department.

    I want to emphasize the importance of having a diverse workforce. This department is made stronger by the diversity of my deputies, including our female deputies. Your unique perspectives, experiences, and skills bring so much to the team, and I am grateful for the richness and depth you add to our department.

    Women in law enforcement often face unique challenges and obstacles, but you have persevered and excelled in your roles, as proven by the excellent work of the female deputies of the Los Santos County Sheriff's Department. All of you have proven that women are just as capable as men in this field, and your achievements inspire us all. Your hard work, integrity, and compassion make a real difference in the lives of the people you serve. You are role models for other women, showing them that they can pursue any career they choose, regardless of gender stereotypes.

    On this International Women's Day, I also want to recognize the challenges that women have historically faced in law enforcement and acknowledge the progress that has been made toward gender equality. I know that there is still work to be done to ensure that women are represented, and I am committed to promoting diversity and inclusion in the department's hiring practices, and to ensuring that all current and future deputies feel valued, respected, and supported.

    Happy International Women's Day!
  • For Information, Contact:

    Master Deputy Amelia Clark
    (909) 474-8130 — [email protected]

    Sheriff's Information Division
    Los Santos County Sheriff's Department
    Procopio Promenade 1, Paleto Bay
    Los Santos, SA, 909
Image Lieutenant Amelia Clark
Patrol Commander, North Patrol Division
Commanding Officer, Sheriff's Information Division
Commanding Officer, Field Training Division
Commanding Officer, Advanced Training Division

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