LSEMS Press Release | June and July

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Quincy David
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LSEMS Press Release | June and July

Post by Quincy David »


The Los Santos Emergency Medical Services or LSEMS is currently stationed at the Central Los Santos Medical Centre where it is bordered by Capital Boulevard, Crusade Road, Davis Avenue and Innocence Boulevard in the east of Strawberry, Los Santos.

The Los Santos Emergency Medical Services provides immediate care and treatment for the citizens of the State of San Andreas.
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Welcome to the July 2020 edition of the Los Santos EMS press release! Within this release you will find articles about our recent employee of the month (or two), along with other articles about recent staff changes and upcoming events.
The Employee of the month award is an honour we, at LSEMS, bestow upon a colleague who has shown exemplary devotion to duty. Their efforts stand as a representation of how we can all strive to better ourselves and our communities through hard-work, diligence, and self-sacrifice.

As always, the staff at LSEMS would like to begin the July 2020 press release by announcing June and July’s recognized employees. Unfortunately, since June saw the resignation of Virgil Beretta, the previous head of Communications, June’s employee of the month was not announced, so we’d like to do that now.
First, congratulations to our friend and colleague, Ms. Tatianna Halloway for being June’s Employee of the Month recipient!


Ms. Halloway began duty with us here only one short month ago and has quickly taken hold of our hearts with her sassy demeanor and wise words of wisdom. Her kind soul and fun loving banter is cherished as an uplifting morale booster which has been especially advantageous to her work with trainees. She has done a fantastic job working with a lot of our EMR's in the earliest stages of their training and her colleagues, both old and young, are ever the more appreciative of her services because of it.

Ms. Halloway quickly integrated herself into good standing with the staff here at LSEMS. It was immediate from the start that Ms. Halloway was handling her day-to-day duties with exquisite efficiency and very quickly jumped at the opportunity to grab a hold of more responsibility. EMT-I Tatianna Halloway was recently appointed Assistant Head of the Lifeguard Division and is also a member of our Human Resources Department. Her devotion to water safety and rescue, as well as the daunting task of a never ending surge of paperwork, has made her an invaluable asset to our team and we could not be more pleased to have her with us.
Looking Back:
I sat down with Ms. Halloway recently, and had the privilege of asking her what her dearest accomplishment has been thus far in LSEMS. There wasn't much hesitation when she replied that, "It was definitely joining Human Resources. The most exceptional part of my job has become greeting everyone that walks through the doors of Central and getting to be one of the first people to make an impression on them. I take a tremendous amount of pride in watching our family grow."

What's Ahead?:
With seemingly limitless potential and an unending amount of praise from her superiors and peers alike, I had the opportunity to ask Ms. Halloway what lie ahead for the "Mother Hen of MD". "That's easy, Virgil!", she exclaimed. "I'm going to become Governor of the State of San Andreas one day. It's politics and paperwork for me baby, Mhmm! I want to give back to the people in more ways than one and politics is something I think I'd excel in."

Words From the Wise:
EMT-I Halloway has certainly become known as one of the swift rising stars here at LSEMS, which is made evident by this very article dedicated solely to her. With her exceptional dedication to duty and uplifting, contageous charisma we decided to ask her what tips she might have for aspiring young EMRs. "Hang in there sugar! Training can be long and rigorous but it only ever gets easier. By the time you're certified you're gonna be wondering what all the fuss was about."
Congratulations, Ms. Tatianna Halloway, we look forward to seeing what bright future awaits you.
And next, we’d like to congratulate July’s Employee of the Month recipient, Caleb Allison!


Caleb joined EMS in early May and has been quickly becoming a Jack-of-all-trades. After passing his certification, Caleb has rolled up his sleeves and become involved in many different divisions including Basic Life Support, Forensics, Lifeguard, Human Resources, and most recently was appointed as Interim Head of Audit!

Caleb quickly became one of our most active members of the department, and since then has decided to take his experience to other divisions within our department. He's made the jobs of people within HR, as well as the entire department. Caleb has always been an absolute workhorse, and we're all proud of the things he's accomplished, and we know FOR SURE that he's got unfinished business!
What EOTM means to Caleb Allison:
To me Employee of the Month is a title of accomplishment. Holding this title proves that you if you work hard, you get rewarded. Since I've joined the LSEMS, this department has been my second family so my dedication and service is a result of the great work we all do together.
Looking Back:
“Work hard, learn as much as you can, and get involved. There are so many divisions you can join to showcase your skills and/or learn new ones,” he said when discussing advice for new EMR’s. “Your hard work does not go unnoticed and there's always something to do. Holding this title proves that if you work hard, you get rewarded.”
What's Ahead?:
“I feel like I'm just getting started! My goal within LSEMS is to shoot for the stars but remain patient while doing so. I will continue to work hard and do my part to treat the patients of Los Santos and make the LSEMS the best medical department with the help of my colleagues.”
Congratulations once again to the June and July Employees of the Month! LSEMS appreciates your skill, talent, teamwork, and leadership.
Within the past month, LSEMS has recently seen a significant amount of changes. Join us as we say farewell to some of our most dedicated members of EMS.
Samuel Clarke - During his years of service, as well as his time as Chief of Staff, he taught us all how to be exemplary members of EMS. He set the standard for what we had to be, and what we had to do as a department. His success in the department, as well as the success of those he trained, has certainly left the department in good hands. We appreciate his time and effort in our department, and will continue to use his methods and attempt to match his leadership levels. Commander Clarke will be continuing service under the Honorary Commission, listed as active honorary under the position of LEAD PARAMEDIC.
Thank you, Commander Clarke!

Jasper Wuuuu - The department’s IA head. He’d done so much for our department, from the work that he put into CRU to the colossal task of taking IA and making sure that punishments were fair, all whilst making sure to keep people within the department, and defend them when they needed him to. Jasper worked hard for his spot in command, but he decided his time had come. We appreciate Jasper for his dedication to the department, and he surely left some big shoes to fill, but LSEMS will do it’s best to ensure that nobody panics! Mr. Wuuuu has turned down his invitation to be a part of the honorary commission, bringing his time at LSEMS to an end.
Thank you, Captain Wuuuu!
Clay Thompson - Our former fire chief, and our favorite cowboy. Clay was a one of a kind personality who brought life and spark to a fire department that had trouble igniting at a point, alongside Jaxon David. The fire department wouldn’t be anywhere near what it is without Clay’s dedication and efforts. We’ll always remember the time and dedication he put into a department that he believed was a necessity to LSEMS. It’s become something we feel as though we can’t live without, and the FD is now well over 30 members strong, with 10 trainees! We’ll continue to grow the department as best we can, Chief. Mr. Thompson was invited to join the honorary commission as a Paramedic, and will be able to hop on shift and work with us again whenever he pleases!
Thank you, Commander Thompson!
With the departures mentioned above, as well as a few that weren't mentioned, LSEMS had some positions open up. Below are the divisional and chief changes in relation to the changes that we've faced.
FIRE CHIEF | Jaxon David
HEAD OF AUDIT | Caleb Allison
HEAD OF LIFEGUARD | Arabella Guadalupe
HEAD OF COMMS | Quincy David
CHIEF OF STAFF | Kevin Grabber
HEAD OF FTP | Jay Paige
LSEMS would like to congratulate the following members of our department for the initiative they've taken, and we're ready for the changes they're going to present to us moving forward! We're sure they'll make LSEMS proud!

While we appreciate the time and effort that we received from these exemplary members of LSEMS, we can’t help but be excited for what’s to come! Bring on the future!
June 20th was the LSEMS Public Job Fair. Divisions represented included Forensics, the Fire Department and Lifeguard, Basic Life Support, and Air and Rescue with Human Resources taking charge of the organizational challenges and answering questions from the public regarding employment at LSEMS.
An aerial view of the Job Fair site before citizens arrived!

Citizens were able to check out fire trucks and helicopters (some even receiving rides) and attended a Basic Life Support course held by the Head of BLS, Chelsea Southern where 7 individuals received medical licenses! Attendees were also treated to the musical stylings of Mr. Quincy David, which was an incredible hit. After the job fair, we received an influx of applications and currently have TWENTY new EMR’s! It’s fair to say this event was a huge success!
Quincy David (representing his Psychology and CRU Division) performs a freestyle rap to a group of enthused citizens.

Command would like to give a giant thank you to Frank Fletcher, Leonardo Roberts, and Jaxon David for their outstanding organizational efforts on such short notice, along with those of you who were able to attend to represent your various divisions. We’re looking forward to holding more public facing events like these in the future!
Following the success of our last event, and the recruitment that followed, LSEMS is proud to announce the following upcoming events.

To start, the LSEMS Blood Drive!
The LSEMS blood drive will be held on July 11th, 2020 at 8PM ((UTC)). The blood drive’s purpose is not only for donating blood, but also a chance to showcase yet again the services we have to offer beyond being first responders. We’ll have people from each division representing our department, and the things that happen within it! If you’d like to donate blood, meet new people, and you have even the slightest aspiration of becoming an EMT, Paramedic, Psychologist, Forensic operative, and much more, please feel free to attend to learn what our department is all about.
We’re here to show you that we’re beyond being first responders and that we have responsibilities that we put our lives on the line for.
• • •
San Andreas Anonymous
San Andreas Anonymous is a program that allows people who wish to speak upon addictions, problems, and controversial topics. Nobody attending these meetings will need to identify unless they wish to. SAA will be held on July 8th at 8PM((UTC)), and our first topic will surround anger management. The session will be led by Chelsea Southern. She’ll be speaking on the importance of anger management, the problems people with anger problems can face, and she’ll allow people attending to speak upon their own experiences, whether it’s something they face, or something that someone close to them has faced that they’ve reaped the repercussions of.

Following this anger management session, we’ll be offering our services to those who wish to have it, and we’ll try to make these group anger management sessions a regular occurrence, along with our SAA meetings that we’ll be holding once every two weeks. We’ll continue to keep the citizens of the state informed on topics like addiction, depression, and much more. Awareness in regards to mental health needs to be a top priority. We feel as though mental health can often be neglected and pushed aside, and this, historically, has led to disaster. We’re here to show people that there’s an alternative, and that there’s help just around the corner for anyone willing to embrace change. Feel free to stop by CentralMD and ask for a CRU member or psychologist. Anger management will be weekly, and SAA will be bi-weekly. All of these meetings will be held at the Weasel building. We’ll be letting people in at the gates. Advertisements regarding the event will be released soon. Keep an eye on the Weazel feed!
In closing, we’d like to reiterate a message from our fearless leader, Stan Abaddon.

Chief Abaddon released a statement regarding the recent number of departures and changes within the department. “Change sometimes comes in waves, and can be shocking and surprising, but change also means opportunity.” Mr. Abaddon said. The Chief wanted to remind us that although there are plenty of changes that will be happening going forward, he believes in the department's stability and he is excited to see some new faces climb into the supervisory and command positions.

As Chief Abaddon stated, these departures and movements have only allowed our current dedicated employees to approach new positions and take on new responsibilities. It allows fresh mindsets and new opportunities for the department as a whole. We wish them all luck on their future endeavors, and hope that all the changes can lead to an even smoother sail when it comes to how these programs function!

Thank you so much for reading the July Press Release written by the Communications division! If you have any questions or inquires, please do not hesitate to contact the head of Communications, or any of the contributors of this release, and an extra special thank you for all of your hard work and dedication. None of this would be possible without each and every one of you. See you next month!


Quincy David
[email protected]
Head of Communications
Los Santos Emergency Medical Services

Chelsea Southern
[email protected]
Paramedic | Senior Firefighter
Los Santos Emergency Medical Services
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