PRESS RELEASE: Traffic Laws and You

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PRESS RELEASE: Traffic Laws and You

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Parking can be stressful when you’re unsure of the rules. This section will hopefully help to clarify the parking rules in Los Santos.
VC04: Illegal Parking - The Following is considered illegal parking in the City of Los Santos:
  • Parking your vehicle in any place not designated for parking a vehicle or in a marked spot without authorization
  • Where a "No Parking" sign is posted
  • On a marked or unmarked crosswalk, sidewalk, partially blocking a sidewalk, or in front of a driveway
  • In a space designated for parking or fueling zero-emission vehicles which display an identifying decal
  • In a tunnel or on a bridge, except where permitted by signs
  • Within 15 feet of a fire hydrant or a fire station driveway
  • On or within 7½ feet of a railroad track
  • Between a safety zone and the curb
  • On the wrong side of the street
  • At a red curb
  • On a freeway, except: In an emergency, when a peace officer or device requires a stop, where a stop is specifically permitted
  • A vehicle (even if disabled) that is stopped, parked, or left standing on a freeway for more than 1 hour may be removed
  • On property without consent from the property owner
  • In a space where parking meters are enforced, without paying for parking
Here some Visual examples:
Important note: None of the wheels should be on the sidewalk. The sidewalk is for pedestrians, not parking.


Traffic Lights

This section is simple. In the City of Los Santos you must respect the traffic lights ((Yes, They are synced)), but they function differently from those in other cities. In Los Santos, red lights are like stop signs. So, if you approach a traffic light that is red, you must come to a complete stop and look both ways before crossing into the intersection, yielding to cross traffic.
If you have a green light, you have the right of way and should proceed through the intersection.
If a green light turns yellow, you must start to brake before the intersection, or continue through if you are already in it.

If you fail to properly adhere to these regulations, you may be cited for:
VC08: Failure To Yield (to a TCD)

Failure to Yield for appropriate Traffic Control Devices (TCD) which is defined as any sign or device in traffic meant to restrict or direct traffic, such as, but not limited to: stop signs, yield signs, speed limit signs, signs directing traffic flow, no passing signs, one-way signs, no parking signs, traffic lights etc. San Andreas defines yielding as slowing down before a traffic control device and making sure that the intersection is clear. First vehicle at an intersection has right of way.
Intersections are very prominent in our city, both regulated and unregulated, and interacting with them safely is key to keeping everyone on their way. However, simply following the previously mentioned regulations with regards to traffic lights and rights of way is not always enough. With the high level of police activity at the current time, it is vital to listen up for sirens and keep an eye out for flashing red lights from upcoming vehicles that may bypass red lights at high rates of speed. In fact, it is good practice to always keep an eye out for cross traffic even when you have the right of way, in case of reckless or distracted drivers.

When emergency vehicles are rushing to time-sensitive calls or officers are involved in a vehicle pursuit, one of the must dangerous situations imaginable, they have their lights and sirens ON letting you know that they need you to pull over and give way.
Some recommendations to follow when driving in the city:
  • Slow and listen at intersections
  • Do not blow intersections at high rates of speed
  • If you hear any type of sirens, pull over to the right and slow down until you can locate where the emergency vehicle is coming from
  • Do NOT follow emergency vehicles
  • If you see an emergency vehicle pulled over on the side of the road, slow down and move over
Falling to yield at emergency vehicles constitutes a serious fine.
VC07: Failure To Yield To Emergency Vehicles
Failure to yield and pull off to the side in order to make way for emergency vehicles with flashing lights and or sirens.
Failing to yield to emergency vehicles could include any type of action that could jeopardize the activity of the responding emergency services in any way that would slow or impede them from doing their work efficiently. ((The sirens can be heard from far distances but it may be at the street parallel to you. So if you hear any siren slow down and listen.))

We know you are in a rush to get to your destination, but speed limits are in place for an important reason: your safety! Just remember at all times, is better to be late that never arrive.
You may have an emergency; maybe a friend of yours is in need of help, but that's where the city’s free Emergency Services step in. You should at no point be taking medical emergencies into your own hands if you are untrained and uncertified, and this is not a valid excuse to be risking others and your own lives with reckless driving. Peace Officers, Paramedics and Firefighters are trained to help you in any way they can; let them do their work!

As a reminder to all drivers, the speed limits are as follows:
  • The City of Los Santos speed limit 80 km/h.
  • Outer city and country roads speed limit 120 km/h.
  • Highway speed limit 145 km/h.
Failing to respect these limits can result in a citation, your driver license suspended or taken, and even jail time.
  1. VC01: Speeding 1st Degree - Operating a vehicle at speeds exceeding speed limits by 0 - 20 km/h on public roads.
  2. VC02: Speeding 2nd Degree - Operating a vehicle at speeds exceeding speed limits by 20 - 40 km/h on public roads.
  3. VC03: Speeding 3rd Degree - Operating a vehicle at speeds exceeding speed limits by 40 - 80 km/h on public roads.
  4. VM03: Reckless Operation of a Road or Marine Vehicle - Driving in a manner that endangers property, vehicles or life including breaking multiple road rules.

Police Detective I Jo Campbell, Commanding Officer
Los Santos Police Department's Public Relations
(213) 237-2507— [email protected]


Police Detective II Belle Havana Cavallera, Assistant Commanding Officer
Los Santos Police Department's Public Relations
[email protected]

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Los Santos Police Department Media Relations
[email protected]

Administrative Services Bureau
Los Santos Police Department — "To Protect and to Serve"

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