PRESS RELEASE: The LSPD Saves the Day and Brings a Fraudster to Justice

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PRESS RELEASE: The LSPD Saves the Day and Brings a Fraudster to Justice

Post by LSPD Media Relations »

On Friday, January 17[sup]th[/sup] 2020, shortly after starting their shift Police Captain Lewis Langley and Chief of Poliece Samuel Osborn walked outside the Mission Row precinct was made aware of a civilian being scammed. Zeiwa Gueye made a contract with Brianna Scott for residential address 67 Forum Drive.

Brianna Scott was paid $100,000 for the sale of the house by Zeiwa Gueye. After a contract was made and signed by both parties. Brianna Scott was demanding an additional $50,000 from Zeiwa Gueye after producing a fake key.

LSPD followed Zeiwa Gueye to Los Santos Bank and eventually came into contact with Brianna Scott, after placing Brianna Scott in handcuffs. The Los Santos Police Department Police Officers took Brianna Scott to Mission Row and all watched the footage provided by Zeiwa Gueye.

Chief of Police Samuel Osborn has issued a ticket of $100,000 to Brianna Scott and contacted the government to arrange a return of the $100,000 illegitimately taken from Zeiwa Gueye and this should be processed within the next 2-5 Business Days.

The contract was made at Mission Row and we have received video evidence of the contract being made.

We have recovered the initial footage used to create the fake contract and have decided to share it with the general public with the aim of ensuring that all citizens are not easily fooled! You can access the footage down below.
Preview the footage from the incident.

The LSPD would like to reiterate to all citizens that contracts are very difficult to enforce, we recommend contacting a realtor to handle the sale of any houses.

Police Captain Lewis Langley, Commanding Officer
Los Santos Police Department's Public Relations
(213) 516-1554 — [email protected]

Police Officer II Jo Campbell, Assistant Commanding Officer
Los Santos Police Department's Public Relations
(213) 237-2507— [email protected]


Los Santos Police Department Media Relations
[email protected]

Administrative Services Bureau
Los Santos Police Department — "To Protect and to Serve"

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