Press Release September 2021

Press releases made by the Department of Corrections on updates, employee adjustments, and stories from within the prison.
Solomon Cobb
Posts: 1332
Joined: Sun Dec 15, 2019 9:41 am
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Press Release September 2021

Post by Solomon Cobb »

Opening Message
Welcome to the September San Andreas Department of Corrections press release. This month we will be highlighting our usual topics such as employee of the month and our inmate of the month, of which is a very interesting inmate going by the alias "Black Jesus". If you've ever wanted a window into the mind of a notorious criminal, then look no further as Mr Black Jesus gives us some very revealing answers into why he does the things he does. I also believe this is the third Russian gangster we have had the pleasure of highlighting with our inmate interviews.

I am also happy to announce our new division, the Felon Reformation Division, see below to read about how we are going to add the "corrections" back into "San Andreas Department of Corrections".
Employee of the Month
Each month here at the San Andreas Department of Corrections we like to bestow an honor on this month's best performing officer who has shown time and time again that they put maximum effort and commitment into their work. The officer selected for this prestigious award has proved themselves as a representation of how each officer working for our department should strive to be.

Employee of the Month September 2021
Questions for the Employee of the Month
We like to ask the employee of the month a few questions to get their perspective on the job and what makes a great officer, below are a few answers to common questions by our Employee of the Month:

Looking back, what are memorable achievements from your service so far?
I've been at DOC for a short time but I would have to say one of the most memorable achievements I have had so far is joining the CMT division. Gaining the knowledge of our proper medical procedures to be able to treat people is an amazing achievement in my eyes. A Second achievement I'm proud of is all the busy late-night shifts when it's just Corporal Wellerman, COII Bishop, and I overcoming the challenges the night shift gives us. Lastly, being a part of all the training practices that are held at the DOC is great. It sharpens my skills and allows me to progress and become a better officer for my co-workers, Inmates, and myself.

Moving forward what are the next goals as a SADOC officer?
Moving forward with my DOC career I will continue to work hard so I am able to join the HR division as well as the CFT division to recruit and train the future generations of DOC Officers.

Any advice they would give to future prospects who might think about joining the SADOC?
If you are interested in joining the DOC, do it. If you are willing to work hard and be a team player, the DOC is the best place to be.

Division Spotlight - New Division
Felon Reformation Division

Since becoming the new Warden of SADOC a few months ago, one of the main things I have been focusing on is our failures. And there is no bigger failure of our department over the years than the "corrections" in the San Andreas Department of Corrections.

This changes today.

I am happy to announce the forming of a new division within our department, the Felon Reformation Division. This division will be run by Corporal Caroline Mathew who is largely dedicated to the reformation of inmates incarcerated at Bolingbroke Penitentiary. The goal is pretty self-explanatory, we will be forming programs to reform inmates who are looking for a second chance at life and reintegrate them back into society.

If we find an inmate who genuinely regrets their actions and is searching for a second life, we will talk to them whilst they are under our custody and conduct an initial meeting with them where we will get their basic information and conduct an assessment on whether we believe they are suitable for the program. I want to preface this by saying, this is not a get-out-of-jail-free card. Time will still need to be served as usual but this will be a variety of programs to help those who have made a mistake to return back to normal life and hopefully get a job and be reintegrated back into society.

Currently, we have a few active programs the inmates can enroll on:
  • Ex-felon program
    • Once the inmate has been released they will come back once a week to meet with one of our reformation officers for check-ups to ensure everything is going well and they are on track with the goals they had set in our initial meeting.
  • Rehabilitation Program
    • This will cover a wide variety of rehabilitation programs, dictated by our medical team. This can include drug addiction and alcohol addiction and any other addiction an inmate or ex-felon may have.
  • Psych Program
    • The primary focus for this will be for the ex-felon to be in touch with one of our Psych team and potential referral to CRU. This can help with a variety of common issues found with people who commit crimes, and we respect that every individual is different and the goal of this program is to understand how their mind works so we can better help them.
  • Criminal Thinking Program
    • A common issue with re-offenders is that for a lot of them, that life is all they have ever known and it's what they've grown up with and they lack the knowledge on how to handle situations in the way a regular civilian would. This program will coach the ex-felon in a variety of scenarios to change their mindset of how to handle potentially complicated scenarios that may result in criminal behavior from them.
We have many more programs in the works, some that will be available to any and all inmates, not just ones that are part of the Felon Reformation Program.

A secondary goal of this division will be to make contact with various agencies across the city to set up programs within their companies to potentially reduce the time required between a felony and being hired. Nothing is set in stone for this currently but we are looking to reach out to Bayview, LSC, DCC, and Weazel News to get programs like this set up where we can give assessments to the "probationary employee" and also weekly meetings with them to ensure they're on track and not falling back into old habits.

Not every inmate will receive the privilege of getting on these programs, we will initially be hand-selecting perfect candidates for our trial process until we get into the full swing of it. Expect regular updates in the press releases over the coming months highlighting success stories, as well as us highlighting any issues we have and how we will be addressing them.
A newly set-up building in which we will hold meetings with ex-felons who come back for meetings.

Has your wife, brother, husband, sister, mother, uncle, friend, or enemy ever been arrested and brought to SADOC? Well, you can visit them!
Two Irish meeting with a Chinese
Visitation at DOC is open 24 hours a day and 7 days a week, including holidays!
There is a requirement for at least two Correctional Officers to be free to assist in visitation so if some aren't immediately available then feel free to come back later.

The visitation rules are as follows:
  • No physical contact
  • No whispering
  • No passing of items. Items that wish to be exchanged will be checked beforehand for contraband.
  • Maximum time is 1 hour ((15 minutes OOCLY))
For those that like to exploit visitation, we have a blacklist in place that restricts certain individuals, such as our MSIs, from being able to be visited or visit. Visitation is a benefit and can be declined for any number of reasons.
Inmate of the Month

Sumana "Black Jesus" Saman


  • Note: In the interest of transparency, and being able to allow inmates to represent themselves this interview is direct quotes from the interviewed inmate and the quotes absolutely do not represent the SADOC's views and beliefs.
  • Why do you do illegal things?
    • I mean that's a very tough question, Mr. Cobb, but let me rephrase with a weird question towards you. The real question you should ask is "Why do I get caught", because let me tell you. I started working at DCC and was an assistant manager at DCC before I chose this life. I could recruit and promote people at DCC.
      So I was a really legal man and I did my job pretty much good every day. Then I saw corruption in DCC like there were things going behind the back. The so-called managers used to work with gangs like 67 and the boys from England who turned Dutch. There was someone else with Japanese people.
      I'm from my mother Russian and my language isn't good. Going forward there were DCC Managers who used to work for 67 and one managers who we won't name had a lab with 50 tables.
      I saw this but kept quiet but one day they decided to fire me for taking 2 illegal U-turns.

      Let me be honest before I joined the Russian gang I was not actually Russian. I was originally from Africa.
      My father is African and he was called Owweeewwooosuucmaueo Osas. After he got shot, he was hanging by grove and got shot. He used to be with criminal organizations.
      I didn't want to live the same life. After I got fired I looked for a job but they said "Hey you're fired from DCC, you have 2 tickets" and they wouldn't hire me.
      Then I met this nice man called Dimitri when I was really hopeless and was going to shoot myself at the pier. Then this Dimitri was a man, now he's a God to me. He's the father of God to Black Jesus. He taught me about what was going on in the city, taught me what was wrong or right.
      He showed me corruption in the city.

      Is Kim Jung Un a terrorist?
      People call him a terrorist but to his people, he's a hero. Same for us, for Mother Russia, Dimitri is a hero. Crime, you call it crime, we call it business.
      We have families to feed but that comes last to me, I'm really by myself. I'm by myself, I don't really have a family, just my Russian friends but they are family to me. I kill and fight for them. I have already and I will in the future no matter how many times they ask.

  • What's your favorite thing about DOC?
    • Oh man, I love everything in prison. The staff, the listen to you and support you to be a better person

  • What's your least favorite thing?
    • It's the random people who punch you asking for stamps. I was sitting in my bed praying for God, my father. Two randoms came in asking for stamps.
      I said brother, I'm praying I'll give you them later and they started punching me. There were no guards left but someone came and saved me.

  • If you could change one thing about DOC, what would it be?
    • It's going perfectly already.
      You know the bathroom, the toilet while praying and then two weirdos were banging each other.
      There was a guy who dropped the soap on purpose and he was bending down then the other guy said let me help you then the rest is history.

  • What would you do if you were Warden for a day?
    • I would put LSD and 67 into one cell, remove all their clothes then whip them with a Russian belt, with the spikes.
      67 were bullies, they were 69 or 67, they were bullies, they think they're the big guys but when you catch one lacking then they're pussies. They don't take fights. In Russia, we take the fight. We are not pussies.
      The manager Cheng Izumi is annoying. They are working with cops from what I personally feel. We don't appreciate this in our organization.

  • Is there someone or something you miss while being in jail?
    • Prison has helped with my vodka addiction. We import 20 bottles of vodka a week for Dimitri and the Russian high command. I grab one bottle secretly. There are only 19 but Dimitri doesn't know I steal one.

  • Why do you think you're in here so often?
    • It's because I'm the one who gets caught lacking. Sometimes I'm the one who takes all the charges for my friends. Whenever there is a bank robbery, I'm the bait. I run out and they chase me instead of the bike. It gives time for my people to escape.
      My family, my mother in Jamaica is being fed by Dimitri. Dimitri sends all my money to her. As long as all my family in Russia is fed.
      The stupid PD and SD always chase the brawler and miss the bikes. I don't really mind coming here. I do a lot of LSD before hitting a bank so I don't know what I'm doing. I just drive off you see 20 SD and PD chasing me.

  • Is there anything you'd like to tell people?
    • Of course.
      Don't trust anyone, the closest brother to you is the one who will stab you.
      Fuck LSD kids and Japanese people are ugly

  • Why do you preach inside of SADOC?
    • So the reason is I want people to become better and instead of following the rules here, I want them to become better in life than me.
      I call myself Jesus but I can't do miracles. I have already chosen the wrong path and there's no going back for me.
      For other prisoners, I think they'll get a chance.

Below you can see rare CCTV footage (slightly edited for dramatic effect) of Mr. Black Jesus blessing the warden's baton.
Department Restructure & New division heads

Within the command team of the San Andreas Department of Corrections we have been looking at potential inefficiencies, and areas within our department where we can improve as well as areas that shine. One of the areas that shine has always been our focus on divisions. We have decided to restructure to focus more on our divisions as with our old way of doing things, divisions took a bit of a back seat.

Our ranking structure also now accommodates divisional work a lot more than it used to, and people's divisional work will directly influence whether an officer is getting promoted or not each week. We are limited in what exactly we can share with you all but at the end of the day, all of these changes you might see in the coming weeks are for the benefit of inmates as well as the general public and other government agencies.

Some of our divisions have also been appointed new leaders, below you can see a short message from each of the new division heads. I personally believe they will be amazing for the job and I expect great things from them all:

Sarah Williams, The new head of the Correctional Medical Team wrote: The immediate plan for the future is to enhance the Correction Medical Team's training on both the medical and psychological sides. We have active plans to work with the LSPD's Metropolitan division to run a "Care Under Fire" course for the division. There are also plans to train our members in negotiation tactics, and to better help serve the inmates' mental health needs.

Lucas Laney, The new head of the Groundskeeping Division wrote: For starters, I am planning on using the old handbook left by the previous warden as well as her instructions. I am also planning on establishing a ranking system in about 2 weeks from now since I'm in a phase where I am planning on finding out who's suitable for the division and who is not. For now, these are the only plans in mind and I am planning on finding a way to improve the grounds keeping division but after the phase that the division is currently in.
Notable Promotions

ImageCorrectional Officer IImage

#654 Devin McDonald
#697 Abdul Simmerton
#698 Sean Payne
#706 Jessica Okami
#699 Habibi Sins
#700 Isaac Bishop
#701 Leonardo Harris
#702 Jimmy Trenk

ImageCorrectional Officer IIImage
#688 Alex Archer
#692 Franz Stroheim
#504 Hunter Stile
#695 Trixie Bankshot
#696 Ryan Andrews
#694 Matt Tomko
#698 Sean Payne
#700 Isaac Bishop
#701 Leonardo Harris

ImageCorrectional Officer IIIImage
#533 Audrey Hartwell

ImageSenior Correctional OfficerImage
#667 Lucas Laney
#597 Faith Salvatore
#676 Brayton Williams

#656 Lee Wellerman
#660 Sarah Williams
#629 Caroline Mathew
#663 Audrey Martin

#645 Steve Blata
#646 Katie Schneider

#619 Taishawn Martin

#474 Rashard Taylor
    Phone Calls
        When an inmate arrives with a brand new iFruit 69 they will have it quickly confiscated from them. However, if they wish to retain their phone till they enter the cellblock to make a phone call then they can request it.

        The 10-15 can use the phone call for any number of reasons such as letting their mom know they're going to be in prison for a few years, telling their significant other to come to visit them, or getting a friend to feed their pet while they're incarcerated.

        Phone calls are a privilege, not a right. Any Correctional Officer has the right to decline you for a phone call for any reason they see fit.
        Recruitment Status
         ! Message from: Human Resources Command
        Recruitment for the San Andreas Department of Corrections is OPEN as of 21/06/2021. Please see below on how to apply.
        • Age: Must be over the age of 18 and no older than 55.
          • (( Must have an Out of Character age of 16 years old ))
        • Citizenship/Residency: Must be an American Citizen at the time of applying, and have been a resident of San Andreas for no less than 12 months.
          • (( Must have over 5,000 XP on the character you're applying on ))
        • Criminal History: You must not have any serious crimes on your record (will be dealt with on a case to case basis)
        • Multiple Employments: You may not be a member of LSPD or LSSD at the time of hiring, as these are full-time positions. You may have a part-time position while working at the SADOC.
        • Mental/Physical Fitness: As a Corrections Officer, you must be able to maintain good mental and physical fitness. You will be tested on this during our hiring process.
          • (( As a faction, we hold a high RP standard, we will help you of course, if you're new. But you must want to learn and grow ))
        • Additional Requirements:
          • You are required to fill out an application online, you must have access to a computer and be able to use it.
          • You are required to pass an extensive background check, where your criminal record, previous employment, traffic violations, and any affiliation you may have had in the past will be checked.
          • (( Must be able to dedicate at least 5 on-duty hours a week ))
          • (( Must have a clean admin record for the past 30 days, this is also handled on a case by case basis ))
        Closing Message from the Warden
        And that ends our September Press release. As always, if you have any questions, comments, or anything you can find my contact info just below here, or just send an email to the entire public relations division.

        Solomon Cobb
        San Andreas Department of Corrections

        [email protected]
        [email protected]
        Other Contact Information

        Kourtney Lafleur
        Assistant Warden
        San Andreas Department of Corrections

        [email protected]


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