Press Release June 2021

Press releases made by the Department of Corrections on updates, employee adjustments, and stories from within the prison.
Solomon Cobb
Posts: 1333
Joined: Sun Dec 15, 2019 9:41 am
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Press Release June 2021

Post by Solomon Cobb »

Opening Message
Welcome to the June San Andreas Department of Corrections press release! This month we celebrate pride month by highlighting how we represent people who celebrate it as well as a quote from one of our own officer regarding the subject. We also highlight a new initiative we have taken up within the cellblock which is our very coveted Hotdog Day where we get some authentic genuine 100% mystery meat hot dogs and lukewarm soda and give it out to each inmate, officer, and every PD/SD unit dropping people off. We also show off some of our notable promotions, this month there has been 3 promotions to and within the command team which we will be showcasing in a special press release dedicated to them over the coming week.
Employee of the Month
Each month here at the San Andreas Department of Corrections we like to bestow an honor on this month's best performing officer who has shown time and time again that they put maximum effort and commitment into their work. The officer selected for this prestigious award has proved themselves as a representation of how each officer working for our department should strive to be.

Employee of the Month June 2021
Questions for the Employee of the Month
We like to ask the employee of the month a few questions to get their perspective on the job and what makes a great officer, below are a few answers to common questions by our Employee of the Month:

Looking back, what are memorable achievements from your service so far?
I suppose getting Employee of the Month after 3 weeks of service is pretty memorable already. But, I would say that some personal achievements involve being asked to lead an MSI processing, I look upon that as an accomplishment. It showed that I was trustworthy to take control and lead a team safely and proactively. Another achievement that I look highly upon, was being asked to Lead the cellblock in the absence of the supervisors during their weekly meeting, and all of this whilst being CO1. On a more personal level, being at the DOC helped me come out of my shell and become a more assertive and confident person. And that is by far, a large accomplishment that was developed by the DOC and all of its' team.

Moving forward what are the next goals as a SADOC officer?
I am in the SADOC to become a more proactive part of the family. I foresee staying in the DOC for a very long time, and I would like to grow through the ranks and someday reach the Warden team. In the meantime, my next written goal is to become a Corporal.

Any advice they would give to future prospects who might think about joining the SADOC?
I would say to put in the work. Your work won't go unnoticed, and I believe you are rewarded honestly for the amount of effort you put in. So take the time to study, take the time to process and fill out reports, take the time to shadow your higher rank, and in due time I guarantee you will be rewarded handsomely for it.

Hot Dog Day
We have been bringing a new initiative to the SADOC this month and have started doing themed food days within the prison. Our first one we trialed towards the end of the month was Hot Dog Day!
The warden put on a hotdog seller outfit and went around the cell block giving out free 100% authentic American mystery meat hot dogs and lukewarm soda to inmates, officers, and LSPD/LSSD officers bringing in 10-15's. This was positively received and we intend on doing the same for other themed foods such as Chinese, Indian, pizza, sweet foods etc.
"I rate this 4.5/5 stars, there's a bit too much mustard" - Inmate who asked for extra mustard
Has your wife, brother, husband, sister, mother, uncle, friend, or enemy ever been arrested and brought to SADOC? Well, you can visit them!
Weazel News interviewing an inmate
Visitation at DOC is open 24 hours a day and 7 days a week, including holidays!
There is a requirement for at least two Correctional Officers to be free to assist in visitation so if some aren't immediately available then feel free to come back later.

The visitation rules are as follows:
  • No physical contact
  • No whispering
  • No passing of items. Items that wish to be exchanged will be checked beforehand for contraband.
  • Maximum time is 1 hour ((15 minutes OOCLY))
For those that like to exploit visitation, we have a blacklist in place that restricts certain individuals, such as our MSIs, from being able to be visited or visit. Visitation is a benefit and can be declined for any number of reasons.
Phone Calls
    When an inmate arrives with a brand new iFruit 69 they will have it quickly confiscated from them. However, if they wish to retain their phone till they enter the cellblock to make a phone call then they can request it.
    The 10-15 can use the phone call for any number of reasons such as letting their mom know they're going to be in prison for a few years, telling their significant other to come to visit them, or getting a friend to feed their pet while they're incarcerated.

    Phone calls are a privilege, not a right. Any Correctional Officer has the right to decline you for a phone call for any reason they see fit.

    ((Using phones inside of SADOC as an inmate is considered bug abuse even if you roleplay sneaking it in. If you wish to use your phone, ask IC))

    Pride Month

    June is Pride Month and SADOC has celebrated it.

    • SADOC has the privilege of working with a very broad range of people from officers to criminals.
      There are quite a few issues with inmates and officers expressing their sexual orientation. Multiple times a day you hear inmates shouting slurs to each other. Most of them take it on the chin but some take it personally. We try and prevent situations like this occurring as we believe that inmates should also be able to express themselves without being slandered by other inmates.
      We have a special spot in solitary for homophobic inmates (and officers).

    Kourtney Lafleur wrote:Like hey. As like the lesbian of the SADOC, I like get misidentified and like called mean names by the intimates like a lot.
    Like I know it's like just part of the job but it happens. Like most of them are like totes fine with like it. Like many of the intimates go around calling each other gay or like have notes that say "If you read this, you're gay". Like they always made me chuckle.
    Like weird that some inmates call me like trans though, like it makes no sense.

    Yuki Nakamura - The DOC Bisexual wrote:No comment.

    Midway through the month lots of officers changed their hair to pink to celebrate Pride Month. Warden Cobb apparently got this memo a few years early though.
    Inmate of the Month

    Dean Dre Borderlands


    • Dean Dre is a frequent inmate at SADOC. He originates from the hood and is known for a personal vendetta against the current Assistant Warden, Wes McLoughlin. He is well known for scamming officers for their money by saying he'll use the money to get a haircut and then never cuts his hair.

      Note: In the interest of transparency, and being able to allow inmates to represent themselves this interview is direct quotes from the interviewed inmate.
    • Why do you do illegal things?
      • I mainly do illegal things because I can't get a normal job at all and I find it hard to stay clean because you know a lot of cops know who I am and since I'm in a gang. We do a lot of illegal stuff so hard to stay out of trouble. I try to stay out of trouble, it lasted 3 days, then I started doing illegal things. I do what I can to keep my head down, managed a day. I can't get a normal job so it's hard.

    • What's your favorite thing about DOC?
      • Not being locked into a cell, the guards are nice. I like the guards, maybe not Wes too much because he said one time he'd whip me like a slave. I like how inmates have the opportunity to make money when they work hard. Pure violent inmates try to rob you for stamps and you work so hard mining and it can be very frustrating. You put lots of work in mining and get you to get robbed and you lose your stamps. other than that, guards are nice, they do their jobs well. I can't complain.

    • What's your least favorite thing?
      • Wes is one of them. Being locked in a cell. Sometimes I'll be dying of dehydration, I shout for food and don't get any. Then I get hungry and it takes a while for a guard to come to give me food.

    • If you could change one thing about DOC, what would it be?
      • Change the assistant warden. There should be other ways to make money instead of mining, you know if that can be done. Opportunity to be put into the kitchen to make food.

    • What would you do if you were Warden for a day?
      • Lock up every inmate, tell them to drop their stamps. People in here are savages, I thought I was a savage but damn, especially the Millers, they should go in solitary straight away.
        Change the hygiene, it's not the best.

    • Is there someone or something you miss while being in jail?
      • I miss my freedom. When I'm stuck in here, I can't do much. When I'm in here for years I miss my friends, my ballas. I don't see them for a long time. My ballas, my mates. (not his testicles). My business partners. I miss them a lot. Criminal associates, we're one big family and we look out for each other. They have my back. I do miss my warm bed and electricity and water.

    • why do you think you're in here so often?
      • When I'm in here when I get caught. I see how long I'm in here for and I cry. It kills me. When it comes to chases, as you know, that's what I like, that I've successfully pissed off the police. I get arrested for a lot of dumb s***. The systems f***ed. The police are f***ed. What I say all the time, the police are the biggest gang in the city. Some of them don't know how to do their job. I'll give an example, this was a few years ago before I came in here. Someone gave me an explicit note and it was a hate crime. It said nigga gang with a hard er and there was a face and a penis. The face was mine, and I reported that s*** to the police. It said Deandre and there was a penis. I saw the veins, the pubes the balls, it was uncircumcised. I reported it to the police. I was at LSC and went to this police officer and said "Hey Officer, I want to report this crime", being the good civilian that I am. The cop says "Is your life at risk at all?". "Maybe," Denadre says, "He does a hate a crime against me". The chops say "if I look at this note and it's not a hate crime then I'm arresting you". I don't want a penis inside my mouth, give it to him. I showed the officer that picture and he says "Oh this is not threatening against your life". I say "This is a hate crime right here, I'm reporting a crime." He calls for backup, another dickhead officer comes. I say "Hey man this is a hate crim, I feel like this should not be allowed and I'm reporting it". You know what happened, they arrested me for false information. I gave no false information and arrested me for it. It's ridiculous. They said file an IA report but nothing will happen. I did about 20 months, an 800 dollar fine. I was just trying to report a crime. F*** the police.
        I then went for a run, evaded them for about 2 days and got caught today. That's why I'm here now.

    • Is there anything you'd like to tell people?
      • Thank you for making me inmate of the month. I feel like I deserve it, I come in here a lot, I interact a lot, try to rehabilitate other inmates. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

    Notable Promotions

    ImageCorrectional Officer IImage

    #452 Sebastian Claire
    #497 Jesse Burks
    #597 Faith Salvatore
    #629 Caroline Mathew
    #657 Shannon Melone
    #658 Billy Gross
    #661 Tyrone Blackwater
    #662 Matthew Henderson
    #666 Lucifero Whitlock
    #667 Lucas Laney
    #669 Randy Sherman
    #671 Kiril Komorow
    #672 Darius Monroe

    ImageCorrectional Officer IIImage
    #209 Alex Wilson
    #581 Adam Fax
    #595 Marco Diaz
    #637 Sue Hall
    #647 Urban Madine
    #650 Joe Markov
    #654 Devin McDonald
    #656 Lee Wellerman
    #659 Tricia Price
    #660 Sarah Williams
    #663 Audrey Martin
    #664 Louise Hoffman
    #665 Nani Jankia

    ImageCorrectional Officer IIIImage
    #639 Jett Lemon
    #644 Lewis Mclachlan
    #645 Steve Blata
    #646 Katie Schneider

    ImageSenior Correctional OfficerImage
    #619 Taishawn Martin
    #621 Iraklis Lepidas

    #607 Felix Morrow
    #614 Teddy Kaiser

    #521 Kourtney Lafleur
    Recruitment Status
     ! Message from: Human Resources Command
    Recruitment for the San Andreas Department of Corrections is OPEN as of 21/06/2021. Please see below on how to apply.
    • Age: Must be over the age of 18 and no older than 55.
      • (( Must have an Out of Character age of 16 years old ))
    • Citizenship/Residency: Must be an American Citizen at the time of applying, and been a resident of San Andreas for no less than 12 months.
      • (( Must have over 5,000 XP on character you are applying on ))
    • Criminal History: You must not have any serious crimes on your record (will be dealt with on a case to case basis)
    • Multiple Employments: You may not be a member of LSPD or LSSD at the time of hiring, as these are full-time positions. You may have a part-time position while working at the SADOC.
    • Mental/Physical Fitness: As a Corrections Officer, you must be able to maintain good mental and physical fitness. You will be tested on this during our hiring process.
      • (( As a faction, we hold a high RP standard, we will help you of course, if you're new. But you must want to learn and grow ))
    • Additional Requirements:
      • You are required to fill out an application online, you must have access to a computer and be able to use it.
      • You are required to pass an extensive background check, where your criminal record, previous employment, traffic violations, and any affiliation you may have had in the past will be checked.
      • (( Must be able to dedicate at least 5 on-duty hours a week ))
      • (( Must have a clean admin record for the past 30 days, this is also handled on a case by case basis ))
    Closing Message from the Warden
    And that ends our June Press release, our numbers within the SADOC have grown rapidly since I have become warden and we intend to keep growing. We will always be pushing forward to get new initiatives up and running and I look forward to sharing with you guys what rehabilitation programs we are currently in the process of getting set up. As always, if you have any questions, comments, or anything you can find my contact info just below here, or just send an email to the entire public relations division.

    Solomon Cobb
    Warden & Head of PR
    San Andreas Department of Corrections

    [email protected]
    [email protected]

    Other Contact Information

    Kourtney Lafleur
    First Lieutenant, Human Resources
    San Andreas Department of Corrections

    [email protected]


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