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[Law Student Application] Darrell Shaw

Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2024 1:41 pm
by Darrell Shaw
  • 1.1) Name & Pronouns
    • First Name: Darrell
      Middle Name:
      Last Name: Shaw
      Preferred pronouns: he/him
    1.2) Date & Place of Birth
    • Date: 20/02/2001
      Place: Vice City
    1.3) Contact Information
    • Address Line: N/A
      Phone Number: 4977050
    1.4) Are you a United States Citizen?
    • [✘] Yes
      [] No
    1.5) Can you speak and write to others in English proficiently?
    • [✘] Yes
      [] No
    1.6) Have you ever been convicted of a crime? If so, explain.
    • yes. when i first moved into the city, I fell in with the wrong crowd, who convinced/coerced me into committing some regrettable acts, such as robbery, illegally possessing weapons, covering my face and alike. These actions are in my past and I have since realised that this is not the right thing to do. I am reforming and hope to one day become an attorney
    1.6.1) If yes, have you gone through (or reached your second week of) the Felon Reformation Program?
    • I am in my second week
    1.7) Please provide proof of your identification and license. (Driver's license required)
  • 2.1) Employment History
    • Company Name: Los Santos Deparment of Water and Power
      Length of Employment: 3 months
      Title: Road Worker
      Reason for Leaving: I would like to pursue a career that more alligns with my passion of law
  • 3.1) Why are you seeking employment with the San Andreas Judicial Branch? (200 word minimum)
    • From a very young age, my fascination with law and the justice system has been deeply rooted by my experience in relation to the legal troubles of those close to me, and how the legal system helped them when they needed it most. I would like the opportunity to be able to do this for others. I truly believe that by working with the SAJB, I will be able to work to my fullest potential and I will be able to learn a lot of valuable insights into our complex and intricate justice system. I have a true passion to thrive in the world of law and I believe I can make a real difference in the community by being a valued member of the legal justice team. I have spent a lot of time studying the San Andreas Penal Code and so I believe that I can accurately and efficiently build a case and advise clients. Additionally, I have exceptional communication and planning skills which will be essential during my work. I hope to one day become a well respected and knowledgeable attorney within the state of Los Santos, and I hope to be aided by the well established judicial branch that I am lucky to have within the city I call home
    3.2) Please provide a short biography about yourself that highlights why you should be selected from other candidates. (150 word minimum)
    • My name is Darrell Shaw, and I am driven by a desire to strive and perform within my work. Even though I wasn't given the best start at life, I have worked hard to reach my goals and make great aspirations myself within both my personal and professional life. I grew up in Vice City, which usually meant I was exposed to violence, however, this only fueled my aspirations of becoming an outstanding attorney, so I can one day help to make the city a better place. Outside of work, I have a passion for cars and car modding, which further aids my motivation and inspiration to make great accomplishments and achieve all my goals. It also leads me to always strive for challenges and work on big projects. Furthermore, I am always on the search for new opportunities to expand my knowledge and skills to become a versatile asset within every aspect of my life
    3.3) Describe yourself in one word and explain why that word describes you best. (75 word minimum)
    • One word to describe me would be versatility. I am always looking to expand my knowledge of the world around me, which has led me to accumulate a wide range of skills. For example, over the years, I have gathered exceptional communication, writing and listening skills. Additionally, I have learned excellent time management, problem solving and how to pay attention to detail. I have always approached tasks with flexibility and creativity in the forefront of my mind
    3.4) How did you hear about this position?
    • Weazel News
  • 4.1) Eclipse Forum Details: 4.2) Please provide a screenshot of your /stats on this character. 4.3) Are you a member of any factions? If so, which faction and character.
    • none
    4.4) Have you ever had an admin punishment with this, or any character on Eclipse? If yes, please explain:
    • I have one minor admin punishment. I was kicked from the server for being AFK during active roleplay. This was due to an IRL emergency and will not be repeated in future
    4.5) Please provide an unedited screenshot(s) of the Eclipse game panel with your 'Admin Logs' and 'My Character' sections. 4.6) Please provide your Discord name.
    • jrbo
  • 5.1) Player Information
    • Age:16
      Country:United Kingdom
    5.2) Do you have a working microphone?
    • [✘] Yes
      [] No
    5.3) Do you currently play on any other GTA-RP servers and are you in any faction positions there? If yes, please state the servers and factions you are a part of:
    • No
    5.4) Do you affirm that the entirety of your application is written by you, with no assistance from AI essay-generation tools?
    • Yes
    5.5) Do you have additional Information about yourself that you consider beneficial to the branch?
    • N/A

Re: [law student application] Darrell Shaw

Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2024 2:43 pm
by Scott Harrold

Mr. Shaw,

The San Andreas Judicial Branch Employment team has RECEIVED your employment application. We thank you for your interest in joining our branch. We will review the application, evaluate your qualifications and conduct a thorough background check. After this we will get back to you with an answer. Please be patient as this could take some time to complete. Thank you.

San Andreas Judicial Branch
Public Defense Paralegal
Media Relations Official
Member of Training and Hiring
(909)297-4876, [email protected]

Re: [Law Student Application] Darrell Shaw

Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2024 2:59 pm
by Scott Harrold

Mr. Shaw,

Thank you for taking the time to apply for a position within the San Andreas Judicial Branch. After a brief check, I have discovered you have a fair amount of speeding tickets on your recent record, as many of these tickets are minor, first degree tickets, I will give you a chance to knock it away now. I would like you to explain to me the issue with your previous conduct and how you can better improve your road conduct in the future. Driving is one of the key parts of the job here. There are destinations as to which you will need to go to as an Attorney and your conduct on the road is a representation of all of us here at the Judicial Branch. I shall give you forty-eight (48) hours to respond.


San Andreas Judicial Branch
Public Defense Paralegal
Media Relations Official
Member of Training and Hiring
(909)297-4876, [email protected]

Re: [Law Student Application] Darrell Shaw

Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2024 4:27 pm
by Darrell Shaw
Mr Harrold,

A lot of these speeding tickets tend to be gathered when I happen to forget to turn on my cruise control when first starting up my vehicle, which sometimes leads to me pulling off too fast, realising that I do not have my cruise control active and quickly slowing down. However, sometimes this happens near speeding cameras which result in me getting a speeding ticket. I understand that this is something I should be more careful of as going too fast can endanger those around me. I aim to make sure that I double check my cruise control is on before I attempt to move my vehicle. Thank you for your time and consideration

Darrell Shaw

Re: [Law Student Application] Darrell Shaw

Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2024 5:20 pm
by Scott Harrold

Mr. Shaw,

The San Andreas Judicial Branch Recruitment team has reviewed your application, qualifications, and performed a background check. We regret to inform you that your application has been DENIED, see below for reason(s). Please feel free to reapply in 30 days.

The reason(s) for your denial are as followed;
  • Must be clean of felonies for 3 months.
After a further, more in depth check of your record, Mr Shaw. You have a felony as Late as the 18/FEB/2024. I will say that your application is perfectly good however I cannot accept this application at this time. I appreciate that you have been going through the Reformation Program however until the 18/MAY/2024, I cannot accept this.

If you are unsure of our Employment Requirements & Recruitment Information, you can read about them here.

Apologise for any inconvenience,

San Andreas Judicial Branch
Public Defense Paralegal
Media Relations Official
Member of Training and Hiring
(909)297-4876, [email protected]