[NEWSLETTER #27] SASG Updates - February

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[NEWSLETTER #27] SASG Updates - February

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We are excited to bring you the latest updates and insights on the initiatives, policies, and achievements of our government as we continue our commitment to serving and enriching the lives of our citizens. This newsletter serves as a bridge of communication, connecting you with the important work happening throughout our state and offering you a glimpse into the impact we are making at the San Andreas State Government.
New Employees
When employees join the San Andreas State Government, we ask them a crucial question: why did they choose to join the government? We then share their answers with the public to provide insight into the kind of impact these individuals wish to make on the future and development of our city. Here are quotes received from our new employees:
Molly Devil, Public Relations Bureau wrote: I joined the Public Relations Bureau because I love people. I am very passionate about building long-lasting connections with others and have a genuine desire to serve the community I live in. My goal is to help bridge the gap between the government, interagency departments, and the public. I am very excited to be able to use my knowledge and background to give back to the state and thrilled to be able to make a difference in the community.
Connor Cee, Administration Bureau wrote: I joined the Human Resources team being one of the first reformed employees here at SAGOV. This has always been a dream of mine. I unfortunately can not change the past but I did change myself and my lifestyle choices. If I can do that then so can anyone else that wants to change there life around. One of my goals here is to help out with the reform system SAGOV & DOC has and be able to guide others to the place that they want to be at.
Hank Piker, Law Review Comittee wrote: There are many ways to observe the river of change. The best way is through noticing the implementation of laws and how they affect the city you’re in. I joined the LRC with the clear-cut intention of noticing that change and providing my assistance to the representatives of San Andreas whenever they may need it. As a former lawyer, and a current mechanic as well, my profession isn’t the point of contention, but how much change can I do with it is. I’ll try my best in my current role to affect people’s lives through what means are given to me.
Property and Housing Bureau Spotlight #1
On February 16th, the San Andreas Government hosted the Asian Tea Garden, a romantic picnic event accompanied by a live piano concert.

The event had a great turnout. Guests were greeted with picnic baskets filled with an assortment of food and drinks while DJ Quiet played the piano in the background, setting the romantic mood with soft ballads. There were many comments made about the atmosphere and the uniqueness of the space itself, as it was many of the attendees' first view of the property.

The event was a fantastic opportunity to showcase the property, which was made possible by the Property & Housing Bureau and the Public Relations team. The event was kept safe and orderly by the members of the Government Security Bureau.

A bridge over open water invited the guests to the far side of the space where DJ Quiet was set up with the piano. Stebbi Guerra and Chuck Mapleton manned the counter, handing out the picnic baskets and greeting the guests as they arrived. Lilymay Bryd was the warm and welcoming host, inviting everyone to explore the venue that she built with the help of Stebbi. Surrounded by gardens and the waterfall, it was a great opportunity to escape from the hustle and bustle of city life, even if just for a night.

If you are interested in learning more about the Property & Housing Bureau, and how it can help you and your business, please take a moment to visit the San Andreas Government website for more information.

Recent Releases
PRESS RELEASE #69 - Boutique Mechanic Shop Applications Are Now Open!
20 February, 2024
San Andreas State Government

Boutique Mechanic Shop
Citizens of San Andreas,

The San Andreas State Government is pleased to announce the application for CEO of a new boutique mechanic shop in Los Santos, aimed at supporting small businesses and fostering economic growth within the state. The information below serves to focus on the establishment and operation of a boutique mechanic shop, providing a framework for the ownership of smaller businesses funded by the state government.
Operational Guidelines
A boutique mechanic shop is expected to uphold high standards of service quality, professionalism, and customer satisfaction. Compliance with state laws, including weekly employee background checks, is mandatory to ensure the safety and security of both employees and customers. Additionally, boutique mechanic shops are encouraged to actively participate in community outreach initiatives, such as events and awareness campaigns, to foster positive relationships within their local communities. A limit of 12 employees will be stipulated for the running of the business.
Funding Allocation and Usage
The San Andreas State Government will provide both funding and a property to the awarded applicant. Funding will be dedicated for approved purposes such as salaries, advertising, and operational expenses. Recipients are required to strictly adhere to regulations and reporting requirements regarding the use of allocated funds. Any deviation from the approved use must be reported promptly to the San Andreas State Government for review and approval. Failure to comply may lead to contract termination and property seizure.
Termination of Contract & Funding
Failure to comply with the terms and conditions outlined in the guidelines may result in the termination of state government funding and property seizure. Recipients found to be in violation of state laws or engaging in fraudulent activities will face legal action, funding withdrawal, and property seizure as appropriate. The San Andreas State Government and Board of Governors reserve the right to terminate the contract as needed.
Application Process
Prospective boutique mechanic shop owners are required to fill out an application for a CEO position, demonstrating innovative approaches, exceptional service quality, and a strong business plan. The Board of Governors, appointed by the San Andreas State Government, will review all applications and select a recipient based on predetermined criteria.

All applicants will be required to fill out the below form, and e-mail it to the SASG Board of Governors, ensuring they meet the applicant requirements and are aware of the disqualifying charges. A thorough background check will be conducted on all applicants before reviewing their application.
Disqualifying Charges
As part of the application process, all individual's criminal records will be checked. By submitting an application, applicants agree that all information provided is truthful and that they consent to a full legal background check.

The individual's criminal record must be clear from the below charge, in each respective time period:
Background Check Periods
Permanent Disqualification
SF01 - Domestic Terrorism
6-Month Disqualifying Charges
Serious Felonies
SF02 - Murder
SF03 - Involuntary or Vehicular Manslaughter
SF04 - Kidnapping
SF05 - Torture
SF06 - Possessing Destructive Devices or Explosives
SF07 - Bank Robbery
SF08 - Human Trafficking
SF09 - False Imprisonment of a Hostage
General Felonies
GF23 - Grand Sales Tax Evasion
GF12 - Forgery or Counterfeiting
GF09 - Embezzlement
GF07 - Felony Fraud
GF05 - Extortion
3-Month Disqualifying Charges
General Felonies
GF01 - Child Endangerment
GF02 - Robbery
GF03 - Armed Robbery
GF04 - Sexual Assault
GF06 - Blackmail
GF08 - Illegal Gambling
GF10 - Grand Theft
GF11 - Grand Theft Auto
GF13 - Arson
GF14 - False Impersonation
GF15 - Burglary
GF16 - Tampering with Evidence
GF17 - Rape
GF18 - Racketeering
GF19 - Abuse or Desecration of Dead Human Body
GF20 - Possession of Human Body Tissue
GF21 - Prison Break
GF24 - Perjury
GF25 - Felony Contempt of Court
Aviation Felonies
AF01 - Reckless Operation of an Aircraft
AF02 - Committing a Crime Aboard an Aircraft in Flight
AF03 - Operating an Aircraft without an Active License
AF04 - Failure to Obey Intercepting Military or Law Enforcement Aircraft/ATC Orders
AF05 - Violating a Prohibited Airspace Order
AF06 - Transporting Dangerous Cargo
AF07 - Drunk, Impaired, or Distracted Flying
AF08 - Aircraft Piracy
AF09 - Destruction of an Aircraft or Aircraft Facilities
Drug Felonies
DF01 - Possession of a Controlled Substance with Intent of Sales
DF02 - Sale of a Controlled Substance
DF03 - Sale of Drug Paraphernalia
DF04 - Trafficking a Controlled Substance
DF05 - Manufacturing a Controlled Substance
Weapon Felonies
WF01 - Assault with a Deadly Weapon
WF02 - Shooting from a Vehicle (Drive-By)
WF03 - Possession of a Class 2 Firearm
WF04 - Possession of a Class 3 Firearm
WF05 - Possession of a Class 4 Firearm
WF06 - Unlicensed transfer of firearms, ammunition and body armor
WF07 - Firearms Trafficking
Vehicular Felonies
VF01 - Evading an Officer
VF02 - Felony Hit and Run
VF03 - Operating a Chop Shop
1-Month Disqualifying Charges
General Misdemeanors
GM02 - Battery
GM04 - Resisting Arrest
GM05 - Receiving Stolen Property
GM06 - Petty Theft
GM07 - Criminal Fraud
GM11 - Predatory Lending
GM13 - Criminal Threats
GM17 - Bribery
GM20 - Minor Sales Tax Evasion
Nuisance Misdemeanors
NM01 - Inciting a Riot
NM03 - Unlawful Assembly
NM04 - Stalking
NM06 - Trespassing
NM07 - Prostitution, Pimping or Pandering
Vehicular Misdemeanors
VM06 - Street Competition
Drug Misdemeanors
DM01 - Possession of a Schedule I Controlled Substance
DM02 - Possession of a Schedule II Controlled Substance
DM03 - Possession of a Schedule III Controlled Substance
DM05 - Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
DM06 - Cultivation of a Controlled Substance
Weapon Misdemeanors
WM02 - Possession of a Class 1 Firearm
WM03 - Possession of Weapon Modifications
WM04 - Possession of Illegal Body Armor
WM05 - Possession of Body Armor as a Felon
Aviation Misdemeanors
AM02 - Operating an Unregistered Aircraft
AM07 - Operating an Aircraft in Controlled Airspace without Clearance
AM08 - Violating a Restricted Airspace Order or Temporary Flight Restriction
To express your interest in becoming the CEO of a boutique mechanic shop, please follow the steps below to submit a lease application:
  1. Submit an application by sending it to Andrea Fallon at [email protected]
  2. The deadline to submit applications for this position ends on 1 MARCH 2024
  3. In the Subject section, please use the format "[CEO APPLICATION] Firstname Lastname".
  4. Use the application form below and complete all the information required:
    Application Format

    Code: Select all

    [divbox=#0077bb][b][color=white]1. GENERAL INFORMATION[/color][/b][/divbox]
    [b]First and Lastname:[/b] Your answer here
    [b]Phone Number:[/b] Your answer here
    [b]Email:[/b] Your answer here
    [b]Home Address:[/b] Your answer here
    [divbox=#0077bb][b][color=white]2. BUSINESS PLAN INFORMATION[/color][/b][/divbox]
    [b]What experience do you have that makes you the ideal candidate for this position?[/b] [i](Minimum 200 words)[/i]
    Your answer here.
    [b]What are your plans for the business?[/b] [i](Minimum 150 words)[/i]
    Your answer here.
    [b]Organization and management[/b] [i](List all initial employees and their positions here)[/i]
    Your answer here.
    [b]Business Documentation[/b] [i](Please provide business documentation indicating a planned payment structure, event plans, or any other documents you feel could support your application)[/i]
    Your answer here.
    [divbox=#0077bb][b][color=white]3. AGREEMENT ((and OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION))[/color][/b][/divbox]
    [b]Name/Nickname:[/b] Your answer here.
    [b]Age:[/b] Your answer here.
    [b]Country:[/b] Your answer here.
    [b]Timezone:[/b] Your answer here.
    [b]Discord name and ID:[/b] Your answer here.
    [b]Eclipse Forum Link:[/b] Your answer here.
    [b]Forum Account Name:[/b] Your answer here.
    [b]Forum Profile Link:[/b] Your answer here.
    [b]Alternative Forum Account Name:[/b] Your answer here.
    [b]Alternative Forum Profile Link:[/b] Your answer here.
    Please provide a list of your alternative characters and accounts that you own and have.[/b]
    Your answer here.
    [b]Do you have any characters, that have a senior/leadership role in a different faction? If yes, please provide the other faction's name and rank.[/b]
    Your answer here.
    [b]Have you ever been punished by a member of the Server Staff on any of your characters/accounts? If yes, try to explain the incidents and what you've learned from them.[/b]
    Your answer here.
    Please provide a picture of your panel's admin logs. The picture should be primarily unedited but you do not need to include your account name.[/b]
    Your answer here.
    [b]Do you confirm you have formed all of your answers on your own and without the use of AI-based text generators?[/b]
    [] Yes, I do.
    [] No, I don't.
    By submitting this request you hereby agree that all information provided is truthful. If your application and proposal are approved, you will be invited to a short interview, and from there you agree to a continuous effort to adhere to laws and regulations laid out by the San Andreas State Government. 
    You also agree to a full legal background check of your person. ((Including adhering to the standards set by ECRP Legal Faction Management.))
    [b]Signature:[/b] Signature here.
    [b]Date:[/b] DD/MM/YYYY
    Live Preview
    • First and Lastname: Your answer here
      Phone Number: Your answer here
      Email: Your answer here
      Home Address: Your answer here
    • What experience do you have that makes you the ideal candidate for this position? (Minimum 200 words)
      Your answer here.

      What are your plans for the business? (Minimum 150 words)
      Your answer here.

      Organization and management (List all initial employees and their positions here)
      Your answer here.

      Business Documentation (Please provide business documentation indicating a planned payment structure, event plans, or any other documents you feel could support your application)
      Your answer here.
    • Name/Nickname: Your answer here.
      Age: Your answer here.
      Country: Your answer here.
      Timezone: Your answer here.
      Discord name and ID: Your answer here.

      Eclipse Forum Link: Your answer here.
      Forum Account Name: Your answer here.
      Forum Profile Link: Your answer here.
      Alternative Forum Account Name: Your answer here.
      Alternative Forum Profile Link: Your answer here.

      Please provide a list of your alternative characters and accounts that you own and have.

      Your answer here.

      Do you have any characters, that have a senior/leadership role in a different faction? If yes, please provide the other faction's name and rank.
      Your answer here.

      Have you ever been punished by a member of the Server Staff on any of your characters/accounts? If yes, try to explain the incidents and what you've learned from them.
      Your answer here.

      Please provide a picture of your panel's admin logs. The picture should be primarily unedited but you do not need to include your account name.

      Your answer here.

      Do you confirm you have formed all of your answers on your own and without the use of AI-based text generators?
      [] Yes, I do.
      [] No, I don't.
    • By submitting this request you hereby agree that all information provided is truthful. If your application and proposal are approved, you will be invited to a short interview, and from there you agree to a continuous effort to adhere to laws and regulations laid out by the San Andreas State Government.

      You also agree to a full legal background check of your person. ((Including adhering to the standards set by ECRP Legal Faction Management.))

      Signature: Signature here.
      Date: DD/MM/YYYY

  • Image
    Governor Lewis Langley
    San Andreas State Government

    Governor Samuel Osborn
    San Andreas State Government

    Governor Jason Castillo
    San Andreas State Government
PRESS RELEASE #70 - Appointment Of A New Chief Justice
20 February, 2024
San Andreas State Government

Citizens of San Andreas,

The San Andreas State Government is pleased to announce a significant transition within the Judicial Branch. After a dedicated term of service, the Honorable Justice Judith Mason has stepped down from her role as Chief Justice and the Honorable Robert Winejudge was sworn back into the Judicial Branch as the new Chief Justice of San Andreas on the 3rd of February 2024, marking a pivotal moment in the state's legal history. Justice Mason will continue her contributions towards a better Justice System as she transitions into her new role as an Associate Justice.
Appointment of a new Chief Justice
Justice Mason has been a stalwart defender of Justice and a dedicated public servant throughout her tenure to the Judicial Branch. The solemn efforts and landmark changes brought under the leadership of Judith Mason have been rooted in her commitment to the principles of the branch, and her recognition to the evolving needs of the citizens of the State. The San Andreas State Government extends its gratitude to Chief Justice Mason for her tireless service, invaluable contributions, and continued service to the legal system.


Sworn in by Governor Lewis Langley and the Honorable Judith Mason as the new Chief Justice, the Honorable Robert Winejudge brings with him his legal experience which will lend to the San Andreas State Governments continued effort to ensure that due process, and legal representation is available to any citizen who is in need. Chief Justice Winejudge began his journey with the Judicial Branch back in the summer of 2022 quickly working his way up through the Judicial Branch. Throughout his tenure Chief Justice Winejudge has served in numerous capacities including as both a Defense and Prosecution Attorney, the Director of Public Relations, the Court Clerk, and most recently as a Superior Court Judge.
Chief Justice, Robert Winejudge wrote:
I'm humbled to be assuming the role of Chief Justice in the Judicial Branch. I'd like to express my gratitude towards Judith Mason for her service and all she's done as Chief Justice. I am excited to work together with her and Colt Daniels to ensure the development and future of the Judicial Branch.

The truth is, despite some of our best efforts, we have failed to provide you with quick and efficient responses on the docket, which caused unnecessary delays to our Superior and Appeals Courts. I will work hard to make sure that the Judicial Branch reaches its potential, giving both Citizens and Law Enforcement Officers a Justice System they can trust and rely on.

To keep the public in the loop on what exactly we will be doing to ensure this, among other things, we will be listening to the concerns of the public regarding wait times for cases, attempting to rectify that with implemented response times to ensure your right to a speedy trial under the 6th Amendment of the Constitution of our state.

Internally, we will be taking some time to reevaluate our procedures and handbooks to make sure they are up-to-date. We want the public to be informed about the changes we make, which is why you will be notified when something is implemented, so you can keep track of the progress we are making.

As mentioned above, in the coming months, the Judicial Branch is looking to repair and upgrade the foundation this branch was built on, fixing the problems that were apparent to us all in 2023. Please bear with us as we all work together to ensure a better future for the Judicial Branch and the State of San Andreas.
Time after time Chief Justice Winejudge has demonstrated his commitment to serving the Great State of San Andreas and upholding the integrity of the bench. The San Andreas State Government is confident that Chief Justice Winejudge will lead the Judicial Branch with these same values, and bring the State into a new era of prosperity for the Judicial System.

  • Image
    Governor Lewis Langley
    San Andreas State Government

    Governor Samuel Osborn
    San Andreas State Government

    Governor Jason Castillo
    San Andreas State Government

    Black History Month
    This Black History Month, we celebrated the Black community’s contributions and achievements in San Andreas. We are very proud to have a diverse team working within the San Andreas State Government. We are committed to creating a more diverse, inclusive, and equitable state, which is imperative to our day-to-day operations as well as serving the community as a whole.

    We reached out to multiple members of the Black community and asked them to share their thoughts, experiences, and perspectives. We hope to use this as a forum to have their voices amplified and heard.
    Jabar Williams, Lead Official, Business Licensing Bureau & Deputy Inspector General wrote:
    I have always considered myself as a catalyst for change. From my time patrolling the streets as a member of the LSPD to the halls of power with the SASG, my journey embodies resilience and progress. This Black History Month, let us celebrate not just the milestones, but the ongoing commitment to shaping a future where every voice is heard and every life valued. My aim is to build a legacy of opportunity and justice for all citizens of San Andreas.
    Marc Ericsson, Director, Business Licensing Bureau wrote:
    As the only black command member at the San Andrea Department of Corrections during my tenure there and now the director of the Business Licensing Bureau, I am proud to represent and uplift the Black community. I believe that my success is not only a testament to my hard work and dedication, but also a reflection of the richness and depth of the Black experience. Black is indeed beautiful, excellent, painful, joyful, and so much more - it is a spectrum of experiences and strengths that I am honored to embody in my roles.
    Dante Buchanan, Interim Deputy Director, Public Relations Bureau wrote:
    Black History Month has always been close to my heart and a month that I use for self-reflection of my own culture and my representation of that culture. It's a time for all of us to take that same approach and set aside time to bear witness to the history of Black people that has often been swept aside. I value my position as the Interim Deputy Director of Public Relations as, more so than others, I feel the responsibility to represent my ancestors and ensure the past is always remembered with me being a conduit. I encourage you all to take the time before the end of the month and reflect. Reflect on yourself, reflect on the communities in our state, and reflect on those who led us up to this moment in history.
    Although Black History Month is coming to an end, it is important to continue to honor Black history and reflect on the accomplishments and contributions of the community. We must continue to celebrate and support the Black leaders, activists, and businesses who will influence the future.
    February In Pictures
    ► Show Spoiler
    Selfless Service: Written in the Stars

    If you’ve strolled down Vinewood Blvd to take out your paycheck from the bank or go shopping for those new boots that just went on sale, you may have noticed some changes to the ground beneath you, some of you may have even looked down and saw some familiar names, maybe even you own, etched into the stars of the sidewalk. A recent initiative by the City of Los Santos on Vinewood Blvd has sought to highlight those in the San Andreas community who’ve made a positive impact on the lives of its populace. Some of these names you may have never heard of before, while some pry look very familiar, but each one of those stars represents a dedicated public servant, a paramedic, a police or corrections officer, or another individual who has dedicated their lives to making a difference in an often bleak world.

    The San Andreas State Government was pleased to see numerous members of the Executive Branch featured for their service to the State.Efforts like this are what make San Andreas such an amazing place, one where we recognize and reward hard work, foster community involvement, and collectively work towards a better tomorrow.

    Samuel Osborn
    Lewis Langley
    Jason Castillo
    Andrea Fallon
    Tyrone Cox
    Emily Whitehorse
    Marc Ericsson
    Gordon Graves
    Edward Bronson
    Andy Tyrie
    Elian Ramos
    Lilymay Bryd
    Jimmithy Jemima
    Oliver Dutch
    Asbjorn Schmidt

    Our congratulations go out to everyone who made it onto the walk of fame, thank you for your service, well deserved.
    We are thrilled to share exciting news from the San Andreas State Government! Over the past month, we have witnessed numerous individuals within our organization receive well-deserved promotions. With each step, they assume increased responsibilities, enabling them to make a more significant impact on the City of Los Santos.

    Appointments & Reinstatments
    • Oliver Dutch, Public Relations Bureau Senior Official
    • Hank Piker, Law Review Committee Congressional Assistant
    • Connor Cee, Administration Bureau Reformed Intern
    • Molly Devil, Public Relations Bureau Intern
    Intern ► Government Offical
    • Dixie Vouk, Business Licensing Bureau
    • Molly Devil, Public Relations Bureau
    • Connor Cee, Administration Bureau
    Government Senior Official ► Government Lead Offical
    • Jabar Williams, Business Licensing Bureau
    Executive Official ► Deputy Director
    • Rudi Edel, Administration Bureau
    Interim Deputy Director ► Deputy Director
    • Dante Buchanan, Public Relations Bureau

    Junior Agent ► Agent I
    • Lester Conway, Government Security Bureau
    Agent I ► Agent II
    • Randy Lee, Government Security Bureau
    Closing Statement
    The conclusion of February brings in the constant reminder that time waits for no man, and the same is for the winds of change. The inclusion of a rejuvenated correspondence box, the prospect of boutique mechanics, and internal changes, are all items that, we at, the San Andreas State Government have worked on over February. The continued outlook for the rest of the year is to keep up the momentum that we have seen, and to continue to work on projects that either improve our current offerings, or fill gaps in the services that we currently offer to the citizens of the state.

    February also saw the first of our new Property and Housing Bureau Spotlight events. These events are a joint effort between the Public Relations bureau and the Property and Housing bureau, and they hope to show off some of the fantastic work that individuals have done with the properties that they have obtained via property and housing. The events also hope to bring more attention to the businesses that they showcase and, in turn, bolster the small business industry in our state.

    The main theme across all bureaus in February was the continued improvement of themselves as internal shifts were implemented to allow more efficient working with the right schemes under the right bureaus. The start of a year is always marked with change, and whilst difficult, change is ultimately a force for good. That same change is something that many citizens in our state will be undergoing as well, and they can expect that the San Andreas State Government will continue to use it to improve the lives of everyone who calls this state home.
    Contact Information
      • Image
        Molly Devil
        Government Official | Public Relations Bureau
        San Andreas State Government

        • Oliver Dutch,
          Senior Government Official | Public Relations Bureau
          San Andreas State Government

          • Image
            Dante Buchanan
            Deputy Director | Public Relations Bureau
            San Andreas State Government

            • Image
              Andrea Fallon, M.D., F.R.C.O.G., OB/GYN
              Interim Director | Public Relations Bureau
              Assistant To The Governor
              San Andreas State Government

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