January 2024 Press Release

Press releases made by the Department of Corrections on updates, employee adjustments, and stories from within the prison.
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Kourtney LaFleur
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Joined: Mon Oct 05, 2020 11:40 pm
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LSEMS Awards

DOC Awards

January 2024 Press Release

Post by Kourtney LaFleur »

Opening Message
Welcome to the start of 2024! Or actually welcome to the end of the first month of 2024!
Thankfully for the most part it has been quiet at Bolingbroke besides the fair few 10-16s that seem to hold off grudges. We stored away the Christmas decorations at the end of last month and now have some of our new facilities on display, some of which can be seen below!
Compared to the last few months of 2023 there was a lack of drama in January so all of us had a nice time to relax without having to concern ourselves too much.
At the start of the month we had the Kourtnies award ceremony, which you can read about below!

Employee of the Month
Each month here at the San Andreas Department of Corrections we like to bestow an honor on this month's best performing officer who has shown time and time again that they put maximum effort and commitment into their work. The officer selected for this prestigious award has proved themselves as a representation of how each officer working for our department should strive to be.

Employee of the Month January 2024
Questions for the Employee of the Month
We like to ask the employee of the month a few questions to get their perspective on the job and what makes a great officer, below are a few answers to common questions by our Employee of the Month:

Looking back, what are memorable achievements from your service so far?
Simply put I think my most memorable achievements so far is within a month of being with the SADOC I was training new recruits which in itself I think is commendable along with surviving a hostage situation on my first day thanks to my amazing colleagues.

Moving forward what are the next goals as a SADOC officer?
My long term goals with the SADOC after not only my months tenure so far but being part of the department before and going through recruitment processes a few times is to join HR and be part of getting great new talent into the department along helping to continually improve processes and with helping to support my great colleagues, Who knows maybe I'll even look to progress as supervisor longer term!

Any advice they would give to future prospects who might think about joining the SADOC?

My advise is simply, if your a legal citizen of San Andreas, your looking to make a difference, get fantastic training, be part of a big family that looks out for each other, then look no further than the DOC! There's a good reason we're voted one of the best places to work.
Inmate of the Month

Brandon Howard

Brandon Howard has been with us numerous times but I have seen him make a solid attempt recently to try and make better use of his time with DOC and hopefully he is able to continue this outside of the DOC.


  • Note: In the interest of transparency, and being able to allow inmates to represent themselves this interview is direct quotes from the interviewed inmate and their quotes do not represent the SADOC's views and beliefs.
  • Why do you do illegal things?
    • To make money, even though im in 15k of debt right now. Even if i wanted to get a legal job right now i couldnt because of my criminal record.

  • Is there anything that you like about DOC?
    • Some of the guards. Basicaly the only thing.

  • What's your least favorite thing about DOC?
    • Some of the guards. Mainly some of the trainees feel like using tazers too much on inmates just because they have one. even if the inmate doesnt do anything.

  • If I could wave a magic wand and change one thing of your choice about DOC, what would it be?
    • Have more activities to do in jail. It gets so boring the only entertainment we have is having fights with each other.

  • What would you do if you were Warden for a day?
    • Increase the value of stamps

  • Is there someone or something you miss while being in jail?
    • My freedom. Being able to do what I want.

  • Why do you think you're in here so often?
    • Because PD and SD have some sort of a grudge against me I swear. Any time I get pulled over they search me no matter what.

  • Is there anything you'd like to tell people?
    • Its ok to do the crime as long as you dont get caught doing it

Kourtnies 2024
    In January we held the 1st of the biyearly Kourtnies awards where we celebrate all of our Correctional Officers, giving them a chance to put names forward to win a Kourtnies award.
    • #760 Issei Schneider - Best Ginger
    • #975 Bradley Coot - Mr DOC
    • #925 Gina Willow - Mrs DOC
    • #975 Bradley Coot - The Silver Lining Award
    • #975 Bradley Coot - Good Samaritan Award
    • #850 Bogdan Beciri - The Megaphone
    • #771 Rock Paz & #692 Franz Stroheim - Quietest
    • Human Resources - Best Division Office
    • #521 Kourtney LaFleur - Latecomer
    • #871 Randy Lee - Best Driver
    • #646 Katie Schneider - Paperwork
    • #961 Remmi Raccoon - Scariest
    • #850 Bogdan Fernandez - Best Trainer
    • #646 Katie Schneider - Office Recluse
    • #864 Hukaz Zidane - Comeback King/Queen
    • #850 Bogdan Fernandez - Best Hair
    • #871 Randy Lee - The Clapped Award
    • #708 Mia Adams - The Forgettable
    • #975 Bradley Coot - Politest Officer
    • #979 Jerry Brooks - Most likely to be IA reported
    • #850 Bogdan Fernandez - No Lifer
    • Wolfgang Bathsheba - Best Inmate
    • Carlito Eljardinero - Worst Inmate
    • #871 Randy Lee - Most Accident Prone
    • #979 Jerry Brooks - Most likely to get fired
    • #925 Gina Willow - Most likely to become a Warden
    • #975 Bradley Coot - Officer of the Year
    • #760 Issei Schneider - Sharpshooter Award (Personally issued and awarded by Governor Langley)
    • (( OOC Awards: ))
    • #977 Joselynn Trejos - Best Roleplayer
    • #871 Randy Lee - Best NA Employee
    • #975 Bradley Coot - Best EU Employee
    • #864 Hukaz Zidane - Best Other Places Employee
    • #864 Hukaz Zidane - Worst Microphone
    • #1019 Vito Saint - Best Streamer
      Employee Adjustments
      • ImageSergeantImage Lieutenant
        • #961 Remmi Raccoon
        • #930 Alex Pedolski
        • #975 Bradley Coot
      • ImageSenior Correctional OfficerImageCorporal
        • #863 Lucy Fox
      • ImageCorrectional Officer IIIImageSenior Correctional Officer
        • #929 Jerry Brooks
        • #850 Bogdan Fernandez
      • ImageCorrectional Officer IIImageCorrectional Officer III
        • #1030 Alex Nieves
        • #1035 Atlas Cross
        • #1022 Manuel Romero
        • #692 Franz Stroheim
        • #1048 Danae Luv
        • #1041 Adam Homegreen
      • ImageCorrectional Officer IImageCorrectional Officer II
        • #518 Stanley Miso
      • ImageCorrectional TraineeImageCorrectional Officer I
        • #1063 Dwayne Richardson
        • #1058 Ed Snyder
        • #1060 Elijah Harrison
        • #1045 Riley Ryker
        • #1061 Patryk Green

        This month we welcomed some familiar faces back to the San Andreas Department of Corrections.
      • ImageCorrectional TraineeImageCorrectional Officer II
        • #970 Alex Boost
      • ImageCorrectional Trainee
        • #1032 Draven Armani

        This month we welcomed some Transfers from the Los Santos Police Department, Los Santos County Sheriffs Department and other Prisons Far and wide!
      • ImageCorrectional Officer I
        • #1064 Theo Ashman (Prison Transfer)
      Employee Count
      • SADOC Officer Count
        High Command | 5 | 8.77%
        Warden | 1 | 1.75%
        Deputy Warden | 2 | 3.51%
        Assistant Warden | 2 | 3.51%
        Command | 5 | 8.77%
        Commander | 2 | 3.51%
        Captain | 3 | 5.26%
        Supervisors | 6 | 10.53%
        Lieutenant | 4 | 7.02%
        Sergeant | 0 | 0%
        Corporal | 2 | 3.51%

      • General Staff | 34 | 59.65%
        Senior Correctional Officer | 5 | 8.77%
        Correctional Officer III | 11 | 19.30%
        Correctional Officer II | 3 | 5.26%
        Correctional Officer I | 9 | 15.79%
        Correctional Trainee | 6 | 10.53%
        OTHER | 7 | 12.28%
        Correctional Custodian Officers | 6 | 10.53%
        Law Consultants | 1 | 1.75%
      Phone Calls
          When an inmate arrives with a brand new iFruit 69 they will have it quickly confiscated from them. However, if they wish to retain their phone till they enter the cellblock to make a phone call then they can request it.

          The 10-15 can use the phone call for any number of reasons such as letting their mom know they're going to be in prison for a few years, telling their significant other to come to visit them, or getting a friend to feed their pet while they're incarcerated.

          Phone calls are a privilege, not a right. Any Correctional Officer has the right to decline you for a phone call for any reason they see fit.
          Recruitment Status
           ! Message from: Human Resources Command
          Recruitment for the San Andreas Department of Corrections is OPEN as of 21/06/2021. Please see below on how to apply.
          • Age: Must be over the age of 18 and no older than 55.
            • (( Must have an Out of Character age of 16 years old ))
          • Citizenship/Residency: Must be an American Citizen at the time of applying, and have been a resident of San Andreas for no less than 12 months.
          • Criminal History: You must not have any serious crimes on your record (will be dealt with on a case to case basis)
          • Multiple Employments: You may not be a member of LSPD, LSSD or SAJB at the time of hiring, as these are full-time positions. You may have a part-time position while working as a Correctional Officer here at the SADOC.
            *If applying for the position of Correctional Custodian Officer they you may be a member of another department as this position is part-time. All decisions are made & finalized by the Human Resources Command Team.
          • Mental/Physical Fitness: As a Corrections Officer, you must be able to maintain good mental and physical fitness. You will be tested on this during our hiring process.
            • (( As a faction, we hold a high RP standard, we will help you of course, if you're new. But you must want to learn and grow ))
          • Additional Requirements:
            • You are required to fill out an application online, you must have access to a computer and be able to use it.
            • You are required to pass an extensive background check, where your criminal record, previous employment, traffic violations, and any affiliation you may have had in the past will be checked.
            • (( Must be able to dedicate at least 5 on-duty hours a week ))
            • (( Must have a clean admin record for the past 30 days, this is also handled on a case by case basis ))
          Closing Message from the Warden
          And that ends our January Press release. As always, if you have any questions, comments, or anything you can find my contact info just below here.
          We have a few events planned for the coming month, some of which will be public so stay tuned for Weazel Announcements regarding those!
          Thank you for reading!

          Kourtney Lafleur
          San Andreas Department of Corrections

          [email protected]

          Other Contact Information

          Oliver Dutch
          Captain of Departmental Administration, Head of Public Relations
          San Andreas Department of Corrections
          [email protected]

            Remmi Raccoon
            Lieutenant, Assistant Head of Public Relations
            San Andreas Department of Corrections
            [email protected]
              Randy Lee
              Lieutenant, Public Relations Command
              San Andreas Department of Corrections

              [email protected]

                Jimmithy Jemima
                Captain of Departmental Operations
                San Andreas Department of Corrections

                [email protected]

                  Galileo Czapiewski
                  Commander of Departmental Administration
                  San Andreas Department of Corrections

                  [email protected]

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