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[Law Student Application] Skye Takazono

Posted: Sat Jul 29, 2023 9:00 pm
by Skye Taka
  • 1.1) Name
    • First Name: Skye
      Middle Name: Bar
      Last Name: Takazono
    1.2) Date & Place of Birth
    • Date: 18/NOV/1991
      Place: Honolulu, Hawaii
    1.3) Contact Information
    • Address Line: 12-1987 Elgin Avenue
      Phone Number: 4063462
    1.4) Are you a United States Citizen?
    • [✘] Yes
      [ ] No
    1.5) Can you speak and write to others in English proficiently?
    • [✘] Yes
      [ ] No
    1.6) Have you ever been convicted of a crime? If so, explain.
    • N/A
    1.7) Please provide proof of your identification and license. (Driver's license required)
  • 2.1) Employment History
    • Company Name: Pearson Hardman Law Firm
      Length of Employment: 1 Year
      Title: Intern
      Reason for Leaving: Moved away for better opportunities.

      Company Name: N/A
      Length of Employment: N/A
      Title: N/A
      Reason for Leaving: N/A
  • 3.1) Why are you seeking employment with the San Andreas Judicial Branch? (200 word minimum)
    • During my time at Pearson Hardman I have seen a lot of good and bad things happen. I have seen some of their best attorneys do incredible things. They had overturned rulings of wrongly convicted criminals and children emancipated from abusive parents. It was beautiful and liberating to see. On the other side of the coin, I've seen Fortune 500 companies go for hostile takeovers on non-profits and completely put them out of business. One of the non-profits was a organization who built shelters for women and children who had no where else to go. This fortune 500 company wanted to put this organization out of business just so they can claim the property they were building the shelters on. For a coffee shop no less. I have also seen an pharmaceutical company win against people who got cancer from their research facilities because of legal loopholes against people who were NOT directly employed by them. Can you imagine being a contract janitor for this company, getting cancer from their byproducts, and the company having zero legal responsibilities to you. Seeing something like that makes me sick, and if I could have the power to fight against something so morally wrong, I would stop at nothing to get that.
    3.2) Please provide a short biography about yourself that highlights why you should be selected from other candidates. (150 word minimum)
    • Growing up I've always had a knack at convincing people that I am right. I use irrefutable logic and I never miss any of the details. In high school I was captain of the debate team and undefeated at competitions. I am a hard worker and am always hungry for more knowledge. When I first got into college my plan was actually to become and engineer. I actually had a friend at the time who was in a abusive relationship with a preppy trust fund kid. She tried to file against him, and his lawyer get her to settle the case for $5,000 restitution. She put up with his emotionally and physical abuse for two and a half years just to get paid and legally forced to stay quiet about the situation. Obviously she was a poor college student who couldn't afford a good lawyer, so there was no way for her to fight for justice or what was fair. After that, I knew I had to become a attorney and I believe the San Andreas Judicial Branch is where I can make the most impactful difference.
    3.3) Describe yourself in one word and explain why that word describes you best. (75 word minimum)
    • Resourceful
    3.4) How did you hear about this position?
    • The Government Forum
  • 4.1) Eclipse Forum Details: 4.2) Do you have at least 5,000 experience points on one of your characters? Provide a screenshot of your /stats on that character. 4.3) Are you a member of any factions? If so, which faction and character.
    • No
    4.4) Have you ever had an admin punishment with this, or any character on Eclipse? If yes, please explain:
    • No
    4.5) Please provide an unedited screenshot(s) of the Eclipse game panel with your 'Admin Logs' and 'My Character' sections. 4.6) Please provide your Discord name.
    • DryBarJam
  • 5.1) Player Information
    • Age: 31
      Country: USA
      Timezone: Hawaii
    5.2) Do you have a working microphone?
    • [✘] Yes
      [ ] No
    5.3) Do you currently play on any other GTA-RP servers and are you in any faction positions there? If yes, please state the servers and factions you are a part of:
    • No
    5.4) Do you affirm that the entirety of your application is written by you, with no assistance from AI essay-generation tools?
    • Yes
    5.5) Do you have additional Information about yourself that you consider beneficial to the branch?
    • I believe nothing is unwinnable. There is always a way, you just need to dig deep enough.

Re: [Law Student Application] Skye Takazono

Posted: Sun Jul 30, 2023 10:14 am
by Cyrus Raven

Skye Takazono,

The San Andreas Judicial Branch Employment team has RECEIVED your employment application. We thank you for your interest in joining our branch. We will review the application, evaluate your qualifications and conduct a thorough background check. After this we will get back to you with an answer. Please be patient as this could take some time to complete. Thank you.

Cyrus Raven
Attorney General
San Andreas Judicial Branch
5356160 — [email protected]

Re: [Law Student Application] Skye Takazono

Posted: Sun Jul 30, 2023 10:16 am
by Cyrus Raven

Skye Takazono,

The San Andreas Judicial Branch Recruitment team has reviewed your application, qualifications, and performed a background check. We regret to inform you that your application has been DENIED, see below for reason(s). Please feel free to reapply in 30 days.

The reason(s) for your denial are as followed;
  • Multiple recent speeding citations. We expect all of our applicants to abide by the speed limits as it is a direct reflection of your understanding of the penal code.
  • Outstanding Tickets.
If you are unsure of our Employment Requirements & Recruitment Information, you can read about them here.

Cyrus Raven
Attorney General
San Andreas Judicial Branch
5356160 — [email protected]