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Sheriff's Newsletter - December 2022

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2023 5:09 pm
by Timothee Olsen


Los Santos County Sheriff's Department

Monthly Newsletter

Sheriff Bobby Kirk


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    Sheriff Bobby Kirk
    2022 has been a great year for the department and I couldn't be more proud of my deputies and the work they have done. This year, we saw the appointment of three new Assistant Sheriffs and five new Commanders. Their work within the department has not gone unrecognized and they continue to assist with the success of this department today.

    The state of San Andreas has seen numerous terrorist incidents this year and I am extremely thankful for the deputies that have risked their lives to keep the civilians of this state and most importantly, this county, safe. The Sheriff's Department saw a total of 5,830 arrests proving yet again that the work our deputies are doing is keeping this county safe from violence.

    I also would like to take the time to personally recognize the fine work that our Recruitment and Employment Division and Field Training Division have done. Last year in December we had approximately 86 deputies active in the line of duty, now we have an impressive 116 employees within the department. It would not be possible to achieve this level of service without the exemplary work of these two divisions.

    On behalf of the Sheriff's Department's leadership, we are truly excited for what 2023 has to offer, and we foresee great things for the department and its employees this year. Thank you for reading our newsletter.
    Sheriff Bobby Kirk

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    Deputy Sheriff III Amelia Clark

    Deputy Amelia Clark originally transferred to the Los Santos Sheriff's Department on April 15, 2021, and resigned on June 12, 2021. However, Deputy Clark was reinstated to the department on October 2, 2022. Ever since her return, Deputy Clark has proven to be a powerhouse within the department. It is because of her success and ever-achieving greatness that the Sheriff's Department is proud to have Amelia Clark as our Deputy of the Month. Her work in the Detention and Parole Bureau has gone above and beyond the call of duty. She can often be found at DOC, explaining our paroling process to individuals who may be interested. Within the Sheriff's Information Division, Deputy Clark immediately put her head down and began writing press releases and was instrumental in planning the 2022 Winter Wonderland event. Now, Deputy Clark has joined the K9 Division and has begun her training within this division. We're very thankful to have her as part of our team, we asked Deputy Clark some questions which can be found below.
    Deputy Sheriff III Amelia Clark wrote: When did you join the Los Santos County Sheriff's Department?
    I originally transferred to the Los Santos Sheriff's Department on the 15th of April 2021 and had to post my resignation on the 12th of June 2021 due to family obligations. I was lucky enough to be able to post my reinstatement request and was hired back to the department on the 2nd of October, 2022.

    What is your favorite thing about being a deputy at the LSSD?
    Honestly, I think it's the feeling of belonging and being a part of something bigger than myself. Since my return, I have gotten to know many new people in the force and citizens alike. If I have any concerns or questions, they don't get thrown under the rug and ignored, but I am given space to express myself.

    What is your most memorable moment while serving as a deputy for the LSSD?
    When I joined the Sheriff's Information Division, I planned a Winter Wonderland Event that took place a few weeks later. The whole division got together and planned this,| and on the evening of the event, it was registered about 50 individuals for the raffle. I walked around the event location and saw individuals having fun and relaxing while trying out some of our booths, the most popular being the live shooting range, where everyone was allowed to try out heavy weaponry. It was overall a 10/10 event and I am happy I was able to do it.

    Why did you become a deputy for the LSSD?
    When I was younger, I experienced a break-in where a local female broke in to steal something from my little sister. Growing up, I spent a lot of time wondering why and if something could have been done differently to prevent this. As a parole deputy, I am allowed to work every day to avoid this from happening to anyone else. I am allowed to work closely with inmates on reformation and help them reintegrate into society.

    What is the greatest feeling about being a deputy?
    When I meet a suspect or inmate who is aggravated or scared, I can sit down, speak with them about their feelings, and listen to them. When the time comes to part ways, they say Thank you and Have a good rest of your day. I know I have done my job right when this happens.

    Where do you see yourself in the LSSD two months from now?
    I have many goals for my employment with the Sheriff's Department, one being to become an Agent with the Detention and Parole Bureau and a fully trained K9 Handler for the Sheriff's K9 Division.

    What do you like doing outside of work?
    When I am off shift, I like to bring Hazel, my K9, to the mountains to hike and bond with her. I also sometimes hang out with fellow deputies to go shopping or for road trips.


  • This month, we're highlighting the Sheriff's Investigation Bureau and the work that the bureau does for the department. The Investigator-in-Charge of Crime Scene Investigations Timothee Olsen shares a bit more about the bureau.
    Investigator I Timothee Olsen wrote: What does the Sheriff's Investigation Bureau do?
    The Sheriff's Investigation Bureau is comprised of two major divisions within the bureau. All applicants to the Bureau start out as either a Crime Scene Technician within the Major Crimes Division or as a Gang Field Unit member in the Gangs and Narcotics Division. Within Major Crimes and Gang Field Unit, members can work their way up to become an Investigator in Major Crimes. As an Investigator, you are assigned to either Vice or Robbery and Homicide.

    All members of SIB are expected to be first-class deputies that are willing to put their heads down and do some paperwork. In addition to this, SIB members are expected to be competent and aware individuals that can investigate crime scenes and reports with great detail. All members of the bureau go through rigorous training that all-in-all takes over a month to complete.

    Why is the Sheriff's Investigation Bureau necessary?
    Before the Sheriff's Investigation Bureau was created in early 2022, the Sheriff's Department heavily relied on our sister agency, the Los Santos Police Department to investigate any crimes that involved murder or homicide. However, Assistant Sheriff John Kemp, Commander Groyce, and Captain Roselli recognized this issue. These three worked together to create the Sheriff's Investigation Bureau to investigate the increase in violent crime in the Sandy Shores and Paleto Area.

    What can one expect from a Sheriff's Investigation Bureau member?
    All members of the Sheriff's Investigation Bureau are expected to maintain the highest standards of courtesy, professionalism, and respect. In addition to this, you will often find SIB members patrolling around the county, not setting up speed traps but keeping watchful eye on the public to prevent crimes before they occur. Should you be the victim of a crime you may submit a crime report on our website and a member of SIB will reach out to diligently assist and bring to justice the perpetrators of said crime.



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    Oscar Black has been a member of the Sheriff's Department for a year and a half now. In his time, he was a member of SED, DPB, SIB, SED, and finally the Sheriff's Investigation Bureau where he now serves as an Investigator and is training to become a supervisor within the bureau. Below, you will find out a bit more about him and what he is like.
    Investigator I Oscar Black wrote: When did you join the Los Santos County Sheriff's Department?
    I joined on the 8th of August, 2021.

    What is your favorite thing about being a deputy at the LSSD?
    My favorite thing about being a deputy is all the great people I've met, and the great memories I've made.

    What is your most memorable moment while serving as a deputy for the LSSD?
    My most memorable moment is probably when I became Deputy Sheriff I. That was on the 29th of August, 2021. When I was promoted, and could therefore patrol by myself and be classed as a full Deputy meant a lot. My career had just started, and there was still a long way to go. Since then, I've progressed through many divisions, helped many people, and overall became a better person since I've joined the department.

    Why did you become a deputy for the LSSD?
    I've always wanted to join the Sheriff's Department since I first flew into the city. It's been a dream of mine to serve the county and protect it!

    What is the greatest feeling about being a deputy?
    The greatest feeling about being a deputy is knowing that people depend on you and can trust you to help them. Having someone's trust means the world to some people.

    Where do you see yourself in the LSSD two months from now?
    I really cannot say. I don't know what I'll be doing in two months' time. I'll still hopefully be employed, and still working to improve myself!

    What do you like doing outside of work?
    I really just like to relax, and occasionally hang out with some friends from the department.


  • Image Senior Agent ►Image Lieutenant
    • Wiley Reno
    Image Sergeant ► Image Staff Sergeant
    • Jimmy Solicetto
    • Martin Haswell
    Image Corporal ► Image Sergeant
    • Alexander Olsson [Transfer]
    Image Master Deputy ► Image Corporal
    • Jason Wild [Reinstatement]
    Image Master Deputy ► Image Agent
    • Zachery Pines
    Image Deputy Sheriff III ► Image Master Deputy
    • William Cemeni
    Image Deputy Sheriff II ► Image Deputy Sheriff III
    • Bob Mercer
    • Amelia Clark
    • Louise Hoffman
    • Austin Thieman
    • Marco Rivera
    Image Deputy Sheriff I ► Image Deputy Sheriff II
    • Aaron Marks
    • Carolin Rose
    • Vicenzo Solicetto [Transfer]
    • Will Grigg
    • Axel Quinn [Reinstatement]
    • Mark Colombo
    • Vincent Anderson [Transfer]
    Image Deputy Sheriff Trainee ►Image Deputy Sheriff I
    • Greg Devine
    • Madden Miller
    • Kevin Roosevelt
    • Jeff Dayton
    • Lily Quinn [Reinstatement]
    • Jordan Smoke
    • Leonardo Harris [Reinstatement]
    • Andi Alemdar




  • When you reflect on this past year, what are you proud of yourself for achieving in the Los Santos Sheriff’s Department?
Assistant Sheriff Davis wrote:
I am incredibly proud of what the Sheriff's Department has been able to achieve in 2022. The growth of the department has been immense, and our County is now safer than ever. On a personal note, I celebrated two years in the Department this month and joined the Executive staff. These two achievements are something I am extremely proud of, as I have been able to form part of an exceptional journey that this Department has gone on. Seeing divisions such as the Highway Enforcement Division, and now the Sheriff's Investigation Bureau form has shown just how far we have come.

Overall, this has been a very successful year for our department and myself, and I thoroughly look forward to what we can achieve together in 2023!
Commander Carlile wrote:
As a member of the Los Santos Sheriffs Department, I am proud to have achieved several notable accomplishments during my time with the agency in the 2022 calendar year.

One of my biggest achievements has been modernizing and streamlining the Special Enforcement Division (SED). I worked closely with my colleagues and superiors to identify areas where we could improve our equipment and resources, and I was successful in getting many of these requests processed and approved. This has allowed us to better serve our community and better protect our officers in the field.

In addition to my work with SED, I have also made a concerted effort to develop strong, intentional relationships within the department. I believe that strong, positive relationships are essential for building a cohesive and effective team, and I have worked hard to foster a positive and supportive culture within the department.

Finally, I am proud to have achieved the rank of Commander of County Wide Operations, where I have the opportunity to work alongside some of the most talented and dedicated division and bureau heads in the department. Working under the leadership of Sheriff McCornish has been a privilege, and I am grateful for the opportunity to contribute to the success of the agency in this capacity.

Overall, I am proud of the achievements I have made within the Los Santos Sheriff's Department, and I am committed to continuing to serve my community and my colleagues to the best of my ability.
Staff Sergeant Solicetto wrote:
I am writing to express my immense pride and satisfaction in achieving the rank of Staff Sergeant and taking on a leadership role within the Special Enforcement Detail of the Los Santos County Sheriff's Department.

It has been an honor and a privilege to serve alongside such a dedicated and skilled team of Deputies. I have dedicated countless hours to training, studying, and working hard to become the best Deputy I can be. It has not always been easy, but it has been worth it.

I am proud of how far we have all come and the progress we have made as a team. It has been a challenging and rewarding journey, and I am grateful to have had the opportunity to be a part of it.
I am committed to continuing to lead and serve with distinction and I am confident that together, we will continue to make a positive impact on our community.

Thank you for your support and encouragement along the way. I could not have done it without all of you!
Deputy Sheriff II Rose wrote:
When reflecting on the year I realize I achieved a lot in the short amount of time I've been in the department, but for me, the greatest achievement was overcoming a very rough week at the start of November. I was on a killer pace almost available for promotion and ended up getting into some disciplinary trouble which really delayed my progress within the department. I doubted myself for the next few weeks if I could really be a suitable member of the department or not but I eventually was able to realize that I belonged and overcame my disciplinaries, got promoted to DS2, and joined FTD. Overcoming the struggle I had at the start of November has to be my greatest achievement while being a member of the LSSD.


  • This month, the Office of the Sheriff underwent a massive addition to the team as we welcomed Commander Steve Smyth to the position of the Commander of the Office of the Sheriff. Commander Smyth transferred to the Sheriff's Department less than a year ago and has made a name for himself in the department, we'd like to welcome Commander Smyth to his new role. Below, you can read his statement about what 2023 has to offer the Sheriff's Department within the Office of the Sheriff.
    Commander Steve Smyth wrote:I am honoured to be taking on a new role in law enforcement here at the Los Santos County Sheriff's Department. Ever since becoming an officer in November 2019, I have taken on a personal goal of seeking to improve the quality both within the LSPD and now the Sheriff's Department, and have played a key role in both department's Internal Affairs divisions, as well as Command Staff positions, where I have been seeking to improve our impartiality as departments, to ensure that we continue to provide a quality service to the citizens of Los Santos. This is something I will look to continue in my new role as the Commander of the Office of the Sheriff, and on top of this, I want to work closely with the Sheriff's Information Division, to improve our external communications with our citizens, in the form of video conferences, to keep you up to date on the latest workings and internal matters of our department.

    At the end of the day, we are servants of this state's taxpayers, and we should aim to improve relations as much as possible, to create a better relationship with the state. I would like to wish all our citizen's a very happy and prosperous 2023, and I look forward to working very closely with everyone this year.
    Thank you for reading this month's newsletter. 2022 has been a very busy year for the Sheriff's Department with the appoint of three new Assistant Sheriffs, four new commanders, and the launch of two new divisions. We look forward to what 2023 has to offer and we look forward to continuing to assist the public in the new year

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    Assistant Commanding Officer Timothee Olsen
    (909) 282-1222 — [email protected]

    Sheriff's Information Division
    Los Santos County Sheriff's Department
    Procopio Promenade 1, Paleto Bay
    Los Santos, SA, 909