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Public Inquiry

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2022 6:30 am
by Tessa Fallon
  • Full Name: Tessa Fallon
    Phone Number: 4666421
    Position in Agency: N/A
  • Detailed information of your inquiry:
    • Hi!! Thanks so much for your time and everything and I hope this finds you all well!

      So... recently my 4 close friends and coworkers tried to apply for a marriage license. See [Marriage License] Galileo Czapiewski, Chase Carter, John Tegans, Jim Hart.

      As you can see... they received the response: "As stated in the Marriage/Civil Partnerships Forms, within the State of San Andreas, marriage, civil partnerships, or civil unions are the legal joining of two people in a personal relationship. Please note that the State of San Andreas does not recognize polygamous marriages. As such, this request for a marriage license is hereby denied."

      It's unfortunate because I know they were very excited. I personally looked through the whole penal code to see if it was against the law, and it appears to not be listed... as there's no law... so no bill needs to be proposed to change things... is this a JB policy? Or how do I go about helping my friends make their wish to be together officially a reality?


Re: Public Inquiry

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2022 2:56 pm
by Robert Winejudge

San Andreas Judicial Branch

Public Inquiry

  • Tessa Fallon,

    Thank you for making an Inquiry regarding this, I'll be happy to answer it for you!

    There is no current legislation regarding the legality of Polygamy in our state. The Office of Marriage and Civil Partnerships will operate in accordance with similar jurisdictions to the State of San Andreas, in which polygamous marriages are not recognized as lawful marriages and the current system only allows for two-person marriages.

    If you wish to change this standing policy, allow me to direct you to the Legislative Desk's Suggest a Bill or Resolution page, where you may voice your concerns regarding this, and suggest a bill that would make polygamous marriages legal, or a resolution to gauge the House's interest in the issue.

    All the best,

    Director of Public Relations
    San Andreas Judicial Branch
    (909) 372-4223 — [email protected]