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State of San Andreas vs. Billy Bluewater

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2022 5:53 pm
by Billy Bluewater
Defendant Name: Billy Bluewater
Defendant Phone: 328-2958
Defendant Address: Homeless
(( Defendant Discord: BillyB#1279 ))
Requested Attorney: N/A
Charging Department: Los Santos Police Department
Date & Time of Incident(s): 19/NOV/2022 18:45
  • Failure to Comply
  • Resisting Arrest

I was falsely charged with Failure to Comply and Resisting Arrest as a result of the following situation:-

I was involved in an altercation near Los Santos Parking Garage involving a taxi driver. This resorted in the taxi driver flagging down a Metro Scout after I had already walked away from the taxi driver. I then began jogging to the other side of Legion Square to go to the bank and then I noticed that a slightly overweight female officer was running at me with a taser drawn. I stopped running and tried to ask if they were okay, given the fact they were so out of breath, and they then instantly tased me without saying a word. At no point did I hear anbody tell me to stop running or to put my hands up.

After being tased by the female officer, she held me at taser point whilst other officers arrived. Once about 4 more officers turned up, they were all surrounding me with tasers drawn. I was then able to converse with the officers and they asked me why I was harassing taxi drivers. I replied by stating that I was not aware of what they meant. Another officer then told me to put my hands up as I was being detained whilst they investigate further. I was then placed into a cruiser and was left waiting for around 15 minutes whilst the officers spoke to the taxi driver.

When the officers returned, I was told I was going to be arrested. I asked for what and they said "Vandalism and resisting arrest". I was shocked by the resisting arrest charge as I had been extremely complient with them and did not resist their orders in anyway. I asked for clarity around why I was being charged with that and the overweight female officer responded by stating I was running away from them through Legion Park. I tried to plead with the officers by telling them that wasn't the case but they were not interested and they took me to Mission Row Police Department.

When we arrived to MRPD, I asked the female officer again as we were walking into the station why she was charging me with resisting arrest. I also asked what the description was for the Resisting Arrest charge on the penal code which she refused to tell me. When we got inside the station, I continued calmly and compliantly enquiring as to why I was being charged for resisting arrest but they would not elaborate further. I was then told by the overweight female officer that I was now also going to be charged with Failure to Comply which again shocked me as I did not fail to comply with any demands given.

I was then taken into a room where I had my photograph taken. I was still asking as to how I was failing to comply but was not given an answer at all. One of the officers, a red head with tattoos, even began verbally insulting me by calling me a "moron".

I was then tased whilst handcuffed and thrown into a cell.

I, Billy Bluewater, hereby affirm that all information provided above is true and correct to the best of my knowledge, and understand that knowingly providing false information could result in additional charges and/or fines. (( I affirm that all information submitted has been obtained via In-Character means. ))

Re: State of San Andreas vs. Billy Bluewater

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2022 6:07 pm
by Roderick Marchisio

San Andreas Judicial Branch

Re: State of San Andreas vs. Billy Bluewater

  • To whom it may concern,

    The purpose of this notice is to inform you that as of this moment I, Roderick Marchisio, will be representing the State of San Andreas in all the proceedings pertaining to the underlying case.

    I will take it upon myself to reach out to the involved parties to collect and review all evidence in relation to the underlying case to ensure a proper and smooth continuation of this process.


Senior Prosecuting Attorney
San Andreas Judicial Branch
(909) 372-7719 — [email protected]

Re: State of San Andreas vs. Billy Bluewater

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2022 1:27 am
by Colt Daniels

San Andreas Judicial Branch

Superior Court of San Andreas



State of San Andreas v. Billy Bluewater

The court has hereby received and acknowledged the above case on 20 November, 2022.

The Superior Court of San Andreas has received your filing and the case is now pending activation. Be advised that the court system runs on a first-come, first-served basis and will only activate cases out of order for special circumstances.

During this time, the defendant is encouraged to reach out to a licensed defense attorney in order to prepare a proper defense, otherwise, a court-appointed attorney will be assigned to the case upon its activation.

The defendant is further encouraged to speak with an authorized individual at Rockford Hills City Hall, Mission Row Police Station, or Paleto Bay Sheriff's Office for official clarification on the specific charges received and their respective date and times, as once the case has been activated, any omitted charges will be considered abandoned and unable to be disputed within this case.

Chief Justice
San Andreas Judicial Branch
(909) 402-9713 — [email protected]

Re: State of San Andreas vs. Billy Bluewater

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2022 4:03 pm
by Roderick Marchisio

San Andreas Judicial Branch

Re: State of San Andreas v. Billy Bluewater

  • Honorable Daniels,

    The Prosecution notes that after submission of the original appeal, it has been edited. In this respect, the Prosecution further notes a Prosecutor had already been assigned to the case and the investigation had begun. As such, before the Order for Discovery is issued, the Prosecution would like to receive the prior version of the submitted appeal.


Senior Prosecuting Attorney
San Andreas Judicial Branch
(909) 372-7719 — [email protected]

Re: State of San Andreas vs. Billy Bluewater

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2022 1:37 pm
by Colt Daniels

San Andreas Judicial Branch

Re: State of San Andreas vs. Billy Bluewater


  • This case is denied and archived. ((Player is no longer a member of the community.))


    Chief Justice
    San Andreas Judicial Branch
    (909) 402-9713 — [email protected]