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Re: #23-CM-0089, State of San Andreas v. Summer Haze

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2023 5:42 am
by Colt Daniels

San Andreas Judicial Branch
Re: #23-CM-0089, State of San Andreas v. Summer Haze


  • Counselors,

    As both parties have now presented their opening statements to the court we will now be proceeding into the prosecutions case-in-chief, they will be given forty-eight hours. Once provided the defense will have forty-eight hours to provide their cross examination.


    Associate Justice
    San Andreas Judicial Branch
    (909) 402-9713 — [email protected]

Re: #23-CM-0089, State of San Andreas v. Summer Haze

Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2023 3:51 am
by Kendall Groyce

San Andreas Judicial Branch

Superior Court of San Andreas



State of San Andreas v. Summer Haze

The Prosecution Case-In-Chief was filed in the above case on the 7th of December, 2023.

The State of San Andreas, by and through the undersigned attorney, filed this case-in-chief, and presents the following arguments and evidence analysis;

  • Exhibit #1: Arrest Report of Summer Haze, Los Santos Police Department
    Summer Haze Arrest Report, 06/JUL/2023

    Exhibit #1 is the arrest report of the defendant as provided by Police Lieutenant Mike Luigi of the Los Santos Police Department. This document outlines the events that occurred leading up to the placement of charges. The report details a purple jugular with the license plate "MRSHAZE" being clocked at the speed of 176 kilometers an hour while traveling eastbound on Hawick Avenue, an 80-kilometer-an-hour zone. After momentarily losing visual, the vehicle was once again spotted pulling into the Casino Apartment parking lot, where and the defendant Summer Haze was seen exiting the vehicle and ultimately intercepted.

  • Exhibit #2: Witness Statement of Mike Luigi, Los Santos Police Department
    Police Sergeant Mike Luigi Witness Statement

    Exhibit 2 is the official witness statement of former Sergeant, now Police Lieutenant, Mike Luigi. This is a first-person account of the events leading to the arrest of the defendant, Summer Haze. Lieutenant Luigi reaffirmed the arrest report in his witness statement, explaining the speed at which his police MDC clocked the defendant was 176 kilometers an hour. The statement continues to detail a brief loss of visual, but upon further investigation, visualization was regained as the same vehicle initially clocked on the MDC and visually identified by the officer pulled into the Casino Apartment parking lot. The statement concludes with the defendant being intercepted as she parked the initial vehicle to pull out a new vehicle, and subsequently the charge VM03 - Reckless Operation of a Road or Marine Vehicle was placed for the reckless speeds she was caught traveling at.

  • Exhibit #3: Body Camera Footage, Mike Luigi
    Body Camera Evidence

    The prosecution's final exhibit, exhibit #3 is the body camera footage of Lieutenant Mike Luigi. The footage details the situation in its entirety; from the moment the purple Jugular with the license plate MRSHAZE was scanned by the police MDC and seen visually by the officer, to the initiation of the vehicle in an attempt to conduct a traffic stop, the vehicle being momentarily lost due to the high speeds at which it was traveling, and finally visualization being regained on the vehicle at the Casino Apartment garage, where the defendant, Summer Haze, was seen exiting the vehicle to park the it and pull out a new vehicle.

Prosecuting Attorney
San Andreas Judicial Branch
(909) 489-9881 — [email protected]

Re: #23-CM-0089, State of San Andreas v. Summer Haze

Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2023 3:23 pm
by Mary Burrows

San Andreas Judicial Branch

#23-CM-0089 State of San Andreas v. Summer Haze


For the first exhibit we'd like to point out the officers say she was seen exiting the vehicle, that's all.

For the second exhibit, there are important statements here to point out. Officer Luigi states that they visually lost sight of the vehicle for less than 30 seconds which can lead to the uncertainty of the proclaimed driver of the vehicle. Furthermore the officers say she was seen exiting the vehicle. That's all.

For the third exhibit, We would like to point out a couple things:
  • When the vehicle gets clocked going 176, you cannot make out the driver of said vehicle.
  • The police already have trouble catching up to the vehicle and eventually lose visual.
  • From 0:23 until 0:52 we do not see the vehicle.
  • The license plate is not scanned at the garage.
The Defense would like to shed light on the fact that in Exhibit 1 and 2, the officers say she was seen exiting the vehicle however the bodycam in exhibit 3, shows she is not seen exiting the vehicle.

That is all your Honor.


Junior Public Defense Attorney
San Andreas Judicial Branch
(909) 339-5979 — [email protected]

Re: #23-CM-0089, State of San Andreas v. Summer Haze

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2023 2:05 am
by Kendall Groyce

San Andreas Judicial Branch

Superior Court of San Andreas


State of San Andreas v. Summer Haze

Honorable Judge Daniels and pertaining parties;

The prosecution has nothing further to add to the prosecution case-in-chief at this time.

Prosecuting Attorney
San Andreas Judicial Branch
(909) 489-9881 — [email protected]

Re: #23-CM-0089, State of San Andreas v. Summer Haze

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2023 2:23 am
by Colt Daniels

San Andreas Judicial Branch
Re: #23-CM-0089, State of San Andreas v. Summer Haze


  • Counselors,

    At this time we will be moving into closing arguments. The prosecution will now be given 48 hours to provide closing arguments. The defense will then be afforded 48 hours of their own. Then finally, as the burden of proof lies on the prosecution they will be given another 48 hours for any closing arguments they might have, at which time I will give my verdict on the case.


    Associate Justice
    San Andreas Judicial Branch
    (909) 402-9713 — [email protected]

Re: #23-CM-0089, State of San Andreas v. Summer Haze

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2023 6:49 am
by Kendall Groyce

San Andreas Judicial Branch

Superior Court of San Andreas



State of San Andreas v. Summer Haze

The Prosecution Closing Argument was filed in the above case on the 12th of December, 2023.

Honorable Judge Daniels and pertaining parties; I once again thank all of those involved in the handling of this court case today. The prosecution will once again review the case and evidence presented. VM03 - Reckless Operation of a Road or Marine Vehicle is defined as "Intentional disregard for life and/or property through the operation of a road or marine vehicle". When operating a vehicle at a speed over two times the legal limit, the driver of the vehicle creates a substantial and unjustifiable risk of harm to a person and property. On July 6th, a purple jugular with the license plate MRSHAZE was clocked going 176 kilometers in an 80-kilometer-per-hour-zone. This same purple jugular, matching the description and license plate of the jugular previously lost traveling at excessive speeds of travel down Hawick Avenue, was found at the Casino Apartments garage, where Summer Haze, the registered owner of the vehicle, was found parking the jugular to remove a new vehicle from the Casino Apartment garage. Per standard Los Santos Police Department protocol, the vehicle was removed from the garage and impounded after the defendant's arrest.

Despite the vehicle initially being lost due to its high speeds of travel, the officer's intuition and investigative skills aided in quickly relocating the vehicle they had clocked breaking the law just moments sooner. Despite the defense arguing there's no evidence showing that the jugular was specifically headed to the Casino Apartments, we the prosecution will not attempt to claim that anyone definitively knows what the defendant's intentions or end destinations may have been in this situation. Instead, we will only highlight that after attempting to pursue the vehicle and momentarily losing it, the officers used their best judgment to determine where they may relocate the vehicle, and subsequently rediscovered it.

The prosecution will once again state the accepted facts of this case. A purple jugular with the license plate MRSHAZE, registered as owned by the defendant Summer Haze, was clocked going 176 kilometers per hour in an 80-kilometer-per-hour zone. Less than thirty seconds after the vehicle was initially clocked going these reckless speeds down Hawick Avenue, the exact same vehicle was subsequently seen pulling into the Casino Apartments parking lot and being parked in the Casino Apartments garage. Summer Haze was then seen exiting the vehicle and pulling out a different vehicle from the garage she had just parked her jugular in, the same jugular involved in breaking the law only moments beforehand. The defendant, Summer Haze, stopped as the officers intercepted her before entering the new vehicle; she put her hands in the air and complied as they exited their vehicle to approach and identify her.

Prosecuting Attorney
San Andreas Judicial Branch
(909) 489-9881 — [email protected]

Re: #23-CM-0089, State of San Andreas v. Summer Haze

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2023 2:59 pm
by Mary Burrows

San Andreas Judicial Branch

Superior Court of San Andreas


Honorable Judge Daniels and Included Parties,

As we reach the culmination of this trial, it is imperative that we revisit the evidence presented by the prosecution and reevaluate the charges against our defendant, Summer Haze.

Firstly, let's address Exhibit 1, the arrest report. It's important to note that while it mentions the vehicle, a Purple Jugular with the license plate MRSHAZE, being clocked at 176 miles per hour, this report fails to definitively identify Summer Haze as the driver at that moment. The absence of clear evidence linking her to the driver's seat is significant, as it raises reasonable doubt about her involvement in the reckless operation of the vehicle.

Both Exhibit 1 and 2 underscore the point that the vehicle was discovered at the Casino Apartments, and it is stated that Summer Haze was observed exiting the vehicle. However, these exhibits do not conclusively identify the vehicle in question. Only a fleeting glimpse of a vehicle is captured, and it remains unidentified.

Exhibit 2 states the paragon headed north on elgin from hawick, which doesn't seem to support an assumption of the casino apartments being the destination.

Moving on to Exhibit 3, the bodycam footage, we must highlight several key points that emerge upon closer examination. At the outset, the officers had difficulty catching up to the speeding vehicle, which casts doubt on whether the defendant was indeed the driver throughout the pursuit. Moreover, between timestamps 0:23 and 0:52, a substantial 29-second gap exists in the footage. During this period, the identity of the driver is obscured, making it impossible to definitively conclude that the defendant was behind the wheel during this entire interval.

Furthermore, the fact that the vehicle's license plate was not scanned upon entering the garage is a critical oversight. Without this crucial piece of evidence, we again cannot definitively establish that Summer Haze was the driver at any point during this incident.

Your Honor, the prosecution bears the burden of proving the defendant's guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. It is our position that they have not met this burden. The evidence presented raises substantial questions about the identity of the driver and the defendant's involvement in the alleged reckless operation of the vehicle.

Some (of the many) questions which are left unanswered:
  • Was the paragon found?
  • Is there any proof the paragon was on casino property on the date/time in question?
  • If so was it checked for signs of lockpicking or hotwiring?
  • Was the area searched for any other suspects?
  • Was Mrs. Haze questioned as to whether she had been driving her paragon?
These are all questions that could have and should have been answered by the evidence and their lack should provide significant doubt to Mrs. Haze's guilt.

In closing, I implore you to carefully consider these uncertainties and the absence of conclusive evidence. We believe the prosecution failed to prove Summer Haze’s guilt. The illogical trajectory of her car, not heading straight for the casino, suggests a possible stop before. As the police followed the correct and quickest route to the casino. This discrepancy deepens the doubt surrounding Mrs. Haze’s alleged involvement. In a case where doubt exists, the law dictates that you must find the defendant not guilty. We entrust in your wisdom to render a just verdict based on the facts and the law. Thank you for your attention throughout this trial.


Junior Public Defense Attorney
San Andreas Judicial Branch
(909) 339-5979 — [email protected]

Re: #23-CM-0089, State of San Andreas v. Summer Haze

Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2023 2:52 am
by Colt Daniels

San Andreas Judicial Branch

Superior Court of San Andreas



State of San Andreas v. Summer Haze

A decision was reached in the above case on the 19th day of December, 2023.

In the case of #23-CM-0089, State of San Andreas v. Summer Haze, the trial revolves around the charge of VM03 - Reckless Operation of a Road or Marine Vehicle. The crux of the case involves an incident where a purple Jugular vehicle with the license plate "MRSHAZE" was allegedly clocked at 176 kilometers per hour in an 80-kilometer-per-hour zone.

The prosecution presented three key exhibits: the Arrest Report of Summer Haze, Witness Statement of Mike Luigi, and Body Camera Footage. These pieces of evidence aimed to establish a sequence of events: the vehicle's high-speed pursuit, a momentary loss of visual contact, and the subsequent sighting of the vehicle at the Casino Apartments parking lot, purportedly with Summer Haze exiting and changing vehicles.

During the trial, the Prosecuting Attorney highlighted the speed at which the vehicle was observed and the sighting of Summer Haze allegedly exiting the vehicle at the Casino Apartments. The defense countered by raising doubts about the conclusive identification of Haze as the driver and pointing out inconsistencies in the evidence, particularly regarding the vehicle's trajectory and Haze's presence.

In their case-in-chief, the prosecution emphasized the Arrest Report, Witness Statement, and Body Camera Footage as critical evidence linking Summer Haze to the speeding vehicle incident. The defense, during cross-examination, highlighted discrepancies between officers' statements and the bodycam footage, underscoring the lack of definitive identification of Haze.

Upon meticulous consideration of the evidence, the Court acknowledges the assertions made by law enforcement officers but notes the absence of definitive, irrefutable evidence firmly linking Summer Haze to the driving during the speeding incident. The bodycam footage, while providing visuals, lacks a clear and conclusive link between Haze and the vehicle at the crucial moments of the alleged offense. These inconsistencies create reasonable doubt regarding Haze's direct involvement.

It is with the above considerations that I issue the following verdict:
  • On the count of VM03 - Reckless Operation of a Road or Marine Vehicle, I find the defendant, Summer Haze, not guilty.

This verdict is rendered based on the presence of reasonable doubt and the absence of conclusive evidence connecting Summer Haze definitively to the alleged reckless operation. The defendant shall be entitled to compensation in the amount of $7,000 for the difference in fines paid and time served - this compensation along with an update of the defendant's record can be handled at Rockford Hills City Hall by a qualified official.

Associate Justice
San Andreas Judicial Branch
(909) 402-9713 — [email protected]