SADOC Reinstatement - Mae August

Mae August
Posts: 138
Joined: Fri Apr 12, 2019 7:32 pm
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DOC Awards

SADOC Reinstatement - Mae August

Post by Mae August »

Title (Mr/Miss/Mrs): Miss
First Name: Mae
Last Name: August
    Date of Birth: 10/04/1997
    Place of Birth: Sweden
      Contact Number: 104-1997
      Email Address: [email protected]
      Residential Address: N/A
        Height: 162 cm
        Weight: 58 kg
        End of Employment Reason: Resigned
        End of Employment Date: ??/05/2019
        Badge Number: #247
        Position Held: Correctional Officer I
        Division: GFO
        Divisional Leader?: No
        Direct Supervisor: CJ Ryan, #27
        Contact Number: N/A
        Desired Position: Whichever you see fit. It's been a while

        Why should we accept you for that position?: I have the basic experience needed to be of help to the department, and I'll put all my time and effort into doing the daily chores at the DOC. I will heed my superiors and do as they show me and follow their example. My main goal will be to help the general operations of the department go smoother and keep the prison manned as much as I can possible help do.

        Why did your employment with the San Andreas Department of Corrections end? I had to leave town to attend to family business. My grand mother passed away, and as she had been the center of the family it dealt quite a big blow to me personally, but also to my family in general. Had to help arrange the funeral and then mend the wound the loss left behind.

        Have you had any felony charges against you in the time that you were gone? No.

        What have you done since your resignation or termination? I just got back to town, mainly been getting familiar with the streets again and checking up with some old friends.
          I, Mae August the undersigned, hereby declare: That the information contained within this application form, the curriculum vitae and in the enclosed documents to my knowledge is true, and I undertake to provide documentary evidence, if required. I furthermore declare that all copies enclosed are true to the original documents. I declare that I am aware that any lack of veracity of the information or the distortion of the documents will entail the invalidity of the merits affected, and that I may be liable for legal responsibility.
            I declare that the foregoing is true and correct.
            Signing date 10/11/2019
                  Forum name: Amy Stake
                  Discord ID: AmyStake#1103
                  IRL age: 22
                  Timezone: GMT+2
                  Geographical location: Denmark
                  List of characters’ names: Amy Stake, Brooke Morgan, Mae August, Hailie Cohen.
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                        Herbert Butler
                        Posts: 1130
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                        Re: SADOC Reinstatement - Mae August

                        Post by Herbert Butler »

                        Bolingbroke Penitentiary
                        348 S. Route 28
                        Blaine County, SA 90806
                        Dear Mae August,

                        We are glad to inform you that we extend the offer of Correctional Officer I in GFO with badge number 247.

                        The terms for your transfer request are as follows:
                        • You must go through all training procedures to become a Correctional Officer Trainee.
                        • You will then complete all the training necessary to advance from a Correctional Officer Trainee to be given your offered rank.
                        If you wish to accept these terms, reply to this email in the next 48 hours. If you wish to dispute your rank given, send a government email to the person who proposed this offer of employment.

                        Herbert Butler
                        Captain, Human Resources
                        San Andreas Department of Corrections

                        Ren Sanchez
                        Warden of Bolingbroke Penitentiary
                        San Andreas Department of Corrections
                          herbert butler: ex-deputy warden of doc, ex-cfo of dcc, ligma survivor, owner of thechopshop, mayor of grapeseed, ranch dressing enthusiast, freelance reporter and taxi man
                          Mae August
                          Posts: 138
                          Joined: Fri Apr 12, 2019 7:32 pm
                          ECRP Forum Name:

                          DOC Awards

                          Re: SADOC Reinstatement - Mae August

                          Post by Mae August »

                          Dear Captain Butler,
                            I appreciate the fast response and would like to accept your generous offer.
                            I'll report to the front desk at first given opportunity and await the presence of one of your members of the Human Resources.
                              Best regards,

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