Special Press Release: Ice To Meet You, December 2023

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Randy Lee
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Special Press Release: Ice To Meet You, December 2023

Post by Randy Lee »

The first snowflakes have begun their dance, Turning our city into a white wonderland
Winter Is Here: Embrace the Snowfall!

As the winter blankets the city with the first snow of the year, the San Andreas Department of Corrections wanted to extend the warmest wishes to everyone!

We took some time out of our busy schedule and collected some thoughts on the weather changing and gathered some tips on staying safe during these cold nights.

Winter Safety Tips With SADOC

TipToeing in the snow this year

While enjoying your winter wonderland this year remember to have fun and also stay safe
December is A time of joy and fun for all but remember that the snow can also be dangerous.
Remember your hats and scarfs to keep the chill away.

Remember that its important to keep your hands warm with some gloves or mittens. (especially if your partial to a good snowball fight).
Always try to have a few layers of clothing on but also be comfortable. With the temperatures dropping dramatically over the month there is A risk of hypothermia and frostbite. Keep from exposing any part of the body to the cold to avoid this and take the time to enjoy some lovely warm drinks. Time to get the marshmallows and cream out for the monster hot chocolates.

If you notice anyone with symptoms of hypothermia such as confusion, lack of co-ordination or speech problems please help them by calling MD and trying to make them as warm as possible but always limit their movement after you have moved them out of the cold. Try to shield them from any wind where possible and remove any wet clothing and cover them with blankets or dry clothing where possible. Make sure to monitor their breathing while you wait for emergency services. Avoid using any form of direct heat as this can cause irregular heartbeats.

Remembering these small steps could help someone in the cold this winter so please have fun and stay safe this winter and look after one another during this festive period
DOC Staff thoughts on the snow
  • What are your thoughts regarding the weather change and snow?
    Correctional Officer I - Manuel Romero:
    • It's good as the inmates can now fight with snowballs instead of injuring each other with fists.

    Correctional Officer II - Lola Kalashnikov:
    I'm Russian, so the cold doesn't bother me. And I used to fight bears in the snow.

    Senior Correctional Officer - Lucy Fox:
    • It feels festival but a little more dangerous as the roads are more slippery now.

DOC Inmates thoughts on the snow
  • What are your thoughts regarding the weather change and snow?
    Not Jameson Derose:
    • it's cool, and the blizzards are super fun to drive in. Terrifying but fun.

    Bo Vespucci:
    I enjoy it. You can't beat it. It's just not a change to the city; it's a change to everyone's mindset. getting everyone into the holiday spirit
    it seems like everybody's morale has changed to the Christmas spirit since the snow started.

    Becks Hirano:
    • I think the snow is very pretty, but it is also dangerous as it causes people to crash and die.
      So, the snow is basically me.

Special Guest thoughts on the snow
  • What are your thoughts regarding the weather change and snow?
    • LSC Owner - Liam Binnie:
      • I love the snow. I enjoy it as long as it doesn't stick around too long. Especially for us (LSC), we get free labour now on changing the to winter tires, it's really good for us in business in general.

        Note: LSC is doing 100% OFF Winter Tyres until 8th Dec! Don't miss it.

    Bogdan Beciri and Amelia Fernandez:
    We loved it and had waited for this moment for a long time.
    We hope everyone to have a merry Christmas.

    Note: don’t forget to congrats the new married couple when you meet them!

    Herrman Wolff, Interim Deputy Director, Public Relations Bureau
    I genuinely love winter and the snow.
    This will be my second December in the city, and there's no time of year I look forward to more than this. I feel it's a time that we band together the most, and you get a real sense of community from every citizen. The snow covers everything and makes every street and mountain look picturesque, and it's a chance for all of us to dust off our 4x4's and get them running again.

    I think the snow, itself, is a perfect metaphor for the time of year in our state. It's a time of change, as we come into the new year, that then gives way into our usual normalcy. It's fitting because very much so we find the same thing where we will often experience change at this time but persevere and embrace it, and it becomes our new normalcy.

    Wrap up warm, get out and embrace the togetherness and the end of year festivities. I know for a fact I will be. I also understand that while I am enjoying it, that I will be glad to know that much like the weather; I, and the situation my life is in will change, and it's something that I can embrace and be happy about.
Closing Message
And that ends our Special Press release. DOC gives their best wish for everyone to have a merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. See you Next Year!
Remember to Stay Warm, Stay Safe and Stay Cool.


Kourtney Lafleur
Warden, Advisor
San Andreas Department of Corrections

[email protected]

Randy Lee
Lieutenant, Public Relations Command
San Andreas Department of Corrections

[email protected]


Bradley Coot
Sergeant, Public Relations Intern
San Andreas Department of Corrections

[email protected]


Franz Stroheim
Correctional Officer I , Public Relations Intern
San Andreas Department of Corrections

[email protected]

Captain: Randy Lee
Correctional Emergency Response Team | CERT Command [BRAVO-3]
Public Relations | PR Command
Bleeding Heart Recipient May, 5th, 2023
Purple Heart Recipient April, 5th, 2023
Exemplary Instructor Recipient October, 6th, 2023

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San Andreas Department of Corrections
"Courage, Discipline, Respect, Integrity, Loyalty, Selfless Commitment'

"A man's finest cologne is sweat from his hard labor" Randy Lee

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