[OPEN LETTER] Press Release by Judith Mason and Colt Daniels

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John Wallace
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[OPEN LETTER] Press Release by Judith Mason and Colt Daniels

Post by John Wallace »


Los Santos County Sheriff's Department


  • Re: Open Letter

    After reading the press release made by Judith Mason and Colt Daniels and released under the good name of the Supreme Court and the Judicial Branch, I would like to release this open letter with my thoughts on this, undoubtedly written with foam around their mouths, piece of false statements, accusations and bastardisation of the law and constitution.

    “The San Andreas Judicial Branch expresses its deep disappointment and strong disagreement with the recent decision made by Governor Lewis Langley to terminate Attorney General Cyrus Raven. This decision, which follows a witch hunt investigation, can be considered the largest miscarriage of justice in recent times and shows a significant setback for the principles of fairness and due process that are at the core of our legal system.”
    To consider a lawful, constitutionally sound, decision “the largest miscarriage of justice” requires one to employ a very twisted view of justice. Here we have three individuals, Cyrus Raven, Colt Daniels and Judith Mason, lash out at the processes and powers the constitution protects simply because it is not in their interest and does not favour them. This is a very sad display by all three individuals who, multiple times during this press release, assure everybody how invested they are in upholding the constitution, by ignoring the constitution blatantly and trying to discredit the powers the constitution affords.
    “The Supreme Court of San Andreas firmly believes that the termination of Attorney General Raven was unwarranted and severely lacks substantial evidence. The allegations made against him, specifically his alleged affiliation with the Cartel and involvement in the kidnapping and murder of a government director that occurred earlier this year, are unsupported by all available facts. It is essential to remember that every individual is innocent until proven guilty, and the baseless public accusations made in the Executive Branch's Press Release #61 undermine the integrity of our legal system.”
    It is natural that this is the belief of yet again, Mason, Daniels and Raven, as all three feel a sense of entitlement and want to be the only people who make those decisions, yet again ignoring the constitutional powers vested in the board of governors. How, Judith Mason and Colt Daniels in particular, can release a public statement discrediting the obvious evidence of Cyrus Raven’s ties to the Cartel and especially Vince Williams, is beyond me. There are public records that clearly show that the ties go deep and are found everywhere.

    I would like to know how Colt Daniels and Judith Mason can claim to be interested in upholding the constitution and ethics of their institution, while categorically refusing to investigate Cyrus Raven and dismissing any evidence brought to them as not good enough.

    Public records show Cyrus Raven financially tied to Vince Williams and the Cartel, to this date, Cyrus Raven is the manager of multiple businesses owned by members of the Cartel and continues to financially rely on the Cartel, both during his candidacy by taking donations of over a million dollars from them, and in his day to day life by managing their businesses.

    Colt Daniels and Judith Mason are making a mockery of the good people of San Andreas by ignoring those financial ties and are enabling criminal influence into JB.

    Any reasonable person would come to the conclusion that an Attorney General being influenced by well known figures of the San Andreas Underworld and being financially dependent on them is a clear violation of any and all ethics they claim to uphold and an immense conflict of interest.
    To come to this conclusion, however, one would have to be reasonable and act in the best interest of the citizens of San Andreas.
    “The decision to terminate Attorney General Raven appears to stem from a private meeting between Governor Langley and high ranking members of both law enforcement agencies. This decision has been reached without proper consideration of the due process rights that every citizen, including government officials, should enjoy. Furthermore, the San Andreas Judicial Branch notes, with concern, the denial of a warrant to access the former Attorney General's bank and phone records by two separate judges due to a lack of probable cause. Even after Attorney General Raven voluntarily gave consent to conduct a search and seizure of the requested records, no evidence was found linking him to the alleged criminal activities.”
    The Los Santos County Sheriff's Department and Los Santos Police Department have conducted a lawful investigation into allegations brought forward to us through third parties. We have not incited a so called "witch-hunt", but have instead fulfilled our duty of investigation and escalated the evidence through proper channels. We do not believe that Judith Mason, Colt Daniels and Cyrus Raven have any right to discredit our joint investigation and strongly stand by doing everything we do, for the good of the citizens of San Andreas.

    I would like to highlight these points in particular:
    “ Furthermore, the San Andreas Judicial Branch notes, with concern, the denial of a warrant to access the former Attorney General's bank and phone records by two separate judges due to a lack of probable cause”
    I am not going to attack the Judicial Branch as a whole here, as Judith Mason and Colt Daniels are using the names of the Supreme Court and Judicial Branch to give weight to this press release, the citizens of San Andreas should know that this is not a press release by JB, it is the work of Judith Mason and Colt Daniels.

    They note with “ with concern “ that a proper investigation, using the proper channels, has been launched and that warrants for release of information have been filed. What they are supposed to be concerned about is the evidence brought forward to them, the multiple occasions they have been asked to investigate it, and their outright refusal to do so.

    Further, here we see exactly what was long suspected anyway. Upon learning of the warrants, Judith Mason and Colt Daniels immediately and without hesitation informed Cyrus Raven that there is an investigation into him and blocked any and all attempts of gathering further evidence. Please read that again, The Chief Justice and Associate Justice disclosed confidential information with the suspect and gave him all information from the warrant he could then in turn use to destroy evidence and influence people with, while Colt Daniels and Judith Mason continued to string us along, affording time to Cyrus Raven to cover his tracks. They then, together with Cyrus Raven, fabricated a sanitised version of the requested information, which at that point had already become useless as the investigation was leaked by them.

    How can the citizens of San Andreas trust that JB will protect them, when they are releasing confidential information to a suspect, thus changing the outcome of a lawful investigation? What lengths are Judith Mason and Colt Daniels willing to go to in order to protect their bastardised version of ethics, the constitution and the law?

    I urge Inspector General Emily Whitehorse to investigate this and look into this clear mishandling of confidential information.
    “Attorney General Raven's prior associations with members of the Cartel were within the scope of his duties as the Chief Public Defender. The Code of Ethics that governs all bar-certified attorneys emphasises an attorney's obligation to remain faithful to their client's interests. Mr. Raven's acceptance of LRC campaign donations from alleged members of the Cartel, which were disclosed appropriately and immediately, is in line with established legal practices.”
    There is nothing “prior” about his association, his association with the Cartel and their members is acute and ongoing. In what world is the Attorney General allowed to be financially involved and dependent on a criminal organisation such as the Cartel? What Chief Justice and Associate Justice in a functioning, non-corrupt entity, see no issue with the Attorney General managing Cartel finances on the side as not problematic?

    These are deep running issues that the public has had no insight into and that are hush-hush, handled of course by none other than Judith Mason and Colt Daniels. They have put themselves in the position to hold power over everything and are Judge, Jury and Executioner at the same time. What great individuals we have here.
    “Moreover, the circumstances leading to Attorney General Raven's termination appear to be connected to his diligent investigation of Undersheriff John Wallace for alleged criminal misconduct after receiving a criminal complaint from a citizen of San Andreas. In accordance with Section 6 of the Constitution, the Attorney General has a responsibility to investigate crimes committed by members of the public force and civil servants. His pursuit of justice appears to have been obstructed when he requested information from the Sheriff's Department and was met with refusal and interference, with documents still not having been released at the time of writing. This situation raised concerns about obstruction of justice and interference with lawful investigations, as highlighted by the GM14 statute. The retaliation he faced for fulfilling his constitutional commitment only adds to the unjust nature of his termination.”
    I want to make it absolutely clear that the investigation into Cyrus Raven and the Cartel had started long before there were any allegations made against me and the decision made by the Governor, was made purely on the evidence he has.

    I am not above the law and my impeccable record will represent that, I am open to any and all investigations as long as they are conducted through the proper legal channels.

    This is riddled with false statements. The Los Santos County Sheriff’s Department has never refused to work with JB nor has it refused to release requested information. It has, however, made it absolutely clear that this information will not be released willy-nilly and that instead, we require JB to go through the proper channels and use the proper tools to get the information.

    His pursuit of justice was not obstructed by the Sheriff’s Department, his pursuit of justice was obstructed by his refusal to employ proper processes of law.

    To this date, the Los Santos County Sheriff’s Department has not been presented a warrant for the release of this information. Nobody bothered to actually follow the legal processes to obtain this information.

    It is with great concern that we witness the inability of the former Attorney General, Chief Justice and Associate Justice, to follow lawful processes to obtain information and instead employ bullying tactics and false statements, as well as twisting the law and constitution to give more credibility to their statements.

    If all three of them do not know how to file a warrant for release of information, I can point them to some great Attorneys who can help them with it and maybe they can learn a thing or two from them.
    “The Supreme Court of San Andreas asserts that the termination of Attorney General Raven is a blow to the principles of justice and accountability that our society holds dear. This unfortunate turn of events not only affects the reputation of the judicial system but also threatens the rights of every citizen to a fair and impartial process. It is truly disheartening that former Attorney General Raven was terminated for simply doing his job. A job he loved and that he took pride in since he joined the Judicial Branch about 14 months ago.“
    The termination of Attorney General Raven is, in fact, a great display of the principles of justice and especially accountability. It is again concerning that Judith Mason and Colt Daniels are trying to sway the public opinion with their perverted bastardisation of law, ethics and accountability.

    Statement by Sheriff Bobby Kirk:
    An exhaustive and lawful investigation was undertaken collaboratively by members of the Sheriff's Investigation Bureau, in partnership with both the Police Department and their accomplished Detective Bureau. Throughout the investigation, strict adherence to the judicial process was maintained, ensuring that appropriate warrants were obtained at every juncture.

    This meticulous investigative effort yielded success. While criminal charges have not been levied, the inquiry did unearth a disconcerting revelation. Specifically, it exposed a vulnerability in the office of the Attorney General, attributed to the incumbent's unsettling proximity to the criminal underworld. The implications of this proximity raise questions about the potential compromises required to solicit donations and favors from the very elements that the Attorney General is tasked with safeguarding the public against.

    I wish to emphasize our unwavering commitment to upholding the established procedures throughout this investigation. In stark contrast, the previous Attorney General regrettably tried to strong-arm our department, particularly myself, into divulging internal documents. This was done under the pretext of aiding a lawful inquiry but with the undue threat of obstruction of justice charges. It is worth noting that while the Attorney General wields the authority to conduct investigations in accordance with constitutional provisions, there is an expectation that they, above all, should exemplify due respect for the judicial process. This includes acquiring records and documentation using the established channels accessible to all authoritative bodies and eliminating any form of coercion or bullying. Proper warrants must be sought before requisitioning materials for criminal investigations.

    From the inception of the Judicial Branch, my department has been unwavering in its endorsement, actively spearheading adjustments and policy implementations to seamlessly integrate the judicial process. We stood at the forefront of adopting these changes, recognizing their significance in ensuring the comprehensive involvement of the judicial system. This proactive stance underlines our commitment to upholding the highest standards, leveraging a process that fundamentally serves as a bulwark for the protection of the people's rights.

    As we have consistently demonstrated, our respect for this process is rooted in its efficacy and the vital role it plays. It serves as both a safeguard for maintaining standards and a robust defense mechanism for the rights of our citizens. It is my hope that the newly appointed Inspector General, Ms. Whitehorse, will steadfastly uphold the integrity of the Judicial Branch, adhering to its founding principles. Furthermore, I hope to witness the continued evolution of the branch, driven by positive growth and improvement for the betterment of our society.

    In full support of the Executive Branch of San Andreas and the Board of Governors, my department stands united in endorsing the act of terminating Mr. Raven from his role as the Attorney General. The role of the Attorney General is intended to personify law enforcement and embody the highest standards of principled authority. Regrettably, this once-revered position now stands in a precarious light. My sincere hope is that the upcoming Attorney General will uphold the integrity of the office and wield its authority responsibly.

    Sheriff Bobby Kirk
    Los Santos County Sheriff's Department

    I am sorry for the people working in JB that are by proxy being dragged into this, because they are actually interested in making a change and bringing San Andreas and its Judicial system forward. JB is full of bright minds and enthusiastic people who uphold the law and the very principles of the constitution and the code of ethics. I am confident that these people, however much they may be kept down and intimidated by their leaders, will prevail.

    I know for a fact that the majority of members within JB are disgusted by this display of Judith Mason, Colt Daniels and Cyrus Raven and that they are eagerly awaiting the Inspector General to take action and sort it out.

    JB has my full support, the support of the Los Santos County Sheriff’s Department and I am certain that our working relationship will continue to flourish. The Los Santos County Sheriff’s Department has always been at the forefront of JB, we were the first to make arrest reports mandatory paperwork for our Deputies so JB can function. We will continue to be at the forefront of positive change and we will not allow personal agendas and corrupted minds to influence the law.

  • From

    Undersheriff John Wallace
    Head of Administration
    Los Santos County Sheriff's Department

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