[SADOC Prison Transfer ((OOC SADOC Reinstatement)) - Axilleas Papastavros

Axilleas Papastavros
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ECRP Forum Name: GiorgosK

[SADOC Prison Transfer ((OOC SADOC Reinstatement)) - Axilleas Papastavros

Post by Axilleas Papastavros »

Personal Information
Title (Mr/Miss/Mrs): Mr
First Name: Axilleas
Last Name: Papastavros
    Date of Birth: 15/01/1993
    Place of Birth: Athens
      Contact Number: 201-7989
      Email Address: [email protected]
      Residential Address: n/a
        Height: 190 cm
        Weight: 68 kg
          Proof of Identifcation and licence ((/licence))
          Attached digital copy
            Reason for your Prison Transfer
            End of Employment Reason: Personal resignation;Moving out of Greece
            End of Employment Date: 15/April/23
            Badge Number: #3124
            Position Held: Senior Correctional Officer
            Division: GFO
            Divisional Leader?:
            Direct Supervisor: Aggelos Gallios
            Contact Number: (+30) 210-4675-21012
            Desired Position: Correctional Officer III

            Why should we accept you for that position?: You should accept me into the position as I have a lot of knowledge on how to work around a prison, follow the protocols by heart, and treat everyone including inmates with respect and dignity. I have completed relevant training and education in my old department for operation inside and outside a prison as an emergency response officer in situations requiring someone to be a hundred percent focused on the job.

            Why should we accept your employment in the San Andreas Department of Corrections? You should accept my transfer request as I am a very highly trained officer for guarding, protecting, and patrolling any premises as I'm coming from a top security prison which I've learned a lot of stuff from. I have gained a lot of knowledge on procedures and protocols from my old department in Greece and I keep improving on over the days as I love to train and learn new stuff. I have demonstrated my ability to stay calm and focused under pressure, make quick decisions in stressful situations, and communicate fluently with others when it's needed the most.

            Do you have any felonies/misdemeanors on your record? If yes, explain.
            I have none.
              I, Axilleas Papastavros, hereby declare: That the information contained within this application form, the curriculum vitae, and in the enclosed documents to my knowledge is true, and I undertake to provide documentary evidence if required. I furthermore declare that all copies enclosed are true to the original documents. I declare that I am aware that any lack of veracity of the information or the distortion of the documents will entail the invalidity of the merits affected and that I may be liable for legal responsibility.
                I declare that the foregoing is true and correct.
                Signing date 01/May/2023
                  (( OOC Section ))
                  List the name of your character that was employed in the San Andreas Department of Corrections.
                  Giorgos Papageorgiou

                  Use your old SADOC Character Information
                  End of Employment Reason: Resignation
                  End of Employment Date: 01/April/2021
                  Badge Number: #421
                  Position Held: Corporal
                  Division: GFO
                  Divisional Leader?:
                  Direct Supervisor: Wes McLoughlin
                  Forum name: GiorgosK
                  Discord ID: GiorgosK#8877
                  IRL age: 24
                  Timezone: Athens time +2 winter +3 summer
                  Geographical location: Greece
                  List of characters’ names: Giorgos Papageorgiou, Nikolas Papatriantafilopoulos, Anastasia Economou
                    Please provide an unedited picture of your full admin logs:
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                      Katie Schneider
                      Deputy Warden
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                      DOC Awards

                      Re: [SADOC Prison Transfer ((OOC SADOC Reinstatement)) - Axilleas Papastavros

                      Post by Katie Schneider »


                      Human Resources Division

                      Transfer Received

                      • Dear Axilleas,

                        The San Andreas Department of Corrections has RECEIVED and acknowledged your transfer request. This will now be pending review and deliberation by a member of the Human Resources Division. We will be reviewing and examining your previous service with the Department that you were employed with. While certain circumstances may preclude a fixed timeframe, you should expect a response to your request within 24 hours.

                        If you have any questions pertaining to your transfer request, please contact a member of the Human Resources Division.

                      • Kind regards,
                        Katie Schneider
                        Deputy Warden, Head of Human Resources
                        San Andreas Department of Corrections

                        [email protected]

                      Image Deputy Warden - Katie Schneider
                      Head of Human Resources
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                      Katie Schneider
                      Deputy Warden
                      Posts: 4295
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                      ECRP Forum Name: Katie Schneider

                      DOC Awards

                      [DENIED] [SADOC Prison Transfer ((OOC SADOC Reinstatement)) - Axilleas Papastavros

                      Post by Katie Schneider »


                      Human Resources Division

                      Transfer Denied

                      • Dear Axilleas,

                        Thank you for your Transfer request to the San Andreas Department of Corrections. We regret to inform you that your transfer has been denied due to the following reasons.

                        • We would like to get to know you better. Please apply fresh!
                          ((Your last employeement in the SADOC was over a year ago, therefore our policy states you will have to reapply))
                        If you wish to know more, send a government email to the person who declined your transfer. We wish you the best in the rest of your life endeavors.

                      • Kind regards,
                        Katie Schneider
                        Deputy Warden, Head of Human Resources
                        San Andreas Department of Corrections

                        [email protected]

                      Image Deputy Warden - Katie Schneider
                      Head of Human Resources

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