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Anthony Gray
Retired Police Officer III
Posts: 388
Joined: Wed Jul 06, 2022 5:14 am
ECRP Forum Name: ryze033

LSPD Awards for Service


Post by Anthony Gray »

Personal Information
    Title (Mr/Miss/Mrs): Mr
    First Name: Anthony
    Last Name: Gray
      Date of Birth: 11/08/1995
      Place of Birth: Los Santos
        Contact Number: 542-3787
        Residential Address: N/A
          Height: 196cm
          Weight: 68 kg
            Proof of identification and license ((/license))
            Attached digital copy
              Current/Previous Employment
              Current/Past Department: LSPD & LSSD
              Position Held: LSPD- Police Officer III/ LSSD- Deputy II
              Division(s): LSPD- Metro, FLD, TED, AIR.
              Divisional Command?: No.
              Direct Supervisor: Gareth Longofrd for LSPD, Christopher Porter LSSD
              Contact Number/Email Address of your Direct Supervisor: [email protected] and [email protected]
              Desired Position: COIII
              Why should we accept you for that position?: With my experience with LSPD and LSSD, I feel I have gained major insight throughout my time. Being in the Metropolitan Division has taught me a lot of tricks and strategies I can apply here with dangerous individuals. My time being so short at LSSD, I mainly applied what I had learned from the LSPD and improved on those things. Since leaving both departments, I feel this is the best spot for me for awhile and will dedicate the time I can here. I also looked forward to joining CERT and helping the divison.
              Reason for Resignation
              Why are you leaving/why did you leave your current department?
              Felt Law Enforcment wasn't my passion anymore. (( Exams are coming and Ive been busy and felt that LEO RP is hard with my time but coming to DOC I could still stay apart of the server and have it be more relaxed but still meet hours and stay here for awhile.))

              What qualifications do you have that would be an asset to the San Andreas Department of Corrections?
              Being in Metro, I learned tactical knowledge and special strategies. I can apply this to dangerous individuals that come through the gates. Being in both departments, you have to have good communication, and if a riot starts, you need to communicate through the radio fast and calmly. Lastly, my paperwork has gotten more efficient and better information I can use for future details about inmates or situations.
                I, Anthony Gray the undersigned, hereby declare: That the information contained within this application form, the curriculum vitae, and in the enclosed documents to my knowledge is true, and I undertake to provide documentary evidence if required. I furthermore declare that all copies enclosed are true to the original documents. I declare that my answers are my own original answers and are not AI generated answers. I declare that I am aware that any lack of veracity of the information or the distortion of the documents will entail the invalidity of the merits affected and that I may be liable for legal responsibility.
                  I declare that the foregoing is true and correct.
                  Anthony Gray
                  Signing date 17/04/2023
                    (( OOC Section ))
                      Forum name: Ryze033
                      Forum Profile Link PRESS
                      Discord Username: LiamB#1190
                      IRL age: 16
                      Geographical Location & Timezone: CST

                          Have you had any admin punishments on any character? If so, explain:
                          ((Yes, I was got FRP spoken to when I first joined the server on my criminal cause I punched someone while a gun was pointed at me no other related warnings have been placed. I got banned for account sharing cause someone used my character at my house shorlty when I was new to server but have never had that happen anymore. Then got a NRP cause I drove a Vetir off the mountain at roadworkers HQ I thought I was being funny and nothing else has been recorded on my record.))
                            Are you currently banned from any faction in the Eclipse Community?
                            [] Yes
                            [X] No
                              Have you ever been or are you currently in another official faction? If so, name the faction(s) and your rank
                              I was in LSPD- POIII and went to LSSD shortly as DSII,

                                  Do you have a working microphone and are you able to use Teamspeak?
                                  [X] Yes
                                  [] No

                                      Please provide a picture of your /stats:
                                        Please provide an unedited picture of your character list and admin logs:
                                          User avatar
                                          Julia Whitehorse
                                          Posts: 2035
                                          Joined: Fri Jun 17, 2022 1:12 pm
                                          ECRP Forum Name: Ronin

                                          DOC Awards

                                          SASG Awards

                                          Re: [TRANSFER RECIEVED] ANTHONY GRAY

                                          Post by Julia Whitehorse »


                                          Human Resources Division

                                          Transfer Received

                                          • Dear Anthony,

                                            The San Andreas Department of Corrections has RECEIVED and acknowledged your transfer request. This will now be pending review and deliberation by a member of the Human Resources Division. We will be reviewing and examining your previous service with the Department that you were employed with. While certain circumstances may preclude a fixed timeframe, you should expect a response to your request within 24 hours.

                                            If you have any questions pertaining to your transfer request, please contact a member of the Human Resources Division.

                                          • Kind regards,

                                            Julia Chedhamenou
                                            Sergeant, Assistant Head of Human Resources
                                            San Andreas Department of Corrections

                                            [email protected]

                                          Personal Assistant To The Chief Of Staff - Julia "Chedhamenou" Whitehorse

                                          Previous Employment

                                          Image RETIRED Captain-Julia "Chedhamenou" Whitehorse
                                          Captain Of Administration
                                          Human Resources Division | Assistant Head Of Division
                                          Correctional Investigations Division| Investigator & Internal Affairs Officer
                                          Correctional Emergency Response Team | Operator
                                          Correctional K9 Division | Handler|ex-Head Of Division
                                          Correctional Field Training | Instructor
                                          Correctional Services Officer

                                          San Andreas Department of Corrections

                                          Executive Government Official | Human Resources Manager

                                          User avatar
                                          Julia Whitehorse
                                          Posts: 2035
                                          Joined: Fri Jun 17, 2022 1:12 pm
                                          ECRP Forum Name: Ronin

                                          DOC Awards

                                          SASG Awards

                                          Re: [ON HOLD] ANTHONY GRAY

                                          Post by Julia Whitehorse »


                                          Human Resources Division

                                          Offer of employment

                                          • Dear Anthony,

                                            We are glad to inform you that we extend the preliminary offer of Correctional Officer II.

                                            The terms for your transfer are as follows:
                                            • You must go through all training procedures to become a Correctional Trainee.
                                            • You will then complete all the training necessary to advance from a Correctional Trainee to be given your offered rank.
                                            • The preliminary offer you get for transfer will still be performance dependent, a discussion will be had by supervisors+ at the end of your trainee period to discuss what actual rank you will get promoted to.
                                            If you wish to accept these terms, reply to this email in the next 48 hours. If you wish to dispute your rank given, send a government email to the person who proposed this offer of employment.

                                          • Kind regards,

                                            Julia Chedhamenou
                                            Sergeant, Assistant Head of Human Resources
                                            San Andreas Department of Corrections

                                            [email protected]

                                            Personal Assistant To The Chief Of Staff - Julia "Chedhamenou" Whitehorse

                                            Previous Employment

                                            Image RETIRED Captain-Julia "Chedhamenou" Whitehorse
                                            Captain Of Administration
                                            Human Resources Division | Assistant Head Of Division
                                            Correctional Investigations Division| Investigator & Internal Affairs Officer
                                            Correctional Emergency Response Team | Operator
                                            Correctional K9 Division | Handler|ex-Head Of Division
                                            Correctional Field Training | Instructor
                                            Correctional Services Officer

                                            San Andreas Department of Corrections

                                            Executive Government Official | Human Resources Manager

                                            User avatar
                                            Anthony Gray
                                            Retired Police Officer III
                                            Posts: 388
                                            Joined: Wed Jul 06, 2022 5:14 am
                                            ECRP Forum Name: ryze033

                                            LSPD Awards for Service

                                            Re: [ON HOLD] ANTHONY GRAY

                                            Post by Anthony Gray »

                                            I accept this offer.
                                            User avatar
                                            Jimmithy Jemima
                                            Posts: 6520
                                            Joined: Thu Jun 02, 2022 5:57 pm
                                            ECRP Forum Name: JWIT1

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                                            DOC Awards

                                            SAJB Awards

                                            Re: [ACCEPTED] ANTHONY GRAY

                                            Post by Jimmithy Jemima »


                                            Human Resources Division

                                            Transfer Accepted

                                            • Dear Mr. Gray,

                                              We are pleased to inform you that your transfer request has been accepted.

                                              We are glad to accept you into the Department of Corrections as Correctional Officer II.

                                              Please make sure that you have been discharged from your respective department before coming to Bolingbroke Penitentiary to finish the transfer process with a Member of the Human Resources Team.

                                            • Kind regards,

                                              Jimmithy Jemima
                                              Sergeant, Human Resources Command
                                              San Andreas Department of Corrections

                                              [email protected]
                                              Image Captain - Jimmithy Jemima
                                              Captain of Departmental Operations
                                              Commanding Officer of Correctional Services
                                              Correctional Field Training | Assistant Head Instructor
                                              Human Resources | Deputy Head of Human Resources
                                              Correctional Emergency Response Team | CERT Command [1-BRAVO]
                                              Correctional Investigations Division | Internal Affairs Officer
                                              Public Relations | Coordinator
                                              San Andreas Department of Corrections — "Courage, Discipline,
                                              Respect, Integrity, Loyalty, Selfless Commitment"

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