[Information] Salary and Benefits

The Police Officer Employment section offers relevant information and details on the hiring process and allows prospective Police Officers to apply to the Los Santos Police Department.

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[Information] Salary and Benefits

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Los Santos Police Department
Salary and Benefits

    LSPD Officers have a starting salary range of $88,794 to $107,295 annually, based on the averages of Police Cadet and Police Officer I salaries respectively. Upon enrollment into the Los Santos Police Academy, prospective Officers are paid, in full, the standard salary of a Police Cadet while enrolled, and upon graduation will be continued to be paid the full salary while in training.

    The Los Santos Police Department believes in and strongly encourages Officers to further themselves both professionally and personally. The Department will compensate LSPD Officers that have completed their training and have been promoted to Police Officer I for the cost of additional training such as Basic Life Support training and license, trucker's license, and the acquisition of a personal firearms license. The Department does not currently compensate Officers for pilot licenses.

    Any training in the line of duty, such as training for a specialized assignment, certifications, and more is paid for through standard salary.

    For many Officers, one of the best rewards of working in a Department as large as the Los Santos Police Department is the fact that they can do many jobs during the course of their career. It is possible to move from division to division and to learn new skills on the job.
    • PATROL — All LSPD Officers start in patrol. While many Officers will choose to remain in patrol, others put in for a transfer to specialized divisions after spending adequate time in the field. Patrol is the primary provider of police services to the community and is considered to be the backbone of the LSPD. Patrol in the LSPD is challenging and rewarding, no day in patrol is ever the same.

      SPECIALIZED ASSIGNMENTS — The LSPD has over 40 different assignments. Some assignments, such as Traffic Officers, are an assignment done by many Officers, but there are also specialized assignments, such as SWAT Officers, Gang Officers, K9 Handlers, Divers, Helicopter Pilots, and Media Relations Officers. Certain specialized assignments allow Officers to remain in patrol while also pursuing a different path, whereas others may see Officers transfer out of patrol in favor of a different primary assignment.

      SWITCHING JOBS — Many Police Officers work several different specialized assignments during the course of their careers. All Officers who have finished their probationary period are eligible to apply for specialized divisions. Although some specialties, like SWAT, are very selective and competitive, and will not take every applicant, there are many different jobs to choose from.

    A flexible work schedule is available for many patrol and special assignment units. Officers, at their own discretion, may schedule their own shifts and work day schedules, so long as they meet the established 2.5-hour requirement per pay cycle.

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