#22-CM-0030, State of San Andreas v. Jesus Monterrey

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#22-CM-0030, State of San Andreas v. Jesus Monterrey

Post by Galileo Czapiewski »

Defendant Name: Jesus Monterrey
Defendant Phone: 5731470
Defendant Address: N/A
(( Defendant Discord : Galileo Galilei 𓃬#3190))
Requested Attorney: N/A
Charging Department: Los Santos County Sheriff’s Department
Time & Date of Incident(s): 07/June/2022
Charge(s): Evading an Officer
Narrative: I met a kind gentlemen named Alfred, he wanted to show me his car that was parked in Paleto bay. I said sure then we got in my car. I was driving at first but on our way to Paleto I started getting a bad headache, so I told him to drive us there. On the way there my car ran out of gas and we had to push it to the nearest gas station. We refueled and drove to the parking lot where his car was parked, he showed me the car and man was she a beauty. Thats beside the point, a deputy came and asked which one of us was Alfred, I don't remember what the deputy said but I got back in my car Alfred parked his and got in the driver seat of mine then we took off trying to go to burger shot to get a burger and soda. The deputy followed with his lights on and a pursuit initiated. How was I suppose to know that he was going to take off on a chase I'm not a mind reader. They said something about I had a chance to get out. ah yes let me just get out of a speeding car in the middle of the highway while two or more speeding cruisers follow behind. I could have been hide by the cruisers. at the end of it they charged me (as the passenger) with Evading an Officer

I, [Jesus Monterrey], hereby affirm that all information provided above is true and correct to the best of my knowledge, and understand that knowingly providing false information could result in additional charges and/or fines. (( I affirm that all information submitted has been obtained via In-Character means. ))
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Caroline Johnson
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Re: State of San Andreas v. Jesus Monterrey

Post by Caroline Johnson »


San Andreas Judicial Branch

[SAJB] - State of San Andreas v. Jesus Monterrey

  • Superior Court of San Andreas,

    My name is Caroline Johnson and I work as a state prosecutor in the San Andreas Judicial Branch. I have taken it upon myself to collect all relevant evidence in the case of ‘State of San Andreas v. Jesus Monterrey’ either to personally take on the case when activated, or to support the prosecuting attorneys of the state should another attorney wish to take on the case.

    Best Wishes,

    Caroline Johnson
    San Andreas Judicial Branch
    (909) 590-4566 — [email protected]
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Antonio McFornell
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Re: State of San Andreas v. Jesus Monterrey

Post by Antonio McFornell »


San Andreas Judicial Branch


  • Your Honor,

    The purpose of this notice is to let you know that as of this time I, Tony McFornell, will be representing Mr. Jesus Monterrey in all the proceedings pertaining to this case. I will be getting in touch with them.

    Best regards,

    Public Defense Attorney
    San Andreas Judicial Branch
    (909) 553-8869 — [email protected]
Antonio José McFornell
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Darcy Valor
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Re: State of San Andreas v. Jesus Monterrey

Post by Darcy Valor »


San Andreas Judicial Branch

Re: State of San Andreas v. Jesus Monterrey

  • Parties,

    I am Court Clerk Darcy Lafleur. I will be the presiding judge on this case and will be activating this case under docket number #22-CM-0030.

    Since the State and the Defendant both have representation, I will be submitting an Order for Discovery following this message.

    Darcy Lafleur
    Court Clerk
    San Andreas Judicial Branch
    (909) 241-7634 — [email protected]
Last edited by Darcy Valor on Mon Jul 04, 2022 4:57 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: State of San Andreas v. Jesus Monterrey

Post by Darcy Valor »


San Andreas Judicial Branch


Presiding Judge: Darcy Lafleur



State of San Andreas v. Jesus Monterrey

A court order was entered in the above case on July 3, 2022.

The case of the State of San Andreas v. Jesus Monterrey, #22-CM-0030 is hereby opened and acknowledged by the Court.

The prosecution is hereby ordered to provide all evidence collected from the arresting Law Enforcement Agency and submit it to the Court via Motion for Discovery within seven days. If additional time is needed, the prosecution can file a Motion for Continuance.

Once evidence has been submitted to the official docket the defense can begin filing motions.

Darcy Lafleur
Court Clerk
San Andreas Judicial Branch
(909) 241-7634 — [email protected]

Darcy Valor
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Re: #22-CM-0030, State of San Andreas v. Jesus Monterrey

Post by Cyrus Raven »


San Andreas Judicial Branch

Court Notice

  • Honourable Darcy Lafleur ,

    I, Junior Defense Attorney Cyrus Raven, will be co-counseling with Defense Attorney Tony McFornell and representing the defendant Jesus Monterrey in this case.

    Cyrus Raven
    Junior Defense Attorney
    San Andreas Judicial Branch
    5356160 — [email protected]
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Caroline Johnson
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Re: #22-CM-0030, State of San Andreas v. Jesus Monterrey

Post by Caroline Johnson »

On behalf of my co-counsel, @Roderick Marchisio, we present the court our discovery. We inform the court that Ace Kanungo no longer works for the sheriffs department, and we intend to present further discovery soon as we have been constrained by the 7 day limit on the order. Thank you.
Motion for Discovery
San Andreas Judicial Branch
Motion for Discovery

Honorable Lafleur,

  • We the Prosecution in the case below are presenting our discovery to the court.
    State of San Andreas v. Jesus Monterrey
    Assigned Court Case Number: #22-CM-0030
    Requesting Party: N/A
    Party Members: Caroline Johnson, Roderick Marchisio
    Exhibit #1: Arrest Report Jesus Monterrey
    Type of Discovery: Physical evidence
    • The arrest report dated 8th of June, 2022, as filed by Deputy Ace Kanugo gives an insight into the reasoning why the defendant was arrested.
    All Information from the Discovery The arrest report dated 8th of June, 2022 as filed by Deputy Ace Kanugo gives an insight into the reasoning why the defendant was arrested.
    • Exhibit A: Arrest Report Jesus Monterrey
      Submitting Party: Los Santos County Sheriff's Department
      • Full Name: Jesus Monterrey
        Telephone Number: 5731470
        Licenses Revoked: No
        • VF01 - Evading an Officer
        How did the suspect plea to the above charges?
        Suspect pleaded not guilty to all charges.
        Additional Details (Suspect's vehicle, etc.) :
        Vehicle Impounded by other unit
      • Vehicle A:
      • Full Name: Ace Kanungo
        Badge Number: 19636
        Callsign: 11-C-22
      • Date of Arrest: 2022-06-08
        Deputies Involved: Deputy Hunter, Inv Wilkinson, Sgt Haswell

        Provide details of the incident leading up to the arrest
        • We heard a call asking for a chase on TAC 1. We joined the call and were able to stop the suspects. There were 2 of them and we charged them w/ Felony Evading. They were bought to a stop at Great Ocean Highway by Route 68 intersection. Both of them were bought to DOC.
      • Exhibit A:
      Ace Kanungo

    Exhibit #2: Witness Statement Martin Haswell, Sergeant, Los Santos County Sheriff's Department
    Type of Discovery: Witness Statement
    • This official witness statement as filed and undersigned by Martin Haswell, Sergeant with the Los Santos Country Sheriff's Department, gives additional insight into the situation and shows that the defendant not only had multiple opportunities to exit the vehicle that was evading from the police, but also stepped into this vehicle willingly and on his own initiative.
    All Information from the Discovery This official witness statement as filed and undersigned by Martin Haswell, Sergeant with the Los Santos Country Sheriff's Department, gives additional insight into the situation and shows that the defendant not only had multiple opportunities to exit the vehicle that was evading from the police, but also stepped into this vehicle willingly and on his own initiative.
    • Image

      San Andreas Judicial Branch
      Official Witness Statement
      Case Information
      • Case Number: [N/A at time of filing]
        Incident Date: [07/JUN/2022]
      Witness Information
      • Name: [Martin Haswell]
        Date of Birth: [09/JAN/1996]
        Phone Number: [5689567]
        Occupation: [Sheriff's Deputy, Government Director]
      Witness Statement
      • On the evening of June 7th, 2022, I was conducting a standard patrol around the county, where I came across individual who the appellant refers to as "Alfred" and the appellant at the Paleto Bay Public Parking Lot. I, conducting standard patrol duties, scanned the license plates of both vehicles, and found that Alfred had expired tickets. I utilized my cruisers megaphone to inquire which one of them was Alfred. After getting confirmation of who Alfred was, I informed them that they had tickets that had expired quite recently (No more than hours before) and offered him a grace period in which I would follow him to the Paleto Bay Sheriff's Office for him to pay off his tickets.

        Alfred then said to the Appellant something along the lines of "Get the Car ready Jesus!" (Pronounced Heyzuz) at which point Alfred entered the drivers seat and drove in the direction of the Paleto Bay Sheriff's Office.

        Once Mr. Monterrey's vehicle failed to lane change into the turning lane in front of Lost's Shack (The Gun Store in Paleto Bay) I called for additional units and turned on my lights and sirens, at which point the driver began to actively evade.

        To refute the claim from the Appellant stating that they did not have ample or safe time to exit the vehicle: The driver of the vehicle, repeatedly fell asleep at the wheel, alongside the appellant, and would stir from these seemingly narcoleptic episodes whenever Deputies made attempts to box the vehicle in. Efforts to box in the vehicle were not effective and they continued evading towards the Metropolitan city area. From there, we decided that the combination of their falling asleep at the wheel, and reckless driving behaviors would be a greater risk for the general public than if we were to simply continue chasing them, so a PIT maneuver was authorized and executed just south of Route 68 on Great Ocean Highway. Once again, the driver fell asleep at the wheel after the pursuit, and was medically examined by Zero Hunter, who is employed by Los Santos Emergency Services.

        Mr. Monterrey received the charge of Felony Evading, later renamed to Evading an Officer as ordered by the Commissioners, due to the fact that he had numerous safe opportunities to exit the vehicle (When Alfred had fallen asleep) and the fact that he provided his vehicle for Alfred to evade in to begin with.
      Witness Affirmation
      • I, [Martin Haswell], affirm that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. I affirm that this statement has been made voluntarily, made without promise of reward, and made not under threat, force, or coercion. ((I affirm that all information submitted has been obtained via In-Character means.))


        [Martin Haswell]
        [Sergeant, Interim Director]
        [Los Santos County Sheriff's Department, San Andreas State Government.]

        Date: [22/JUN/2022]
    Exhibit #3: Witness Statement Zero Hunter, Deputy Sheriff III, Los Santos County Sheriff's Department
    Type of Discovery: Witness Statement
    • This official witness statement as filed and undersigned by Zero Hunter, Deputy Sheriff III with the Los Santos Country Sheriff's Department, gives additional insight into the situation and gives another sworn confirmation that the defendant not had multiple opportunities to exit the vehicle that was evading from the police.
    All Information from the Discovery This official witness statement as filed and undersigned by Zero Hunter, Deputy Sheriff III with the Los Santos Country Sheriff's Department, gives additional insight into the situation and gives another sworn confirmation that the defendant not had multiple opportunities to exit the vehicle that was evading from the police.
    • Image

      San Andreas Judicial Branch
      Official Witness Statement
      Case Information
      • Case Number: [Unknown]
        Incident Date: [07/JUN/2022]
      Witness Information
      • Name: [Zero Hunter]
        Date of Birth: [08/JAN/1999]
        Phone Number: [REDACTED]
        Occupation: [Deputy Sheriff]
      Witness Statement
      • [The day started off very normal, I had just started watch and was about to leave when a trainee, Ace Kanungo, had asked me if he could be my partner for the shift. As he was a trainee and can not go out alone, I said alright and we got ready. With Kanungo driving as he needed the practice, TAC was called for a pursuit of an evading vehicle. We responded directly from the station and headed southbound on Great Ocean Highway. We eventually caught up with the pursuit and I advised the trainee to try and go ahead of the car to block one of the paths it could go to force it in a specific direction of travel. ((Desync occurred during this)) The trainee ended up pitting the car instead and caused them to crash into a pile of rocks, immobilising them.

        We then all got out of the car and I was the one completing arresting procedure on Mr. Monterrey. He did ask why he was being arrested, I initially told him it was just detainment but after speaking to my supervisors on scene, I was told he had a chance to leave the car at a safe time and avoid being associated with the pursuit which he failed to take. This resulted in me making it an arrest rather than detaining him. He was then placed in my car with Alfred and they were both taken to DOC for further processing.

        I would like to point out that during the arrest and transport Mr. Monterrey had a few memory problems. When asked questions he would seem confused, during transport he even completely forgot about the situation and I had to remind him that he was being transported to DOC due to his evading an officer charge and had to remind him of the entire thing. He even reminisced his times in the military and had rash reactions to present day situations which seemed slightly affected by his prior life in the military I assume. Overall I am not a medic or psychologist, I would not be able to tell you what he has or does not have in terms of problems mentally but anyone would be able to advise you from the conversations we had that he was struggling with memory and his past.]
      Witness Affirmation
      • I, [Zero Hunter], affirm that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. I affirm that this statement has been made voluntarily, made without promise of reward, and made not under threat, force, or coercion. ((I affirm that all information submitted has been obtained via In-Character means.))


        [Zero Hunter]
        [Deputy Sheriff III]
        [Los Santos Sheriff’s Department]

        Date: [28/JUN/2022]
    Exhibit #4: Bodycam footage Zero Hunter
    Type of Discovery: Physical evidence
    • This bodycam footage as provided by Zero Hunter, Deputy Sheriff III with the Los Santos Country Sheriff's Department, gives additional insight into the situation and gives yet another confirmation that the defendant not had multiple opportunities to exit the vehicle that was evading from the police.
    All Information from the Discovery This bodycam footage as provided by Zero Hunter, Deputy Sheriff III with the Los Santos Country Sheriff's Department, gives additional insight into the situation and gives yet another confirmation that the defendant not had multiple opportunities to exit the vehicle that was evading from the police.
    • ((
      Bodycam RP
      6th of June: Image
      7th of June: Image
      Bodycam Footage

      ((/do You would see a trainee (Ace Kanungo) walk up to the Deputy and ask for a sierra.
      /do Deputy would respond with a "yes sure", as he speaks a pursuit gets called on TAC 1. Both Deputies would be seen running to a Scout, unparking it, and leaving Paleto Station with lights and sirens on.
      /do They would head southbound on Great Ocean Highway and eventually reach Zancudo Tunnel where they first see a visual of the suspect's vehicle.
      /do Deputy would be heard speaking to the trainee saying "try to block them off from going into the city and force them into Route 68 if you can"
      /do The car would be seen accelerating past and would end up accidentally pitting the car into a few rocks at the end of Zancudo bridge ((This pit was desync, however)).
      /do Units would be seen leaving their vehicle and attempting to hold the suspects up as they go in for an arrest on both.
      /do Deputy would be seen arresting the man as he would ask over the radio "just to confirm the passenger had chances to leave the vehicle correct?"
      /do it would be met with a "yes he had chances".
      /do The deputy would place the man under arrest, read him his rights, and finish the arresting procedure. He would place them in the back seat of his cruiser together as he heads towards DOC.
      /do During the trip to DOC, you would hear conversations between the Deputies and 10-15s to be about war and history.
      /do You would hear Mr. Monterrey ask questions about where he is and what he is doing. How he got there.
      /do Deputy would respond by giving him the answers to his questions.
      /do He would get to DOC as they are passed onto DOC for processing.
      /do He would be then seen leaving DOC after signing the transfer paperwork with the trainee.
      /do the video would end.


Junior Prosecuting Attorney
San Andreas Judicial Branch
(909) 372-7719 — [email protected]
Last edited by Caroline Johnson on Sun Jul 10, 2022 3:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Antonio McFornell
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Re: #22-CM-0030, State of San Andreas v. Jesus Monterrey

Post by Antonio McFornell »

Motion for Continuance
San Andreas Judicial Branch
Motion for Continuance

Honorable Darcy Lafleur,

  • We the Defense in the case below are requesting a Continuance for 48 additional hours for the reason listed below.
    State of San Andreas v. Jesus Monterrey
    Assigned Court Case Number: #22-CM-0030
    Detailed explanation:
    It has been impossible to get in contact with our client, which leaves us with relying on the discovery that has been made by the prosecution and any eventual motions that we file. With that in mind, and to ensure that we are provided with a fair trial, we would like to request an additional 48 hours in order for us to draft our motions, responses and other documents to be brought to this docket.


Tony McFornell
Senior Defense Attorney

Cyrus Raven
Junior Defense Attorney
Antonio José McFornell
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Darcy Valor
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Re: #22-CM-0030, State of San Andreas v. Jesus Monterrey

Post by Darcy Valor »


San Andreas Judicial Branch

Re: State of San Andreas v. Jesus Monterrey

  • Parties,

    Before I grant the Motion for Continuance, since it has been brought to the court's attention, I am giving the Defendant 7 days to respond to the Public Docket stating they would like to move forward with their case. If they fail to do so, the case will be dismissed.

    Darcy Valor
    Court Clerk
    San Andreas Judicial Branch
    (909) 241-7634 — [email protected]
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Antonio McFornell
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Re: #22-CM-0030, State of San Andreas v. Jesus Monterrey

Post by Antonio McFornell »

Motion for Voluntary Dismissal
San Andreas Judicial Branch
Motion for Voluntary Dismissal

Honorable Darcy Valor,

  • We the Defense in the case below are requesting a voluntary dismissal from the court, please find the reason for it below.
    State of San Andreas v. Jesus Monterrey
    Assigned Court Case Number: #22-CM-0030
    Requesting Party: Defense
    Party Members: Tony McFornell, Cyrus Raven
    Voluntary Dismissal
    Detailed explanation:
    The defendant has approached his assigned attorney and requested that the case be dismissed, as he no longer wishes to pursue this matter in the court.
    Thank you for your consideration.


Tony McFornell
Senior Defense Attorney

Cyrus Raven
Junior Defense Attorney
Antonio José McFornell
Superior Court Judge
Director of the San Andreas Bar Association
Chairman of the Bar Ethics Review Board
Training & Hiring Staff

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Caroline Johnson
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Re: #22-CM-0030, State of San Andreas v. Jesus Monterrey

Post by Caroline Johnson »


San Andreas Judicial Branch

[SAJB] - State of San Andreas v. Jesus Monterrey

  • Superior Court of San Andreas,

    The prosecution in this case is appalled by the defendants choice to request Voluntary Dismissal after nearly 63K in taxpayer dollars have been spent on the discovery phase of this trial both for the salary the prosecution, as well as those who cooperated within the sheriffs department. Meaningful patrol time was lost during the discovery while the sheriffs department responded to our inquires providing detailed accounts of the events that transpired as well as finding bodycam footage.

    The court is expected to Levi a fine of $10,000 on the defendant as the case has at this point been activated. We request that the court consider further penalties, including criminal charges, on the defendant for the absolute waste of time this endeavor was for both sides, as well potentially for delaying a valid court order.


    Caroline Johnson
    San Andreas Judicial Branch
    (909) 590-4566 — [email protected]
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Darcy Valor
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Re: #22-CM-0030, State of San Andreas v. Jesus Monterrey

Post by Darcy Valor »

Form 3.0.5 - Issuance of Verdict

San Andreas Judicial Branch




State of San Andreas v. Jesus Monterrey

VF01 - Evading an Officer

A verdict was entered in the above case on the 15th day of July 2022.

  • The case of 22-CM-0030 - State of San Andreas v. Jesus Monterrey has hereby been resolved.

    The Motion of Voluntary Dismissal submitted by the Defense was granted at the Hearing that occurred on this date. The defendant had reached out to their attorney and expressed their wish not to continue with the case.

    Mr. Monterrey will be fined $10,000 in court fines.

    This case is now closed.

      • VF01 - Evading an Officer [GUILTY]

      Darcy Valor
      Superior Court Judge
      San Andreas Judicial Branch
      (909) 241-7634 — [email protected]

Darcy Valor
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