Sheriff's Newsletter - May 2021

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Bobby Kirk
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Sheriff's Newsletter - May 2021

Post by Bobby Kirk »



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    Undersheriff Bobby Kirk
    I and the rest of the Executive Staff are quite proud of the progress that we've made during May. Not only did we host a successful Traffic Weekend mid-month which saw a great number of drivers being stopped for various traffic violations, and as much as we don't want to ruin the weekends for people, it's our responsibility as law enforcement to protect and serve, this also includes keeping pedestrians and motorists safe on our roads. See below for more statistical information regarding the Traffic Weekend.

    Other than our Traffic Weekend, we've seen some major internal changes to our structure in May. These changes were made with the goal of making our department more organized and opening up the possibility for expansion in the future. For example, we introduced the Legal Advisory Unit to the Office of the Sheriff, in preparation for the much-needed court expansion.

    I'd also like to take this opportunity to provide a public service announcement, as we move into June, we're now officially in the summer. As in previous summers, we expect heat waves all throughout June and July, so it's of utmost importance, especially in the Los Santos County, that you remain vigilant - the heat will not only become a threat to the vulnerable, but it'll also cause people to do weird things, and that could be anything from taking a bath in your pool illegally to violence. Remember to contact your local Sheriff's Station should any suspicion arise.

    I would like to end this by welcoming all of our new employees who have joined us through May, and to those who will be joining us through June. Both the public and I look forward to seeing you in the field and for you to grow into your responsibilities as a Sheriff's Deputy.

    Undersheriff Bobby Kirk


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    Deputy Sheriff II Huw Parry

    We are pleased to announce Deputy Sheriff II Huw Parry as the Deputy of the Month for the month of May.

    Huw Parry, Deputy Sheriff II, has worked for the Los Santos Sheriff's Department for nearly three months. Deputy Parry passed his academy on March 14th, 2021, and has demonstrated an exceptional work ethic since receiving the badge. He is proud of his work with the Air Support Division and his efforts to progress within the Los Santos Sheriff's Department. Deputy Parry has proven to be a fantastic asset to the department. He is incredibly consistent, despite working a total of 203.92 hours in May.

    Deputy Parry has shown to be a valuable member of the department. He is actively working in the field and responds quickly. He had put up so much effort in the Air Support Division, making clear and loud callouts throughout each pursuit we had last month. Deputy Parry has put in countless hours, rising to the level of First Pilot within the division. The bravery, tenacity, and spirit that Parry brought to this department still remain, and we are all delighted to have him wearing our badge and representing our department in public.

    The Sheriff's Department wishes Deputy Sheriff II Huw Parry a long successful career with the Department, and that he adheres to his commitments to offer traditional and exemplary service to the community. Deputy Sheriff II Huw Parry will receive a $1,000.00 reward payment on behalf of the Sheriff's Department.

  • On May 14th, the Sheriff's Department announced on LifeInvader that we were holding a Traffic Weekend. While this may seem counter-intuitive it's important to understand that as law enforcement, it's not our goal to punish - it's our goal to proactively prevent crime from happening, and that includes traffic offenses. By knowing that our department was going to spend a weekend being extremely harsh on traffic enforcement, many motorists decided to enable their seemingly ancient and forgotten technique called cruise control.

    Normally, our Highway Enforcement Division focuses on traffic enforcement all throughout as it's their primary responsibility, however, for this weekend - all of our Sheriff's Deputies were tasked with focusing on traffic enforcement through, for example, speed traps. And we're happy to announce that this weekend was a success. Comparing our statistics from April to May, we saw a 121% increase in reported traffic stops (76 in April, 168 in May) while reported arrests saw a 28% increase (160 in April, 205 in May). Seeing how successful our traffic focus weekend was, it's likely that you'll be seeing more of these impromptu and pop-up PSAs from the department in the future.

    We'd like to highlight the work of one Sheriff's Deputy, in particular, Corporal Christopher Porter, who also serves in our Highway Enforcement Division. Corporal Porter took this traffic-focused weekend very seriously and as a senior member of the Highway Enforcement Division, he took the division and established several traffic checkpoints throughout the county during the weekend. One day into the weekend, Corporal Porter's statistics looked as following:
    • 25 individual traffic stops.
    • Two traffic checkpoints attended with the Highway Enforcement Division, where;
      • Over 60 vehicles were checked.
      • 10 arrests were made.
      • 18 citations were issued.
      • 5 driver's licenses were suspended
      • 6 weapons were confiscated
    During my time at the Los Santos County Sheriff's Office, I've conducted hundreds of traffic stops. The roadways in Los Santos in my opinion are some of the deadliest parts of the county. During these traffic weekends we aim to lower the statistics of fatalities, traffic citations, and crime along our county's roadways and by-ways, And most importantly to interact with our fellow citizens. We aim to do so by conducting speed traps along the highways and inner highways, checkpoints to insure everyone is sober for one, driving with a valid license and checking their records, and getting criminals off the streets of Los Santos. I aim to continue conducting as many traffic stops as I can to make the streets safer and to have all citizens follow the rules and regulations while driving on our roadways.

    - Corporal Christopher Porter.

    Overall, it was a very successful traffic event and one that we can assure the public that they will see more of.



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    Master Deputy Clay Wilson graduated from the Sheriff's Academy on October 31st, 2020. Today, he is part of many divisions including the recruitment and employment division, advanced training division, and our field training division. Leading to him being someone who is part of the entire process of recruiting, training, and certifying our new deputies. Due to his extraordinary contribution, he was made the Field Training Deputy of the month for May 2021.

    In order for the public to get to know Master Deputy Wilson better, we sent him a list of questions to answer;

    When did you join the Los Santos County Sheriff's Department?
    At the end of October 2020.

    What is your favorite thing about being a deputy at the LSSD?
    I enjoy working with a group of similarly minded individuals. In a time of such political correctness, it's great to work in a department that has traditional Christian values.

    What is your most memorable moment while serving as a deputy for the LSSD?
    My most memorable moment was my academy. It meant so much for me to finally join the LSSD. I was so excited for the days leading up, and once it finishes I just keep reading the handbook, trying to make sure that I had a good start.

    Why did you become a deputy for the LSSD?
    My father was a deputy back home so it was always a dream for me. The LSSD also shares a lot of values that I hold dear such as their Christian values and of course their harsh stance on lawbreakers.

    What is the greatest feeling about being a deputy?
    Helping people feels pretty good. When you return someone's car and they have some sentimental items in them, they are usually very appreciative to get their vehicle back. I had a situation last week, where we stumbled upon two women being robbed. The criminals had made her drop her top as it was their "gang color". We arrived just at the right time to help the women out, and we made a big difference that night.

    Where do you see yourself in the LSSD 2 months from now?
    I hope to join the Sergeant Training Program, and ideally, in 2 months, I would be near the end of that.

    What do you like doing outside of work?
    I like to buy and flip property and sometimes vehicles. I usually work a lot, except for Sunday mornings when I go to Church. My typical weekend would be heading to Church, then the shooting range before coming home for a beer and brisket.

    Do you have anything to add for the public?
    I encourage members of the public to try out our ride-along program, it's a great way not only to gain some initial experience but also to meet different members of this Department. The Sheriff's Department may not be as big as the Los Santos Police Department, but we compromise with our strict focus on camaraderie within the Department.



  • Image Lieutenant ► Image Captain
    • Jason Wild
    • Jon McCornish
    Image Sergeant ► Image Staff Sergeant
    • Tyrone Balakay
    Image Master Deputy ► Image Corporal
    • Garret Groyce
    • Noah Carlile
    • Luka Rosselli
    • Christopher Porter
    • Colt Smith
    • Paulo Witherfork (Reinstatement)
    Image Master Deputy ► Image Agent
    • Argus Sneijder
    Image Deputy Sheriff III ► Image Master Deputy
    • Axel Sutherland
      Seth Cincaid
      Toni Salatoni
      Clay Wilson
    Image Deputy Sheriff II ► Image Deputy Sheriff III
    • Fitz Keegan (Reinstatement)
    • Harvey Michelson
    • Steve Rudy (Reinstatement)
    • Joe Olson
    • Stephany Reeder
    Image Deputy Sheriff I ► Image Deputy Sheriff II
    • Victoria McJohnson
    • Ronnie Silver
    • Jay Willson
    • Huw Parry
    • Ian Walter
    • Umbra Smith
    • David Artillery
    • Kai Carson
    • Marsal Rias
    • Michael Fontana
    • Viktor Walker
    • Lance Spencer
    • Charlie Wilkinson
    • Anthony Rivera (Transfer)
    Image Deputy Sheriff Trainee ►Image Deputy Sheriff I
    • Lance Spencer
    • Miguel Cruz
    • John Rowntree
    • Alex Consgratti
    • Mikael Michelson
    • Elysia Smith
    • Kento Mendez
    • Steven Lee
    • Mickey King
    • Tom Handley (Reinstatement)
    • Mannfred Valentine (Reinstatement)




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    "The goal of internal affairs is to ensure that the integrity of the department is maintained through a system of internal discipline where fairness and justice are assured by an objective and impartial investigation and review."

    The Internal Affairs Division is one of the Sheriff's Department's key divisions that work hand-in-hand with the Sheriff's Information Division to strengthen the transparency and reliability of the department. For the public, the Internal Affairs Division is important as it serves as an investigative arm of the department with the goal of rooting out misconduct and unprofessionalism among our employees. It's the division's goal to ensure that each and every member of the public receives proper policing from our department and its employees, and during instances where proper policing isn't provided, its goal is to ensure that proper corrective action is taken.

    Internal Affairs is a division that operates directly under the Office of the Sheriff, and it's supervised by both the Undersheriffs together with an Assistant Sheriff assigned as the direct supervisor for the Office of the Sheriff. At the moment, the division remains without a Commanding Officer and has been without one for a longer period, this is sole because the division is like none other, and whoever is appointed to the position has to be properly trained and have an adequate amount of experience.

    The division currently consists of 4 investigators who hold at least the rank of Sergeant in the department. It's our hope to be able to fill the division with more investigators as our supervisors-in-training completes their supervisor training program, as the division is in dire need of competent personnel to help with the recent spike in received Internal Affairs Reports.

    We'd also like to remind the public that Internal Affairs is not your only option. All field supervisors and above are trained and expected to perform employee misconduct investigations, unless your complaint is very serious e.g. you have a complaint about the attitude of an employee, you can contact one of our field supervisors at either Paleto Sheriff's Office or Sandy Shores Sheriff's Office and they will take your complaint and perform an investigation into it.


  • Thank you for reading this newsletter. The Sheriff's Information Division is proud of being able to deliver this information to you, as we believe that transparency is the key to success.

    We would like to take this opportunity to remind you that you can find the Los County Sheriff's Department on LifeInvader. We plan to publish a wide variety of releases on our LifeInvader page, as we believe that being transparent is the best way of connecting with our communities. So if you want to keep up with the department, make sure that you press that 'Like' button to receive updates each time we publish something.

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    Undersheriff Bobby Kirk
    (909) 596-1688 — [email protected]

    Sheriff's Information Division
    Los Santos County Sheriff's Department
    Procopio Promenade 1, Paleto Bay
    Los Santos, SA, 909
Sheriff Bobby Kirk
Los Santos County Sheriff's Department
A Tradition of Service

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